- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(宋)苏轼著;许渊冲译
- 出 版 社:石家庄:河北人民出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7202043017
- 页数:101 页
和子由渑池怀旧 2
Recalling the Old Days at Mianchi in the Same Rhymes as Zi You's Poem 3
别岁 4
Farewell to the Old Year 5
戏赠张先 6
For Zhang Xian and His Young Bride 7
腊日游孤山访惠勤惠思二僧 8
Visiting in Winter the Two Learned Monks in the Lonely Hill 9
除夜直都厅,囚系皆满,日暮不得返舍,因题一诗于壁 10
Seeing Prisoners on New Year's Eve 11
六月二十七日望湖楼醉书 12
Written while Drunken in the Lake View Pavilion the 27th Day of the 6th Lunar Month 13
饮湖上初晴后雨 14
Drinking at the Lake,First in Sunny,then in Rainy Weather 15
新城道上 16
On My Way to New Town 17
李思训画长江绝岛图 18
Two Lonely Isles in the Yangzi River——Written on a Picture Drawn by Li Sixun 19
百步洪 20
The Hundred-pace Rapids 21
正月二十日与潘、郭二生出郊寻春,忽记去年是日同至女王城作诗,乃和前韵 22
Seeking Spring with Two Friends on the 20th Day of the 1st Lunar Month Reminded Me of the Poem Written on the Same Day Last Year,and I Wrote These Lines in the Same Rhymes 23
红梅 24
Red Mume Blossom 25
琴诗 26
Song of the Lute 27
南堂 28
The Southern Hall 29
海棠 30
Crab-apple Flower 31
题西林壁 32
Written on the Wall at West Forest Temple 33
惠崇春江晚景 34
River Scenes on a Spring Evening 35
赠刘景文 36
To Liu jingwen 37
纵笔 38
An Impromptu Verse Written in Exile 39
纵笔 40
An Impromptu Verse Written by the Seaside 41
江城子 42
Tune:"Riverside Town" 43
昭君怨 44
Tune:"Lament of a Fair Lady" 45
少年游 46
Tune:"Wandering Youth" 47
醉落魄 48
Tune:"Drunk with Soul Lost" 49
南乡子 50
Tune:"Song of a Southern Country" 51
沁园春 52
Tune:"Spring in a Pleasure Garden" 53
江城子 54
Tune:"A Riverside Town" 55
江城子 56
Tune:"A Riverside Town" 57
水调歌头 58
Tune:"Prelude to the Melody of Water" 59
阳关曲 60
Tune:"Song of the Sunny Pass" 61
浣溪沙 62
Tune:"Sand of Silk-washing Stream" 63
永遇乐 64
Tune:"Joy of Eternal Union" 65
南歌子 66
Tune:"A Southern Song" 67
西江月 68
Tune:"The Moon over the West River" 69
定风波 70
Tune:"Calming the Waves" 71
西江月 72
Tune:"The Moon on the West River" 73
洞仙歌 74
Tune:"Song of a Fairy in the Cave" 75
念奴娇 76
Tune:"The Charm of a Maiden Singer" 77
临江仙 78
Tune:"Immortal at the River" 79
卜算子 80
Tune:"Song of Fortune-telling" 81
调笑令 82
Tune:"Song of Flirtation" 83
水龙吟 84
Tune:"Water Dragon Chant" 85
贺新郎 86
Tune:"Congratulations to the Bridegroom" 87
生查子 88
Tune:"Song of Hawthorn" 89
如梦令 90
Tune:"A Dreamlike Song" 91
蝶恋花 92
Tune:"Butterflies in Love with Flowers" 93
西江月 94
Tune:"The Moon over the West River" 95
减字木兰花 96
Tune:"Shortened Form of Magnolia Flower" 97
点绛唇 98
Tune:"Rouged Lips" 99
浣溪沙 100
Tune:"Silk-washing Stream" 101
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