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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙晶编著
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨地图出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7807175451
  • 页数:226 页

Able 1

1.be able to 1

About 1

1.be(等系词)about to 1

Above 2

1.above all 2

Abroad 2

1.at home and abroad 2

2.from abroad 2

Absence 3

1.absence of 3

2.in the absence of 3

3.absence from 3

Absent 3

1.absent from 3

Absorb 4

1.be absorbed in 4

2.absorb from 4

Abstain 4

1.abstain from 4

Abstract 4

1.in the abstract 4

2.make an abstract of 5

Abundance 5

1.an abundance of 5

2.in abundance 5

Access 5

1.have access to 5

Accident 6

1.by accident 6

Accommodate 6

1.accommodate...with 6

2.accommodate...to 6

Accompany 7

1.accompany by 7

2.be accompanied by 7

Accord 7

1.accord with 7

2.be in accord with 7

Accordance 8

1.in accordance with 8

According 8

1.according as 8

2.according to 8

Account 9

1.account for 9

2.on no account 9

Accustom 9

1.accustom to 9

2.be accustomed to 10

Acquaint 10

1.acquaint with 10

2.be acquainted with 10

3.make sb acquainted with 10

Act 11

1.act as 11

2.act on 11

3.act for 11

4.in the act of(+ing) 11

5.act out 11

Adapt 12

1.adapt oneself to 12

2.adapt for 12

Add 12

1.add to 12

2.add...to 13

3.add up 13

4.add up to 13

Addition 13

1.in addition 13

2.in addition to 14

Admit 14

1.admit...into 14

2.admit of 14

3.admit to 14

Advance 15

1.in advance 15

Advantage 15

1.take advantage of 15

2.advantage over 15

Afraid 16

1.be afraid of 16

2.be afraid to(do) 16

After 17

1.after all 17

2.one after another 17

3.after a while 17

Again 17

1.again and again 17

2.once again 18

Age 18

1.at the age of 18

2.come of age 18

Agree 18

1.agree to 18

2.agree with 18

Agreement 19

1.in agreement with 19

Ahead 19

1.ahead of 19

Aim 19

1.aim at 19

2.aim for 20

Air 20

1.by air 20

2.in the air 20

3.on the air 20

All 21

1.all but 21

2.all over 21

3.all right 21

4.in all 21

Allow 22

1.allow for 22

2.allow of 22

Along 22

1.along with 22

Amount 23

1.amount to 23

2.an amount of 23

And 23

1.and so on 23

2.and yet 23

3.and then 24

Answer 24

1.answer for 24

2.answer to 24

Anxious 24

1.anxious about 24

2.be anxious to(do) 25

Apart 25

1.apart from 25

Apply 25

1.apply for 25

Approve 26

1.approve of 26

Arise 26

1.arise from(out of) 26

Arrive 26

1.arrive at(in) 26

As 27

1.as...as 27

2.as if(as though) 27

3.as long as 27

4.as well 28

5.as well as 28

Aside 28

1.aside from 28

Ask 28

1.ask for 28

2.ask in 29

Associate 29

1.associate with 29

Attach 29

1.attach oneself to 29

2.attach to 29

Attempt 30

1.attempt to do 30

Attend 30

1.attend to 30

Attribute 30

1.attribute to 30

Average 31

1.on an(the)average 31

Away 31

1.do away with 31

2.right away 31

3.take away 31

Because 32

1.because of 32

Begin 32

1.begin with 32

2.to begin with 32

Behalf 33

1.in(on)behalf of 33

2.on sb's behalf 33

Believe 33

1.believe in 33

2.make believe 33

Benefit 34

1.benefit from(by) 34

Best 34

1.at best 34

2.do(try)one's best 34

3.make the best of 35

Better 35

1.for the better 35

2.had better 35

Both 36

1.both...and 36

Bound 36

1.be bound to 36

Break 37

1.break away from 37

2.break down 37

3.break in 37

4.break up 37

Breath 38

1.catch one's breath 38

2.out of breath 38

Brief 38

1.in brief 38

2.brief of 39

Bring 39

1.bring about 39

2.bring down 39

3.bring up 39

Build 40

1.build up 40

Bulk 40

1.in bulk 40

Burn 40

1.burn itself out(away) 40

2.burn out 40

3.burn up 41

Business 41

1.on business 41

But 41

1.but for 41

Buy 42

1.buy over 42

By 42

1.by oneself 42

2.by the way 42

Call 43

1.call for 43

2.call on(upon) 43

3.call up 43

Care 44

1.care for 44

2.take care 44

3.take care of 44

Carry 45

1.carry off 45

2.carry on 45

3.carry out 45

Case 46

1.in any case 46

2.in case 46

3.in case of 46

4.in no case 46

Catch 47

1.catch on 47

2.catch up with 47

3.catch out 47

Certain 48

1.be certain of sth 48

Chanee 48

1.by chance 48

2.on the chance 49

Charge 49

1.in charge of 49

2.take charge of 49

Check 50

1.check in 50

2.check out 50

3.check up 50

Cheer 50

1.cheer up 50

2.cheer on 51

Clock 51

1.around(round)the clock 51

Come 51

1.come across 51

2.come back 52

3.come out 52

4.come up 52

Common 52

1.in common 52

Comparison 53

1.by(in)comparison 53

Compose 53

1.be composed of 53

Concern 53

1.be concerned about(for) 53

2.concern about 54

3.be concerned with 54

Conclusion 54

1.in conclusion 54

2.bring to conclusion 54

Condition 55

1.on condition that 55

Conform 55

1.conform to 55

Connection 55

1.in connection with(to) 55

Consequence 56

1.in consequence 56

2.in consequence of 56

Consult 56

1.consult with 56

Content 56

1.content with 56

2.be content to do 57

Contrary 57

1.on the contrary 57

2.contrary to/with 57

Contrast 58

1.contrast...with 58

2.contrast with 58

3.in contrast with/to 58

Control 59

1.our of control 59

2.under control 59

Count 59

1.count on 59

2.count up 59

Course 60

1.in the course of 60

2.of course 60

Cover 61

1.cover up 61

Cross 61

1.cross out (off) 61

Cut 61

1.cut across 61

2.cut back 61

3.cut in 62

4.cut off 62

Danger 62

1.in danger 62

2.our of danger 62

Date 63

1.out of date 63

2.up to date 63

Deal 63

1.a great(good)deal of 63

Debt 64

1.in debt 64

Delight 64

1.take delight in 64

2.delighted with(at) 64

Derive 65

1.derive from 65

Detail 65

1.in detail 65

Die 65

1.die down 65

2.die out 66

Difference 66

1.make a difference 66

Difficulty 66

1.in difficulties 66

Distance 66

1.in the distance 66

Divide 67

1.divide from 67

2.divide up 67

Do 67

1.do away with 67

2.do without 68

3.do one's best to(do) 68

Door 68

1.next door 68

2.out of doors 68

Double 69

1.double up 69

Doubt 69

1.no doubt 69

Draw 69

1.draw in 69

2.draw up 69

Dream 70

1.dream up 70

2.dream of(about) 70

Dress 70

1.dress up 70

Drop 71

1.drop by(in) 71

2.drop out of 71

Due 71

1.due to 71

Duty 72

1.off duty 72

2.on duty 72

Each 72

1.each other 72

Earth 73

1.on earth 73

Effect 73

1.put into effect 73

2.in effect 73

3.take effect 73

Else 74

1.or else 74

End 74

1.in the end 74

2.end up 74

3.bring...to an end 75

4.end off 75

5.come to an end 75

6.on end 75

Enjoy 75

1.enjoy oneself 75

2.enjoy doing sth 76

Enough 76

1.enough for 76

2.enough of 76

3.enough and to spare 76

Equal 77

1.equal to 77

Equivalent 77

1.equivalent to 77

Essence 77

1.in essence 77

Essential 78

1.be essential to 78

Eyen 78

1.even if/though 78

2.even as 78

3.even out 79

4.even up 79

5.even then 79

Event 79

1.at all events 79

2.in the event 79

3.in any event 80

4.in the event of 80

Ever 80

1.even so 80

2.ever such 80

3.ever since 81

4.for ever 81

Example 81

1.for example 81

2.give an example of sth 81

Except 82

1.except for 82

2.except that 82

Exception 82

1.with the exception of 82

Excess 83

1.in excess of 83

2.exchange...for 83

Experiment 83

1.experiment on 83

2.experiment with 83

Expose 84

1.expose to 84

Exposure 84

1.exposure to 84

Eye 84

1.catch sb.'s eye 84

2.keep an eye on 85

3.eye out 85

Face 85

1.face to face 85

Fact 86

1.in fact 86

2.as a matter of fact 86

Fail 86

1.fail to 86

Fall 87

1.fall behind 87

2.fall back on 87

3.fall in with 87

Far 88

1.as far as 88

2.by far 88

3.far from 88

4.so far 88

Fault 89

1.find fault with 89

2.at fault 89

Favour 90

1.in favour of 90

Feed 90

1.feed on(with) 90

2.be feed up with 90

3.feed in 90

Feel 91

1.feel like 91

Few 91

1.a few 91

2.quire a few 91

Fill 91

1.fill in(out) 91

Find 92

1.find out 92

Fire 92

1.catch fire 92

2.set fire to(set...on fire) 92

First 93

1.at first 93

2.first of all 93

Flare 93

1.flare up 93

Follow 94

1.as follows 94

2.follow up 94

Foot 94

1.on foot 94

2.at the foot of 95

Force 95

1.in force 95

2.come(go) into force 95

Forth 95

1.and so forth 95

Free 96

1.free of 96

2.set free 96

Friend 96

1.make friends 96

2.be friends with 96

Front 96

1.in front of 96

Fun 97

1.make fun of 97

Gang 97

1.a gang of 97

General 97

1.in general 97

Get 98

1.get across 98

2.get in 98

3.get up 98

4.get off 98

5.get by 99

Glance 99

1.at a glance 99

Go 99

1.go after 99

2.go ahead 99

3.go along with 100

4.go on 100

5.go out 100

6.go over 100

Good 101

1.as good as 101

2.be good for 101

Guard 102

1.on guard 102

Guidance 102

1.under the guidance of 102

Half 102

1.in half 102

Hand 102

1.at hand 102

2.by hand 103

3.hand down 103

4.hand in 103

5.hand in hand 103

Hang 104

1.hang about(around) 104

2.hang back 104

3.hang on 104

4.hang up 104

Hardly 105

1.hardly any 105

2.hardly before(when) 105

Haste 105

1.in haste 105

Have 106

1.have back 106

2.have on 106

3.have to 106

4.have to do with 106

Head 107

1.head for 107

2.head on 107

3.at the head of 107

Heart 108

1.by heart 108

3.learn(get)by heart 108

4.heart and soul 108

5.lose heart 108

Helo 108

1.can't(couldn't)help 108

2.help oneself 109

Here 109

1.here and there 109

Hold 109

1.get hold of 109

2.hold back 109

3.hold on 110

4.hold out 110

5.hold up 110

Home 111

1.at home 111

Honour 111

1.in honour of 111

2.on one's honour 111

House 111

1.keep house 111

2.keep the house 112

3.keep open house 112

How 112

1.how about 112

2.how many(much) 112

Hold 113

1.hold back 113

2.hold on 113

3.hold out 113

4.hold up 114

Hunger 114

1.hunger for(after) 114

Hurry 114

1.hurry up 114

2.in a hurry 115

If 115

1.if only 115

2.as if(though) 115

Impose 116

1.impose on 116

Independent 117

1.independent of 117

Inferior 117

1.inferior to 117

Inform 117

1.inform on(against) 117

2.inform of 117

Instead 118

1.instead of 118

Interval 118

1.at intervals(of) 118

Itself 119

1.by itself 119

2.in itself 119

Keep 119

1.keep back 119

2.keep up with 119

3.keep on 120

4.keep from 120

5.keep off 120

Knock 121

1.konck down 121

2.knock out 121

3.knock off 121

4.knock about 121

Know 121

1.know about 121

2.know of 122

3.be known as 122

Lack 122

1.be lacking in 122

2.lack of 123

3.lack for 123

Large 123

1.at large 123

Last 123

1.at last 123

Laugh 124

1.laugh at 124

2.laugh off 124

Lay 124

1.lay aside 124

2.lay down 125

3.lay off 125

League 125

1.in league with 125

Lean 126

1.lean on(against) 126

Learn 126

1.leam by heart 126

2.leam from 126

3.leam of/about 126

Least 127

1.at least 127

2.in the least 127

Leave 127

1.leave alone 127

2.leave behind 128

3.leave off 128

4.leave for 128

Leisure 128

1.at leisure 128

2.at one's leisure 129

Lend 129

1.lend to 129

2.lend itself to 129

Length 130

1.at length 130

2.go to all lengths 130

Less 130

1.no less than 130

2.any less 130

Let 131

1.let alone 131

2.let down 131

3.let go 131

Light 131

1.in the light of 131

2.throw light on 132

Line 132

1.in line 132

2.in line with 132

3.line up 132

Little 133

1.a little 133

2.little by little 133

Live 133

1.live by 133

2.live on 134

3.live through 134

4.live in 134

Long 135

1.so(as)long as 135

2.long for 135

3.before long 135

Look 136

1.look at 136

2.look for 136

3.look in 136

4.look after 137

Lose 137

1.lose one's temper 137

2.lose one's way 137

3.lose oneself in 137

4.lose face 137

Make 138

1.make a face 138

2.make for 138

3.be made from 138

4.be made(of) 138

5.make up 139

Many 139

1.many a 139

2.as many as 139

May 140

1.may as well 140

Matter 140

1.as a matter of fact 140

2.no matter 140

3.in the matter of 140

Means 140

1.by all means 140

2.by means of 141

3.by no means 141

Mercy 141

1.at the mercy of 141

Mind 142

1.out of one's mind 142

2.bear in mind 142

3.make up one's mind 142

Mess 142

1.mess about(around) 142

2.mess up 142

Mistake 143

1.mistake...for 143

2.by mistake 143

Mix 143

1.mix up 143

2.mix up with 144

Moment 144

1.at the moment 144

2.at any moment 144

3.for a moment 144

4.in a moment 145

More 145

1.more and more 145

2.more or less 145

3.no more 145

4.no more than 146

Much 146

1.much as 146

2.not so much...as 146

3.as much(as) 146

Name 147

1.by name 147

2.name...after 147

3.in the name of 147

4.name for 147

Nature 147

1.by nature 147

2.in nature 147

3.in the nature of 148

Neither 148

1.neither...nor 148

2.neither of 148

Nothing 149

1.nothing but 149

2.have nothing to do with 149

3.for nothing 149

Now 150

1.now and then 150

2.now that 150

3.just now 150

Number 151

1.a great/large number of 151

2.a number of 151

Object 151

1.object to 151

Occasion 152

1.on occasion 152

2.as occasion serves 152

3.take occasion to 152

4.have no occasion to 152

Occur 152

1.occur to 152

Off 153

1.off and on(on and off) 153

2.off duty 153

On 153

1.on business 153

2.on fire 154

3.on the ground(s)of 154

4.on the whole 154

Once 154

1.all at once 154

2.once(and)for all 154

Oppose 155

1.be opposed to 155

2.as oppose to 155

Or 155

1.or so 155

Order 155

1.in order 155

2.made to order 156

3.on order 156

4.out of order 156

Other 156

1.every other 156

2.other than 157

Out 157

1.out of date 157

2.out of doors 157

Own 157

1.on one's own 157

2.own to 158

3.own up to 158

Pace 158

1.keep/hold pace with 158

Pain 159

1.take/be(at)pains 159

Part 159

1.play a part in 159

2.take part in 159

3.part of 159

4.part from 159

Pass 160

1.pass away 160

2.pass out 160

3.pass on(to) 160

Pay 161

1.pay back 161

2.pay off 161

3.pay up 161

Persist 161

1.persist in 161

Peel 162

1.peel off 162

Pick 162

1.pick out 162

2.pick up 162

Place 163

1.in place of 163

2.in the first place 163

3.take place 163

Play 163

1.fair play 163

2.play a part(role) in 164

Point 164

1.point out 164

2.on (at)the point of 164

Practice 164

1.in practice 164

2.out of practice 165

3.put into practice 165

Prefer 165

1.prefer...to 165

Prior 165

1.prior to 165

Prey 166

1.prey on 166

Proportion 166

1.in proportion(to) 166

2.out of proportion 166

Provide 167

1.provide for 167

2.provide with 167

Pull 167

1.pull down 167

2.pull in 167

3.pull off 168

Purpose 168

1.on purpose 168

2.of set purpose 168

3.to the purpose 168

Put 169

1.put down 169

2.put away 169

3.put off 169

Question 169

1.in question 169

2.out of question 169

3.beyond question 170

Quite 170

1.quite a few 170

Rather 170

1.had/would rather 170

2.rather than 171

Reason 171

1.by reason of 171

2.reason with 171

Reckon 171

1.reckon on 171

2.reckon with 172

Refer 172

1.refer to 172

2.refer to...as 172

Regard 172

1.as regards 172

2.with(in)regard to 173

Regardless 173

1.regardless of 173

Regret 173

1.regret doing 173

2.regret to 174

Remember 174

1.remember to do 174

2.remember doing 174

3.remember sb.to 174

Remind 174

1.remind of 174

Repair 175

1.in repair 175

2.under repair 175

Request 175

1.request from(of)sb 175

2.by request 176

3.on request 176

4.be in request 176

Resort 176

1.resort to 176

Respect 176

1.with respect to 176

2.in respect of 177

Responsible 177

1.responsible to(for) 177

Rest 177

1.rest on 177

2.rest up 178

3.rest for 178

Result 178

1.as a result 178

2.with the result that 178

3.as a resultof 178

4.result in 178

Revolve 179

1.revolve around(round) 179

Rid 179

1.rid of 179

Right 179

1.right away 179

2.all right 180

Ring 180

1.ring off 180

2.ring up 180

Rob 180

1.rob...of 180

Rule 181

1.rule out 181

2.as a rule 181

3.under the rule of 181

Run 181

1.run into 181

2.run out(of) 182

3.run off 182

4.run on 182

5.run down 182

6.run about 183

7.run after 183

8.run across 183

9.run behind 183

Sale 183

1.for sale 183

2.on sale 184

Same 184

1.all the same 184

2.the same as 185

Scarcely 185

1.scarcely any 185

2.scarcely before 185

3.scarcely ever 185

Schedule 186

1.on schedule 186

2.ahead of schedule 186

Scrape 186

1.scrape along 186

2.scrape away 186

3.scrape out 187

4.scrape in 187

Search 187

1.search for 187

2.search out 187

Season 188

1.in season 188

2.out of season 188

Secret 188

1.in secret 188

2.keep a secret 188

See 189

1.see about 189

2.see to 189

3.see to it that 189

Send 189

1.send for 189

2.send off 190

3.send in 190

Sense 190

1.in a sense 190

2.make sense 190

Serve 191

1.serve a purpose 191

2.serve as(for) 191

3.serve right 191

Set 191

1.set aside 191

2.set back 192

3.set off 192

4.set out 192

Settle 192

1.settle down 192

2.settle fo 193

3.settle in 193

4.settle on 193

5.settle up 193

Shake 194

1.shake off 194

Share 194

1.take a share 194

2.take shares in 194

3.share out 194

Short 194

1.short of 194

2.show up 195

Shut 195

1.shut down 195

2.shut up 195

Side 196

1.side by side 196

Sight 196

1.in sight 196

2.out of sight 196

3.at first sight 196

Sit 197

1.sit in 197

2.sit for 197

3.sit up 197

4.sit by 197

Show 198

1.show off 198

Smash 198

1.smash down 198

2.smash up 198

Snap 198

1.snap up 198

So 199

1.so as to 199

2.so far 199

3.so(as) long as 199

Speak 200

1.speak one's mind 200

Speed 200

1.speed up 200

Spring 200

1.spring up 200

Spot 201

1.on the spot 201

Square 201

1.by the square 201

Stake 201

1.at stake 201

Stand 201

1.stand by 201

2.stand for 202

3.stand up 202

Step 202

1.step by step 202

2.step up 202

Stick 203

1.stick to 203

Stir 203

1.stir up 203

Stretch 203

1.stretch out 203

Such 203

1.such as 203

Supply 204

1.supply...with 204

Suppose 204

1.be supposed to 204

Sure 204

1.make sure 204

Switch 205

1.switch off 205

Take 205

1.take a chance 205

2.take advantage of 205

3.take after 205

4.take away 206

5.take care 206

6.take in 206

7.take off 206

8.take on 207

9.take over 207

Taste 207

1.in poor taste 207

2.have a taste for 207

Temper 208

1.in a temper 208

Term 208

1.bring to terms 208

2.come to terms 208

Thank 208

1.thanks to 208

That 209

1.that is 209

Think 209

1.think better of 209

2.think of 209

3.think of...as 209

Throw 210

1.throw away 210

2.throw light on 210

3.throw up 210

Time 210

1.all the time 210

2.at the same time 211

3.in time 211

Too 211

1.too...to 211

Top 211

1.at the top of 211

2.on top of 211

Touch 212

1.get in touch with 212

2.keep in touch with 212

Turn 212

1.tum down 212

2.turn in 212

3.turn out 213

4.turn over 213

5.turn up 213

Under 213

1.under the circumstances 213

2.under way 214

Up 214

1.up to 214

Use 214

1.use up 214

2.make...use of 214

3.put to use 215

4.in use 215

Usual 215

1.as usual 215

Utmost 215

1.at the utmost 215

2.to the utmost 215

3.do one's utmost 216

View 216

1.in view of 216

2.in full view of 216

3.on view 216

4.come into view 216

Wall 217

1.drive to the wall 217

2.go to the wall 217

Wait 217

1.wait on 217

Want 217

1.want doing 217

2.in want of 217

3.from want of 217

Warm 218

1.warm up 218

Wash 218

1.wash up 218

Watch 218

1.watch out 218

Way 219

1.by the way 219

2.in a way 219

3.in no way 219

4.in the way 219

5.make one's way 219

Wear 219

1.wear off 219

2.wear out 219

Well 220

1.as well 220

2.as well as 220

3.may as well 220

What 221

1.what if 221

Whether 221

1.whether...or 221

Whole 221

1.as a whole 221

2.on the whole 221

Wind 222

1.in the wind 222

Work 222

1.work at 222

2.work out(it) 222

Word 223

1.in a word 223

2.in other words 223

3.keep one's word 223

4.word for word 223

Would 224

1.would rather 224

2.would rather...than 224

Yet 224

1.and yet 224

2.as yet 225
