- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李梅著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787544604567
- 页数:342 页
CHAPTER 1 Functional Projection Analysis of Chinese Clause Structure 1
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Word Order Facts of Chinese 1
1.2 Functional Categories 6
1.2.1 Topic projection 6
1.2.2 Tense projection 10
1.2.3 Aspect projection 14
1.2.4 Predication projection 26
1.3 Hierarchy among TopP,TP,AspP and PrP 35
1.4 An Account of Word Order Facts 40
1.5 Summary 43
CHAPTER 2 The NegP Hypothesis and Its Extension to Chinese 45
2.0 Introduction 45
2.1 Syntactic Properties of Negation in Mandarin Chinese 45
2.1.1 The negative marker bu 46
2.1.2 The negative marker mei 48
2.2 The NegP Hypothesis 53
2.2.1 French and English 53
2.2.2 Turkish and Swedish 57
2.2.3 Italian and Piedmontese 60
2.2.4 West Flemish 63
2.3 Difficulties with the NegP Hypothesis in Mandarin Chinese 65
2.4 Summary 71
CHAPTER 3 Negation and Preverbal Adjuncts 72
3.0 Introduction 72
3.1 Distribution of Preverbal Adjuncts 73
3.1.1 Manner adjuncts 74
3.1.2 PP adjuncts 77
3.1.3 Temporal adjuncts 79
3.1.4 Locative adjuncts 83
3.1.5 Classification of preverbal adjuncts 84
3.2 Structure of Preverbal Adjuncts 90
3.2.1 Scope Principle 91
3.2.2 Ernst's analysis 93
3.2.3 An alternative:Gen-adt Constraint 95
3.3 Interaction between Negation and Preverbal Adjuncts 101
3.3.1 Issues to be considered 102
3.3.2 The NegP account 105
3.4 No NegP:bu under Pr' 111
3.5 Summary 116
CHAPTER 4 Negation and Postverbal Adjuncts 117
4.0 Introduction 117
4.1 Properties of Postverbal Adjuncts 118
4.1.1 Frequency and duration expressions 118
4.1.2 Descriptive and resultative expressions 120
4.1.3 Postverbal prepositional phrases 128
4.2 Structure of Postverbal Adjuncts 132
4.2.1 Li's Case Theory account 132
4.2.2 An alternative analysis 138
4.3 Issues of Negation and Postverbal Adjuncts 146
4.3.1 Huang's Principle P 148
4.3.2 Ernst's morphological approach 154
4.4 Towards a Solution 160
4.5 Summary 174
CHAPTER 5 Negation and Aspect:the Issue 176
5.0 Introduction 176
5.1 The Two-component System of Aspect 177
5.2 Situation Types in Chinese 179
5.2.1 Preliminaries 179
5.2.2 States 188
5.2.3 Activities 190
5.2.4 Accomplishments 193
5.2.5 Achievements 199
5.3 Aspectual Perspectives in Chinese 203
5.3.1 Preliminaries 204
5.3.2 Perfective le 205
5.3.3 Perfective guo 212
5.3.4 Imperfective zai 214
5.3.5 Imperfective zhe 218
5.4 Interaction Between Negation and Aspect 225
5.4.1 The issue 225
5.5 Summary 228
CHAPTER 6 Negation and Aspect:Further Implications 230
6.0 Introduction 230
6.1 Bu and Aspect 231
6.1.1 The argument:bu and perfective le 231
6.1.2 Principle B and aspectual perspectives 238
6.2 Mei and Aspect 247
6.2.1 The argument:mei(you)and perfective le 248
6.2.2 Principle M and aspectual perspectives 260
6.3 Postverbal Adjuncts Revisited 270
6.4 Further Significance of Two Principles 273
6.4.1 Derivations of volitional interpretations 274
6.4.2 Modal auxiliary verbs 277
6.4.3 Relation with tense 282
6.5 Summary 285
CHAPTER 7 Structural Analysis of Negation in Chinese 287
7.0 Introduction 287
7.1 Against NegP in Chinese 287
7.1.1 Preverbal adjuncts 289
7.1.2 Modals 294
7.1.3 SOV structures 296
7.1.4 Negative Polarity Items 297
7.1.5 Negative quantifiers 301
7.1.6 Co-occurrence of bu and mei 304
7.2 A Solution:bu under X',mei Base-generated on you under Asp° 306
7.2.1 Preverbal adjuncts 307
7.2.2 Aspectual markers 312
7.2.3 Modals 314
7.2.4 SOV structures 317
7.2.5 Negative Polarity Items 318
7.2.6 Negative quantifiers 320
7.2.7 Co-occurrence of mei and bu 321
7.3 Summary 322
Figure 5.1 The Aspect System 178
Figure 5.2 Perfective vs.Imperfective 204
Figure 6.1 Time Schema of bu 273
Figure 6.2 Time Schema of mei 274
Table 5.1 Vendler's Four Categories 180
Table 5.2 Smith's Situation Types 182
Table 5.3 Features of Smith's Situation Types 183
Table 5.4 Syntactic Status of zai 217
Table 5.5 Features of Aspectual Perspectives 224
Table 6.1 Features of Negative Markers in Chinese 268
Table 6.2 Features of Aspectual Perspectives 268
Table 6.3 Relation Between bu and Aspectual Perspectives 269
Table 6.4 Relation Between mei and Aspectual Perspectives 269
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