- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王向东主编
- 出 版 社:成都:四川民族出版社;四川出版集团
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787540935672
- 页数:224 页
Unit 1
Text A Learning a language 1
Reading Passage:Changes in the English language 3
Text B How to be a successful language learner? 6
Reading Passage:Language 9
Unit 2
Text A Deserts 12
Reading Passage:The Earth's spreading deserts 15
Text B San Francisco on fire 18
Reading Passage:Danger!Your home may be wired for death 22
Unit 3
Text A Going home 25
Reading Passage:The young and the old 31
Text B Home 33
Reading Passage:The workhorse of the family 37
Unit 4
Text A Freshman friendship 40
Reading Passage:How Americans view friendship 44
Text B Punctuality 46
Reading Passage:If only 49
Unit 5
Text A Stop smoking in public places 52
Reading Passage:The battle against AIDS 57
Text B Heart disease:treat or prevent? 60
Reading Passage:Will it matter if I skip breakfast 63
Unit 6
Text A Don't worry about failure 66
Reading Passage:Creativity—encouraging children to think(Ⅰ) 70
Text B Sail round the world 72
Reading Passage:Creativity—encouraging children to think(Ⅱ) 78
Unit 7
Text A Funny or not? 81
Reading Passage:The man who made you laugh 84
Text B How TV violence affects kids 86
Reading Passage:High technology in the house 90
Unit 8
Text A The centennial Olympic Games 92
Reading Passage:The Olympics 95
Text B Volunteers for Beijing's Olympics 97
Reading Passage:Racing 102
Unit 9
Text A The more you give,the happier you become 105
Reading Passage:Keep alive your sense of humor 108
Text B Profits of praise 110
Reading Passage:How to say sorry 117
Unit 10
Text A Mugging 120
Reading Passage:Victims of pickpockets 123
Text B There's only luck 125
Reading Passage:Face to face with guns 131
Unit 11
Text A Life and death 135
Reading Passage:A narrow escape 139
Text B A day's wait 141
Reading Passage:The road not taken 148
Grammar 150
Noun and Pronoun(名词和代词) 150
Article(冠词) 154
Adjective and Adverb(形容词和副词) 156
Preposition(介词) 160
Auxiliary verb(情态动词) 169
Non-finite Verb(非谓语动词) 172
Tense(时态) 178
Voice(语态) 184
Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气) 189
Simple and Compound Sentence(简单句和并列句) 194
Exclamation,Imperative and Stress(感叹、祈使和强调句) 196
Subject-Verb Concord(主谓一致) 199
Complex Sentence(复合句) 204
Ellipsis and Inversion(省略与倒装) 215
Acknowledgements 224
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