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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(加、澳)ASHER SKOWRONEK (澳)毕熙燕编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787560070605
  • 页数:194 页
标签:编著 芝麻

Unit One Weight and Dieting 体重与节食  1

Part Ⅰ:Western People Are Getting Heavier 西方人越来越重  1

Part Ⅱ:Love Your Body 热爱你的身体  9

Unit Two Insured Against Risk 保险抵御风险  21

Part Ⅰ:Of Flying Roofs and Cats 会飞的屋顶与猫灾  21

Part Ⅱ:Insurance Humor 保险幽默  29

Unit Three Man's Best Friends 人类的挚友  39

Part Ⅰ:Refugee Cat and Savior Dog 难民猫和救生狗  39

Part Ⅱ:An Animal's Life 动物的生活  50

Unit Four Marriage in the Space Age 太空时代的婚姻  59

Part Ⅰ:Unusual Weddings 不同寻常的婚礼  59

Part Ⅱ:Tying the Knot in the 21st Century 结缘21世纪  70

Unit Five Electronic Relationships 电子人际关系 81

Part Ⅰ:Mobile Couples 移动伴侣 81

Part Ⅱ:Marriages in Cyberspace 网婚 91

Unit Six Love Rats 爱情老鼠 101

Part Ⅰ:The Business of Love 爱情生意 101

Part Ⅱ:Unfaithful or Just Flirting? 不忠或仅仅是调情? 108

Unit Seven Of Death and Dying 死亡与临终 121

Part Ⅰ:Cars and Coffins 汽车与棺材 121

Part Ⅱ:Funerals and the Humor of It 丧礼及其幽默 131

Unit Eight Growing Pains—Bullying in schools 成长的烦恼——校园里的恃强凌弱 139

Part Ⅰ:No Longer Invisible 不再无形 139

Part Ⅱ:Children Speak Out About Bullying 孩子们揭发恃强凌弱的现象 148

Unit nine John Lennon's Dream of Peace 约翰·列侬的和平梦 159

Part Ⅰ:Songs of Ideals 理想之歌 159

Part Ⅱ:Give Peace a Chance 给和平一个机会 167

Unit Ten Generation X X一代 175

Part Ⅰ:Material Jungle 物质丛林 175

Part Ⅱ:What's Wrong with Generation X? X一代怎么了? 184
