21世纪大学英语专业教材 新编英语专业口语教程PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:齐乃政总主编;都宁主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7301083769
- 页数:242 页
1 Modern Lives 1
1.1 Modern Technology and Modern Life 1
1.2 Modern Cities and Modern Life 4
1.3 Modern People and Modern Syndrome 8
1.4 Modern Lifestyles 13
1.5 Tapescripts and Keys 17
2 Housing 19
2.1 Sustainable Development of Housing 19
2.2 Modern Methods of Construction 23
2.3 The Department of Housing and Urban Development 27
2.4 A Place of Refuge in Baytown 30
2.5 Tapescripts and Keys 32
3 Romance 34
3.1 Start a Mass Dating Campaign 34
3.2 Happy Valentine's Day 39
3.3 Wedding 43
3.4 Marriage 46
3.5 Tapescripts and Keys 47
4 Historical Figures 50
4.1 Peace Makers 50
4.2 Industry Giants 55
4.3 Great Masters 59
4.4 World Champions 61
4.5 Tapescripts and Keys 63
5 Life in the Future 66
5.1 Duplicated People 66
5.2 Future Life Assumptions 69
5.3 Future Activities 73
5.4 Plan for Future 75
5.5 Tapescripts and Keys 76
6 Exotic Travel 78
6.1 European Travel Skills 78
6.2 Attractions in USA 81
6.3 Tips for Smart European Travel 85
6.4 Plan Your Travel in USA 89
6.5 Tapescripts and Keys 91
7 Holidays & Celebrations 94
7.1 Holidays round the Year 94
7.2 Tips on Holidays 96
7.3 Happy Mother's Day 99
7.4 Happy Holidays 101
7.5 Tapescripts and Keys 106
8 Animals 108
8.1 Animals in Danger 108
8.2 Animal Protection 111
8.3 Pets 116
8.4 Animals and People 121
8.5 Tapeseripts and Keys 123
9 Strange Stories 125
9.1 Extraterrestrial Life 125
9.2 Chinese Ghost Culture 129
9.3 Unexplained Mysteries 134
9.4 Beyond Bizarre 136
9.5 Tapescripts and Keys 138
10 The Internet 140
10.1 Introducing the Internet 140
10.2 Is the Internet Dead for Independent Musicians? 144
10.3 Hackers and Internet Security 148
10.4 Online Education 150
10.5 Tapescripts and Keys 152
11 Entertainment 154
11.1 Leisure-Time Activities 154
11.2 Home Entertainments 156
11.3 Artistic Entertainments 159
11.4 Outdoor Activities 162
11.5 Tapescripts and Keys 164
12 Personality 166
12.1 Chocolate Selection Determines Personality 166
12.2 Temperament Types 170
12.3 Let Me Be 175
12.4 Discover Your Own Personality 176
12.5 Tapescripts and Keys 180
13 Beauty&Fashion 182
13.1 What's Your Idea of Beauty and Fashion? 182
13.2 Fads and Fashion 185
13.3 Is There Any Value to Beauty Contests? 189
13.4 Beauty and Health 191
13.5 Tapescripts and Keys 193
14 Health&Fitness 194
14.1 Fighting against Fatigue 194
14.2 Take Time to Laugh 199
14.3 Stay in Good Shape(Diet and Exercise) 202
14.4 Medical Check-Up 206
14.5 Tapescripts and Keys 208
15 Landscape 210
15.1 Landscape Architecture Definition 210
15.2 Planning the Home Landscape 215
15.3 Royal Mirage Arabian Court 218
15.4 Landscape Photography 221
15.5 Tapescripts and Keys 224
16 Weather & Climate 226
16.1 Climatic Zones 226
16.2 Weather Forecast 230
16.3 Global Warming 235
16.4 More about Weather and Climate 238
16.5 Tapescripts and Keys 239
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