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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(英)埃文斯(Evans,D.)著;石林译
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7560067972
  • 页数:249 页
标签:解读 情感

1 The universal language 1

2 Why Spock could never have evolved 22

3 Short cuts to happiness 47

4 The head and the heart 76

5 The computer that cried 99

Afterword:The heart has its reasons 121

Further reading 125

Source material 129

Index 135

第一章 共通的语言 143

第二章 为什么自然永远无法演化出斯波克 162

第三章 通向幸福的捷径 184

第四章 头脑和心灵 209

第五章 哭泣的电脑 228

后记 心自有其道理 247

1 Facial expressions of basic emotions.Fig.3.2 of P.Ekman and W.V.Friesen:Unmasking the Face:A Guide to Recognizing Emotions from Facial Expressions.Englewood Cliffs,N.J./Prentice-Hall,1975 Paul Ekman and Wallace V.Freisen 4

2 Two self-portrait etchings by Rembrandt,1630.Surprise and anger/contempt Photo:AKG London 6

3 Four video stills of a New Guinea Highlander with different facial expressions,taken by Dr Paul Ekman Paul Ekman 9

4 Romeo and Juliet,1884,by Sir Frank Dicksee(1853-1928) Southampton City Art Gallery,Hampshire,UK/Bridgeman Art Library 17

5 Leonard Nimoy as Mr Spock in Star Trek Ⅱ:The Wrath of Khan,1982 Ronald Grant Archive/Paramount Pictures 23

6 'You're so emotional...'(cartoon by Jacky Fleming) ? Jacky Fleming,from Hello Boys,Penguin 1996 24

7 The low and the high roads of the amygdala Joseph le Doux:The Emotional Brain,1998.Weidenfeld&Nicholson Ltd.,London 27

8 Cat,savage and prepared to fight.Wood engraving by Thomas William Wood(fl.1855-1872) From 1872 edition of Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions. 29

9 Location of the hippocampus and amygdala and surrounding cortical areas J.H.Martin:Neuroanatomy:Text and Atlas,Elsevier,1989.? 1989 Appleton and Lange.By permission of the McGraw-Hill companies 33

10 Jealousy and Flirtation,by Haynes King(1831-1904) Victoria and Albert Museum,London/Bridgeman Art Library 42

11 'It could be you',British National Lottery poster,with hand coming out of sky The National Lottery/Camelot Group 49

12 Mature man wearing headphones,eyes closed ? Colin Hawkins/Stone 63

13 The priestess Ihat sniffing a lotus flower,Egyptian relief carving,c.2494-2345 BC Egyptian Museum,Cairo/Werner Forman Archive 64

14 People dancing at a rave ? Eve Brownlow/Sally&Richard Greenhill 74

15 The three versions of the critical eighth slide in the sequence used by Christianson and Loftus S.A.Christianson and E.Loftus,1991,'Remembering Emotional Events:The Fate Of Detailed Information',Cognition and Emotion,5,81-108 83

16 Graph of results from Mackie and Worth experiment Drawing by the author based on numerical table in Mackie and Worth,1989,p.34. 88

17 Hitler addresses two million people on May Day,1934 ? Hulton Getty 92

18 Hal from 2001:A Space Odyssey,1968 Ronald Grant Archive/Warner Brothers 100

19 Kismet,robot developed at MIT,which imitates a range of'human' emotions.Here sadness,happiness,and surprise Peter Menzel/Science Photo Library 104

20 Mobile Assistant Ⅳ?,portable voice-operated computer by US firm Xybernaut Xybernaut Corporation,USA 109

21 The AIBO Entertainment Robot,produced by Sony 'AIBO'Entertainment Robot ERS-111 ? Copyright Sony Corporation,1999 113

22 Harrison Ford kissing Sean Young,from Blade Runner,1982 Ronald Grant Archive/Warner Brothers 120

图1.各种基本情绪的面部表情。取自P.埃克曼和W.V.弗里森《摘下面具:从面部表情辩认人的情绪》一书的插图3.2 146

图2.伦勃朗的两幅蚀刻自画像(创作于1630年)。两幅画分别表现了惊奇和愤怒/鄙视的表情 148

图3.一个新几内亚高地居民带有不同面部表情的4幅剧照(由保罗·埃克曼博士拍摄) 151

图4.弗兰克·迪克西爵士(1853-1928)的画作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(创作于1884年) 157

图5.伦纳德·尼莫在《星际旅行Ⅱ:天汗的愤怒》中扮演的斯波克(1982) 163

图6.“你太情绪化了&”,杰基·弗莱明的卡通画 164

图7.扁桃形结构的高低路径 167

图8.暴怒的小猫,临阵以待。托马斯·威廉·伍德的木版画(创作于1855—1872年间) 169

图9.海马、扁桃形结构和周围的皮层区域的位置 172

图10.海恩斯·金(1831-1904)的画作《嫉妒和调情》 179

图11.英国国家彩票的海报,上有“可能就是你”几个大字和一只从天而降的大手 186

图12.头戴耳机、双眼紧闭的成年男子 198

图13.女祭司伊哈特在嗅荷花香,埃及浮雕(约创作于公元前2494-前2345) 200

图14.锐舞派对上舞动的人群 207

图15.克里斯琴森和洛夫特斯所做的实验中关键的第8张幻灯的三个版本 215

图16.麦凯和沃斯的实验结果图 219

图17.希特勒在1934年5月1日对200万人演讲 223

图18.电影《2001太空漫游》(1968)中一台名为哈尔的电脑 229

图19.“克斯梅特”,麻省理工学院研制的机器人,可以模仿各种“人类”情绪,此处是悲伤、幸福、惊奇的情绪 232

图20.美国Xybernaut公司推出的第四代移动助理,一种便携式声控电脑 237

图21.索尼公司制造的人工智能娱乐机器人 240

图22.哈里森·福特正在亲吻肖恩·扬,电影《银翼杀手》(1982)中的一幕 245
