- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:侯侠主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7040208032
- 页数:186 页
Lesson 1 Atomic structure 1
Reading material Chemical bonding 6
Lesson 2 Nomenclature of organic compounds-hydrocarbons 11
Reading material Benzene 17
Lesson 3 Fluid-flow phenomena 23
Reading material Pumps 27
Lesson 4 Heat transfer 33
Reading material Heat exchangers 37
Lesson 5 Distillation principle 42
Reading material Distillation methods 47
Lesson 6 Gas absorption 52
Reading material Plate columns and packed columns 56
Lesson 7 Crystallization 61
Reading material Filtration and drying 65
Lesson 8 The technologies of petroleum refining 70
Reading material Gasoline 75
Lesson 9 Synthetic ammonia 80
Reading material Introduction to inorganic materials chemistry 85
Lesson 10 Styrene 89
Reading material Organic chemical processing technology 93
Lesson 11 Food additives 100
Reading material Considerations of industrial fine chemical synthesis 105
Lesson 12 Polymerization techniques 112
Reading material Polymers 117
Lesson 13 Biochemical engineering 122
Reading material Vitamins 126
Lesson 14 Clean coal technologies 130
Reading material Clean prodution 134
Lesson 15 Computers and chemical engineering 140
Reading material The introduction about a software application 145
Lesson 16 Specification sheet of some devices 149
Reading material Specification sheet and introduction of materials 155
Lesson 17 The instrumentation of compressor of control system 159
Reading material Operating instructions of lab-scale system 163
Appendix 1 Names of common organic radicals 168
Appendix 2 The table of chemical elements 171
Appendix 3 Mathematical symbols 173
Appendix 4 Glossary 174
参考文献 186
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- 《广西近代专业音乐研究》李昂责任编辑;(中国)杨柳成 2019
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