外教社新世纪中职英语 第1册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄源深主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787544603836
- 页数:358 页
Unit 1 Meeting People 1
Part one Preparing for the tasks 1
Ⅰ.Listening 1
Ⅱ.Speaking 2
Ⅲ.Reading 3
Ⅳ.Summing up 4
Part two Performing the tasks 5
Task 1:Meeting someone at the airport 5
Task 2:Introducing people to each other 7
Part three Polishing your skills 9
1.Listening 9
2.Reading 9
3.Making a conversation 10
4.Translation 11
Part four Language and culture 11
Ⅰ.Language focus 11
Ⅱ.Culture notes 12
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 12
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 13
Part five For further development 14
Ⅰ.Listening 14
Ⅱ.Reading 15
Part six The joy of English 16
Unit 2 Thanking People 17
Part one Preparing for the tasks 17
Ⅰ.Listening 17
Ⅱ.Speaking 18
Ⅲ.Reading 19
Ⅳ.Summing up 20
Part two Performing the tasks 21
Task 1:Thanking someone for being invited to a dinner party 21
Task 2:Thanking someone for having taken good care of you 23
Part three Polishing your skills 24
1.Listening 24
2.Reading 25
3.Making a conversation 26
4.Translation 26
Part four Language and culture 27
Ⅰ.Language focus 27
Ⅱ.Culture notes 27
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 28
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 28
Part five For further development 29
Ⅰ.Listening 29
Ⅱ.Reading 29
Part six The joy of English 30
Unit 3 Making Apologies 31
Part one Preparing for the tasks 31
Ⅰ.Listening 31
Ⅱ.Speaking 32
Ⅲ.Reading 33
Ⅳ.Summing up 34
Part two Performing the tasks 35
Task 1:Apologizing for mistakes made at work 35
Task 2:Writing a letter of apology to a client 37
Part three Polishing your skills 39
1.Listening 39
2.Reading 40
3.Making a conversation 41
4.Translation 41
Part four Language and culture 42
Ⅰ.Language focus 42
Ⅱ.Culture notes 42
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 43
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 44
Part five For further development 44
Ⅰ.Listening 44
Ⅱ.Reading 45
Part six The joy of English 46
Unit 4 Asking for Permission 47
Part one Preparing for the tasks 47
Ⅰ.Listening 47
Ⅱ.Speaking 48
Ⅲ.Reading 49
Ⅳ.Summing up 51
Part two Performing the tasks 51
Task 1:Asking to try on clothes before buying them 51
Task 2:Negotiating rent for a flat 53
Part three Polishing your skills 55
1.Listening 55
2.Reading 56
3.Making a conversation 57
4.Translation 57
Part four Language and culture 58
Ⅰ.Language focus 58
Ⅱ.Culture notes 59
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 59
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 60
Part five For further development 60
Ⅰ.Listening 60
Ⅱ.Reading 61
Part six The joy of English 63
Revision Ⅰ (Units 1-4) 64
Ⅰ.Functions 64
1.Review the basic sentence patterns 64
2.Review these other sentence structures 64
3.Review the phrasal expressions 65
4.Review the eight tasks 65
Ⅱ.Usage 66
1.Listening comprehension 66
2.Vocabulary 67
3.Grammar 68
4.Speaking 69
5.Translation 70
6.Reading comprehension 70
Unit 5 Expressing Wishes and Congratulations 73
Part one Preparing for the tasks 73
Ⅰ.Listening 73
Ⅱ.Speaking 74
Ⅲ.Reading 75
Ⅳ.Summing up 76
Part two Performing the tasks 76
Task 1:Expressing wishes 76
Task 2:Congratulating someone 78
Part three Polishing your skills 79
1.Listening 79
2.Reading 80
3.Translation 81
Part four Language and culture 81
Ⅰ.Language focus 81
Ⅱ Culture notes 82
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 82
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 83
Part five For further development 84
Ⅰ.Listening 84
Ⅱ.Reading 84
Part six The joy of English 85
Unit 6 Making Requests 86
Part one Preparing for the tasks 86
Ⅰ.Listening 86
Ⅱ.Speaking 87
Ⅲ.Reading 88
Ⅳ.Summing up 89
Part two Performing the tasks 89
Task 1:Asking someone to buy something for a dinner party 89
Task 2:Asking someone to help buy a takeaway lunch 91
Part three Polishing your skills 93
1.Listening 93
2.Reading 94
3.Making a conversation 95
4.Translation 95
Part four Language and culture 95
Ⅰ.Language focus 95
Ⅱ.Culture notes 96
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 96
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 97
Part five For further development 98
Ⅰ.Listening 98
Ⅱ.Reading 99
Part six The joy of English 100
Unit 7 Extending an Invitation 101
Part one Preparing for the tasks 101
Ⅰ.Listening 101
Ⅱ.Speaking 102
Ⅲ.Reading 103
Ⅳ.Summing up 105
Part two Performing the tasks 105
Task 1:Inviting someone to afternoon tea 105
Task 2:Accepting/Declining a dinner invitation 107
Part three Polishing your skills 109
1.Listening 109
2.Reading 110
3.Making a conversation 111
4.Translation 112
Part four Language and culture 112
Ⅰ.Language focus 112
Ⅱ.Culture notes 113
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 113
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 114
Part five For further development 114
Ⅰ.Listening 114
Ⅱ.Reading 115
Part six The joy of English 116
Unit 8 Saying Goodbye 117
Part one Preparing for the tasks 117
Ⅰ.Listening 117
Ⅱ.Speaking 119
Ⅲ.Reading 120
Ⅳ.Summing up 121
Part two Performing the tasks 121
Task 1:Saying goodbye after visiting someone's home 121
Task 2:Seeing someone off at the airport 123
Part three Polishing your skills 125
1.Listening 125
2.Reading 126
3.Making a conversation 127
4.Translation 127
Part four Language and culture 128
Ⅰ.Language focus 128
Ⅱ.Culture notes 129
Ⅲ.Checklist of vocabulary 129
Ⅳ.Checklist of sentence patterns 130
Part five For further development 130
Ⅰ.Listening 130
Ⅱ.Reading 131
Part six The joy of English 132
Revision Ⅱ (Units 5-8) 133
Ⅰ.Functions 133
1.Review the basic sentence patterns 133
2.Review these other sentence structures 133
3.Review the phrasal expressions 134
4.Review the eight tasks 134
Ⅱ.Usage 135
1.Listening comprehension 135
2.Vocabulary 136
3.Grammar 137
4.Speaking 138
5.Translation 139
6.Reading comprehension 140
Key to Workbook 143
Glossary 211
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