- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈兵著
- 出 版 社:合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7312020380
- 页数:240 页
Chapter 1 Introduction:the First British Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature and a Controversial Writer 1
1.1 Rudyard Kipling Reconsidered 1
1.2 Rudyard Kipling's Works and Their Value 3
1.2.1 Rudyard Kipling's Writing Career 3
1.2.2 The Value of Rudyard Kipling's Works 7
1.3 A New Interpretation 18
Chapter 2 The Rise and Fall of Rudyard Kipling in Literary Critical History 22
2.1 Criticism of Rudyard Kipling in England 22
2.1.1 Rudyard Kipling's Meterotic Rise to Fame 23
2.1.2 Satire and Criticism 31
2.1.3 Rudyard Kipling's Climb Back to Celebrity 36
2.2 Critical Reception of Rudyard Kipling Outside England 49
2.2.1 Critical Reception of Rudyard Kipling in the English and Russian World 49
2.2.2 Criticism of Rudyard Kipling in China 54
Chapter 3 Empire and Identity 66
3.1 The Victorian Period:An Imperialistic Age 66
3.1.1 The Social and Historical Context 66
3.1.2 The Cultural and Philosophical Developments 69
3.1.3 Imperialism in the Victorian Period 74
3.2 Rudyard Kipling's Empire 79
3.2.1 Rudyard Kipling's Philosophy for Living 79
3.2.2 Rudyard Kipling's Identity Crisis 86
3.2.3 Rudyard Kipling's Notion of Imperialism 94
Chapter 4 Fears and Anxieties:Rudyard Kipling's Early Indian Stories 103
4.1 Introduction 103
4.2 The Anglo-Indian Stories 106
4.3 The Military Stories 120
4.4 The Native Indian Stories 133
4.5 Summary 142
Chapter 5 Law and Control:Rudyard Kipling's Indian Stories in Brattleboro 145
5.1 Introduction 145
5.2 Persistence of Ideal Imperialism 147
5.3 The Law 151
5.4 Anxiety and Divided Loyalties 163
5.5 Beginning of the East-West Reconciliation 175
5.6 Summary 184
Chapter 6 Kim:Reconciliation of the East and the West 186
6.1 Kim's Writing and Literary Reception 186
6.2 Conflicts and Opposition 194
6.3 Imperialism or Not? 200
6.4 Kim:Representative of the East and the West 211
6.5 Revisions:Transcendence of Racism 216
Chapter 7 Conclusion 228
References 233
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