- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高庆选主编
- 出 版 社:西宁:青海人民出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787225028996
- 页数:253 页
Lesson One 1
Text A:Qinghai Province 1
Text B:Natural Resources in Qinghai 4
Exercise A 8
Exercise B 9
Supplementary Reading 13
Characteristics of Qinghai Province 13
LessonTwo 15
Text A:Brief Introduction to Xining(1) 15
Text B:Brief Introduction to Xining(2) 19
Exercise A 23
Exercise B 24
Supplementary Reading 27
Food in Xining 27
Lesson Three 30
Text A:Qinghai Lake 30
Text B:The Sacred Lake and Fairy Cave 32
Exercise A 35
Exercise B 35
Supplementary Reading 38
Kanbula Scenic Spot 38
Lesson Four 41
Text A:Tibetan 41
Text B:Sala Ethnic Minority 43
Exercise A 45
Exercise B 45
Supplementary Reading 48
Tu Ethnic Minority 48
Lesson Five 51
Text A:Ta'er Lamasery—Qinghai's Prime Tourist Attraction 51
Text B:Some Grand Constructions of Ta'er Lamasery 56
Exercise A 60
Exercise B 61
Supplementary Reading 64
Chinese Buddhism and its Development 64
Lesson Six 67
Text A:The Three Artistic Uniques—The Wonder of Ta'er Lamasery 67
Text B:Buddhism and Chinese Culture 72
Exercise A 75
Exercise B 76
Supplementary Reading 79
What is Tourism? 79
Lesson Seven 82
Text A:Keluke Lake and Tuosu Lake—the Love Lakes 82
Text B:Riyue Mountain 86
Exercise A 89
Exercise B 90
Supplementary Reading 93
Haixinshan Island 93
Lesson Eight 96
Text A:The Camel Spring and Jiezi Mosque—the Most Precious Cultural Relics of Sala 96
Text B:Laoye Mountain and Niangniang Mountain 100
Exercise A 103
Exercise B 104
Supplementary Reading 107
Mass Tourism 107
Lesson Nine 110
Text A:The Land of Regong Art 110
Text B:The 10th Panchen and His Former Residence 114
Exercise A 116
Exercise B 117
Supplementary Reading 120
A:Wutun Temple 120
B:Some English used in restaurants 121
Lesson Ten 122
Text A:Qutan Monastery and Qutan Huar Vocal Concert 122
Text B:Huzhu North Mountain National Forest Park 128
Exercise A 130
Exercise B 131
Supplementary Reading 134
A:Tu Naitonality Custom in Three Plaias 134
B:Some English Used in a Hotel 135
Lesson Eleven 137
Text A:Liuwan Cemetery—The Museum of Prehistoric Cultures and Ancient Painted Potteries 137
Text B:Youning Temple 142
Exercise A 144
Exercise B 145
Supplementary Reading 148
A:The Medicinal Spring at Qili Temple 148
B:Some English used to find a restaurant 149
Lesson Twelve 150
Text A:Fairy God-Mother's Ancient Kingdom and Abode of Fairy God-Mother 150
Text B:Building Cluster of the Jade Emperor Pavilion 153
Exercise A 155
Exercise B 156
Supplementary Reading 158
A:The Sacred Lake and Fairy Cave 158
B:Tips 159
Lesson Thirteen 161
Text A:Mysterious Xinzhai Mani Stone Piles 161
Text B:Mengda Heavenly Pond 164
Exercise A 167
Exercise B 169
Supplementary Reading 171
A:Ancient Cultural Oasis—Nuomuhong 171
B:India 172
Lesson Fourteen 174
Text A:Tubo Ancient Graves 174
Text B:Unique Folk Custom 177
Exercise A 180
Exercise B 182
Supplementary Reading 184
A:Dulan International Hunting Field 184
B:Greece 186
Lesson Fifteen 187
Text A:Bird Island 187
Text B:E-ling and Zha-ling Lake 192
Exercise A 194
Exercise B 196
Supplementary Reading 199
A:Gold and Silver Grassland 199
B:Mexico 200
Lesson Sixteen 201
Text A:Three Rivers' Fountainheads Nature Reserve 201
Text B:The Tanggula Mountains 204
Exercise A 206
Exercise B 208
Supplementary Reading 210
A:The Longyang Gorge Hydropower Station 210
B:Egypt 212
Appendix Ⅰ Glossary 213
Appendix Ⅱ Key to Exercises 239
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