- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:于万锁著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787532390700
- 页数:360 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
提要 1
本章英汉术语对照表 2
1.1 Discourse and communication 4
1.1.1 The definition of discourse 6
1.1.2 Discourse features 7
1.1.3 Basic factors affecting discourse communication 14
1.2 Discourse analysis and its object of study 15
1.3 Two approaches to discourse research 18
1.3.1 The views of Structural Linguistics 18
1.3.2 The views of Functional Linguistics 19
1.4 Conclusion 21
Chapter Two Discourse and Context 23
提要 23
本章英汉术语对照表 24
2.1 Introduction to context 26
2.2 The close link between discourse and context 27
2.3 Discourse context 31
2.3.1 Immediate context 31
2.3.2 Remote context 33
2.4 Discourse world and real world 34
2.5 Contextual features and discourse interpretation 36
2.5.1 Contextual features 36
2.5.2 Three principles and discourse interpretation 40
2.6 Conclusion 44
Chapter Three Information in Discourse 46
提要 46
本章英汉术语对照表 47
3.1 Information status 49
3.2 Information structure 51
3.3 Theme-rheme structure 54
3.4 Thematic development in discourse 57
3.5 Conclusion 67
Chapter Four Discourse Topic 69
提要 69
本章英汉术语对照表 70
4.1 The definition of topic 72
4.2 Topic hierarchy in discourse 78
4.3 Topic-marking devices 80
4.3.1 Paragraph 81
4.3.2 Paratone 83
4.3.3 Explicit linguistic markers 84
4.4 Topic-emphasizing devices 86
4.4.1 Using explicit indicators 86
4.4.2 Using left-displaced structures 87
4.4.3 Lengthening the discussion of the topic in discourse 89
4.4.4 Using special constructions 90
4.5 Topic development 92
4.5.1 Topic continuity 92
4.5.2 Topic change 93
4.5.3 Topic break 96
4.6 The functions of topic 98
4.7 Conclusion 98
Chapter Five Discourse Stance 100
提要 100
本章英汉术语对照表 101
5.1 Definition of stance 102
5.2 Types of stance in discourse 103
5.3 Stance marking devices 108
5.4 Discourse stance and ideology 111
5.5 Conclusion 117
Chapter Six Relations between Discourse Structures 119
提要 119
本章英汉术语对照表 120
6.1 Vocabulary and discourse patterns 124
6.1.1 Discourse-organizing words and the problem-solution pattern 124
6.1.2 Discourse-organizing words and the claim-counterclaim pattern 128
6.1.3 Discourse-organizing words and the question-answer pattern 130
6.1.4 Discourse-organizing words and the general-particular pattern 131
6.1.5 Discourse-organizing words and the opportunity-taking pattern 134
6.1.6 The use of the common patterns in the natural discourse 135
6.2 Grammar and discourse types 136
6.2.1 Sentence types and genres 136
6.2.2 Tense,aspect,voice and common genres 137
6.3 Clause relations 144
6.3.1 Logical relations 146
6.3.2 Semantic relation 152
6.3.3 Pragmatic relation 152
6.4 Discourse orderings 153
6.4.1 The chronological order 154
6.4.2 The spatial order 158
6.4.3 The cognitive orders 160
6.4.4 The abnormal orders 161
6.5 Conclusion 164
Chapter Seven Cohesion and Coherence in Discourse 165
提要 165
本章英汉术语对照表 166
7.1 The relationship between cohesion and coherence 168
7.1.1 The cohesive-but-not-coherent viewpoint 168
7.1.2 The coherent-but-not cohesive viewpoint 169
7.1.3 The cohesion-as-the-foundation-for-coherence viewpoint 170
7.2 Cohesion in discourse 170
7.2.1 Reference 171
7.2.2 Ellipsis 177
7.2.3 Substitution 179
7.2.4 Conjunction 181
7.2.5 Lexical cohesion 185
7.3 Coherence in discourse 189
7.3.1 Theories explaining coherence 189
7.3.2 Strategies for establishing coherence 195
7.4 Conclusion 200
Chapter Eight Common Spoken Discourse Communication 202
提要 202
本章英汉术语对照表 203
8.1 The characteristics of spoken discourse 207
8.2 The production of spoken discourse 208
8.2.1 The planning of discourse 210
8.2.2 The planning of sentence 212
8.2.3 The planning of constituent 213
8.2.4 The articulatory program 213
8.2.5 The articulation 213
8.3 Oral discourse communication in language learning and teaching 214
8.3.1 The characteristics of classroom lessons 214
8.3.2 Lecture 227
8.3.3 Story-telling and Labov's model of narrative 234
8.4 Discourse analysis and listening comprehension test 238
8.4.1 The characteristics of directions for listening comprehension 239
8.4.2 The characteristics of the stem-and-alternative section 240
8.4.3 The characteristics of the main body 243
8.4.4 An analysis of a dialogue 244
8.4.5 An analysis of a monologue 249
8.5 Conclusion 253
Chapter Nine Common Written Discourse Communication 255
提要 255
本章英汉术语对照表 257
9.1 Common discoursal problems in Chinese students'compositions 260
9.1.1 Inappropriate discourse organization 261
9.1.2 Irrational topic development 267
9.1.3 Indefinite discourse stance 269
9.1.4 Insufficient information and improper thematic development 273
9.1.5 Incorrect and inappropriate use of discourse components 275
9.2 Methods for overcoming the discoursal problems in English writing 280
9.3 The planning of written discourse 283
9.4 The 472-discourse-producing approach 285
9.4.1 Four ways of introduction 286
9.4.2 Seven ways of development 295
9.4.3 Two ways of conclusion 312
9.5 Discourse analysis and cloze test 314
9.5.1 A three-step model for analyzing cloze discourses 314
9.5.2 Anexemplification of discourse analysis in the cloze test 316
9.6 Discourse analysis and reading comprehension 328
9.6.1 A discourse-based approach to reading comprehension 328
9.6.2 Different reading comprehension questions and their solutions 329
9.7 Conclusion 352
References 353
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