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民族认同和语言表达 全球化时代的语言、文学和文化认同
民族认同和语言表达 全球化时代的语言、文学和文化认同

民族认同和语言表达 全球化时代的语言、文学和文化认同PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:林精华主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民文学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7020057551
  • 页数:542 页
《民族认同和语言表达 全球化时代的语言、文学和文化认同》目录

Part Ⅰ National Identity and Globalization 1

Language and Identity in an Age of Globalization&Ronald Wardhaugh 1

A Multicultural Strategy in Perspective&Wang Keping 18

Neo-Colonialism or Cultural Interaction:Business Texts in an Age of Globalization&Alison Kuiper  42

History as Postmodern Fiction&Chris Connolly 59

Language and Sexual Identities in National and Supra-national Constitutions&Paula Zupanc-Ecimovic 76

“全球地方化”话语中的神学主题&杨慧林 91

Intercultural Communication in the Age of Globalization:A Look at Cultural Interaction in an Academic Community and Beyond&Colleen Borrie 100

Part Ⅱ Cultural Interaction and Chinese 114

翻译与全球化:汉学翻译的跨文化批评方法初探&余石屹 114

How Was British-American Modernist Literature Introduced to China?——A Study of Form in English-Chinese Translation&Song Da 131

后殖民主义语境中的道教与生态研究&刘燕 陈霞 150

从20世纪意境论批评看王国维对中国传统诗学的现代转型&范方俊 169

To Be or Not to Be:New Year Celebration Films by Feng Xiaogang&Adam Lam 185

Globalism and Amnesia:Han Shaogong's a Dictionary of Maqiao&Luke Strongman 202

The Sapir/Whorf Hypothesis and Linguistic Engineering&Ji Fengyuan 218

Part Ⅲ Japan's Question and Globalization 235

Japan's Literary Naturalism:A Symbolic Synthesis of National and International&Ken Henshall 235

Reclaiming the Past,(Re)constructing the Present:Reading Medoruma Shun's Mabuigumi&Susan Bouterey 250

Socio-Cultural Negotiation among Wives of Japanese Businessmen Overseas&Reiko Itoh 273

Literary Representation of Nationalism:Before and After the Death of Emperor Shōwa&Chigusa Kimura-Steven 290

Shintō Versus Buddhism in the Late Work of Mishima Yukio&Roy Starrs 306

Culture(s)of Commerce:Japan,International Business and the Cultures of Nationalism and Globalization&Carin Holroyd 325

Part Ⅳ World and Globalization 343

Globalization,Cultural Contestation and Bilingual Creativity in Southeast Asian Englishes&Kwok-kan Tam 343

权力话语与游牧思维——后结构主义哲学的两种范式与东西方文学关系&麦永雄 361

学术制度与文化冲突:西方斯拉夫学中的俄国问题&林精华 379

"Given"Versus"Chosen"Motherland:Quest for(A-)National Identity in the Works of Alexander Grin&Nataliya Oryshchuk 405

从法国学界对左拉的阅读与阐释看左拉的经典化&吴康茹 421

St Brendan of Clonfert,the Well-travelled Saint&Margaret Burrell 440

狂欢化文学与20世纪西方文化&苏晖 454

Multilingualism in Western Musical Culture&Peter Low 468

Benita:Experimentation,Controversy,and Exclusion in the Mexican Literary Canon&Nathanial Gardner 487

Ideology and Aesthetics in Selected Visual Poetry from Latin America&Laura López Fernández 502

Subverting the Self:Standard and Non-Standard Phraseo-logy in"African"Fraud Letters&Koenraad Kuiper & Georgina Newsome 524

编后记 542
