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新编美术专业英语  上

新编美术专业英语 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张海云主编
  • 出 版 社:贵阳:贵州教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7806506365
  • 页数:199 页
《新编美术专业英语 上》目录

Unit One Apollonian Reason,Dionysian Intuition 日神理性与酒神直觉 1

Text Apollonian Reason,Dionysian Intuition 日神理性与酒神直觉Reading A lmage and Imagination 图像与想象Reading B Visual Art 视觉艺术Reading C Why Do We Study Art?为何要学艺术?Unit Two The Language of Visual Artist 视觉艺术家的语言 23

Text On Art and Artists 谈艺术与艺术家Reading A Catching Momentary Effects 抓住瞬间效果Reading B Modeling and Composition 造型与构图Reading C Form,Line and Shape 结构、线条与形状Unit Three Art for Eternity 永恒的艺术 43

Text Strange Beginnings 奇特的起源Reading A Egypt,the True Grandmother of the Fine Arts 埃及——美术之母Reading B Tutankhamen's Tomb 图坦哈蒙之墓Reading C Animal Symbolism in Ancient Egyptian Art 古埃及艺术中的动物象征主义Unit Four The Beauty and the Grandeur 美与辉煌 63

Text The Realm of Beauty 美的王国Reading A The Acropolis of Athens 雅典的卫城Reading B Rome's Hospital for Sick Art 罗马画医院Reading C Roman Erotic Art 罗马色情艺术Unit Five The Renaissance and Revivals 复兴与再生 83

Text Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎Reading A Leonardo da Vinci 达·芬奇Reading B The Figura Serpentinata 蛇形的美Reading C Michelangelo and Sistine Chapel 米开朗基罗与西斯庭大教堂天顶画Unit Six The Poetry of the Land and Mankind 如歌的行板 101

Text Impressionism 印象主义Reading A Claude Monet 莫奈Reading B The Moon and Six Pence 月亮与六个便士Unit Seven Frozen Beauty of Sculpture 雕塑之凝固美 121

Text Rodin and His Works 罗丹和他的作品Reading A Henry Moore 亨利·摩尔Reading B Henry Moore's Works 亨利·摩尔的作品Reading C Francois-Auguste-Rene Rodin 奥古斯特·罗丹Unit Eight Freedom of Creativeness 创造的自由 143

Text The Artist 艺术家Reading A Zeitgeist 时代精神Reading B Albrecht Dürer 阿尔伯特·丢勒Reading C Turner and His Landscape Painting 特纳的风景画Unit Nine Modern Art:The Bold,the Beautiful,and the Not-So-Beautiful 现代艺术:大胆、美、或者不太美 163

Text Pablo Picasso 毕加索Reading A At the Millennium 千禧年之际Reading B Modern Art:Its ISMs and Styles 现代艺术:主义与风格Unit Ten Contemporary Art:Not Always So Nice,but Ever Exciting 当代艺术:不一定总是美的,但是更激动人心 181
