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中国法概论  英文版
中国法概论  英文版

中国法概论 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱羿锟著
  • 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787503676291
  • 页数:340 页
《中国法概论 英文版》目录

List of Tables 1

List of Figures 1

Abbreviations 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Chinese Law 1

1 Definition of law 1

2 Classification of law 3

3 Sources and validity of law 5

4 Legislative authorities 6

5 Legislative procedures 9

6 Interpretation of the law 13

Legal terms 法律术语 14

Exercises 练习 16

Chapter 2 Constitution 18

1 Overview 18

2 Nature of the State 18

3 Citizen's basic rights 20

4 Form of government 26

5 The State organs 28

Legal terms 法律术语 35

Exercises 练习 37

Chapter 3 Administrative Law 38

1 Administrative subject 38

2 Administrative disposition 42

3 Administrative license 44

4 Administrative punishment 47

5 Administrative compensation 51

Legal terms 法律术语 55

Exercises 练习 57

Chapter 4 General Principles of Civil Law 57

1 Civil subject 58

2 Civil legal acts and agency 66

3 Civil rights 71

4 Civil liability 75

5 Limitation of action 77

Legal terms 法律术语 78

Exercises 练习 79

Chapter 5 Intellectual Property Law 79

1 Overview 81

2 Copyright 82

3 Patent 89

4 Trademark 95

Legal terms 法律术语 99

Exercises 练习 100

Chapter 6 Contract Law 103

1 Overview 103

2 Contract formation 106

3 Contract validity 109

4 Contract terms 110

5 Secured contract 111

6 Contract modification and assignment 112

7 Contract performance 113

8 Contract discharge 116

9 Breach and remedies for breach of contract 117

Legal terms 法律术语 120

Exercises 练习 121

Chapter 7 Family Law 123

1 Marriage 123

2 Divorce 126

3 Family relations 129

4 Adoption 130

5 Inheritance 133

Legal terms 法律术语 137

Exercises 练习 138

Chapter 8 Company Law 140

1 Corporate personality 140

2 Types of company 142

3 Incorporation 144

4 Corporate shareholders 148

5 Corporate governance 151

6 Corporate dissolution and liquidation 159

Legal terms 法律术语 161

Exercises 练习 163

Chapter 9 Securities Law 165

1 Types of securities 165

2 Securities issuance 166

3 Securities listing 171

4 Securities trading 173

5 Acquisition of listed companies 180

Legal terms 法律术语 182

Exercises 练习 184

Chapter 10 Foreign Investment Law 184

1 Market entrance for FIEs 186

2 Foreign investment vehicles 188

3 Formation of FIEs 191

4 FIEs' financing 199

5 FIEs' organizational structure 200

6 FIEs' liquidation 202

Legal terms 法律术语 204

Exercises 练习 205

Chapter 11 Foreign Trade Law 207

1 Foreign trade operator 207

2 Import and export of goods and technology 209

3 International services trade 213

4 Remedies for foreign trade 215

Legal terms 法律术语 222

Exercises 练习 223

Chapter 12 Criminal Law 225

1 Scope of validity 225

2 Types of crime and punishment 227

3 Elements of crime 233

4 Acts excluding criminality 237

5 Forms in the process of crime 238

6 Measuring punishment 240

7 Punishment execution 245

Legal terms 法律术语 247

Exercises 练习 249

Chapter 13 Civil Procedure Law 249

1 Basic systems 252

2 Court competence and jurisdiction 254

3 Litigation participants 259

4 Evidence 262

5 Limitation period and service 263

6 Preservation of property and advance execution 264

7 Compulsory measures against obstruction of civil proceedings 265

8 Ordinary trial procedures of the first instance 266

9  Procedures of the second instance 269

10 Trial supervision procedures 271

Legal terms 法律术语 272

Exercises 练习 272

Chapter 14 Administrative Litigation Law 272

1 Scope of application 276

2 Jurisdiction 278

3 Litigation participants 280

4 Evidence 283

5 Trial procedures 285

6 Application of law 290

7 Judgment,ruling&decision 291

Legal terms 法律术语 293

Exercises 练习 293

Chapter 15 Criminal Procedure Law 293

1 Special organs and litigation participants 296

2 Jurisdiction 298

3 Withdrawal 300

4 Defense and agent ad litem 301

5 Evidences 302

6 Compulsory measures 303

7 Limitation period and service 306

8 Suspension,postponement and termination 307

9 Filing the case,investigation and initiating public prosecution 308

10 First instance procedures 310

11 Second instance procedures 313

12 Trial supervision procedures 315

Legal terms 法律术语 315

Exercises 练习 316

Chapter 16 International law 318

1 Public international law 318

2 Private international law 328

Legal terms 法律术语 335

Exercises 练习 336

Appendix 练习题的参考答案 4

1—1:Civil law and criminal 1aw 4

1—2:The number of clauses in laws and implementation regulations 6

1—3:Legislative bodies and titles of legislation 7

1—4:Division of legislative competence 8

1—5:NPC and SCNPC bill sponsors 11

1—6:Promulgation of law 13

1—7:Filing for recording 13

1—8:Division of interpretation competence 14

2—1:Functions of the State organs 28

3—1:Major forms of punishments 48

3—2:Administrative compensation and civil compensation 52

4—1:Rights and capacity 59

4—2:Capacity and competence 59

4—3:Sequence of guardians 60

4—4:Declared missing and death 61

4—5:Legal person and natural person 63

4—6:Legal person and partnership 64

4—7:Void and voidable legal act 67

4—8:Tort and contractual obligation 76

4—9:General and special torts 76

4—10:Suspension and discontinuation 77

5—1:Difference between IP and real rights 81

5—2:Duration of copyright 86

5—3:Duration of neighboring rights 87

5—4:Comparison of patents 89

6—1:Contract and tort 103

6—2:Offer and invitation to treat 106

6—3:Effective time of communication 109

6—4:Types of security devices 111

6—5:Contract modification and assignment 113

7—1:Marriage requirements 123

7—2:Void&voidable marriage 125

7—3:Divorce 126

8—1:Major difference between CLS and LLC 142

8—2:Types of LLC 143

8—3:Conditions of company 144

8—4:Minimal terms in articles of association 145

8—5:Organizations of company 146

8—6:Capital contribution 147

8—7:Representation of shareholder status 148

8—8:Shareholder's direct action and representative action 150

8—9:Plaintiff's qualification 150

8—10:Demand procedure in derivative action 150

8—11:Causes for EGM 152

8—12:Method and time of notice for shareholder's meeting 153

8—13:Sequence of convenor and chairperson of shareholder's meeting 154

8—14:Affirmative votes required for ordinary and special resolution 154

8—15:Quorum and affirmative votes for board resolution 156

8—16:Negative qualification 158

9—1:Difference between stock,bond and warrant 166

9—2:Authorities verifying securities issuance 168

9—3:Verification authorities for securities listing 171

9—4:Disclosure rules for regular and interim report 176

9—5:Liabilities for guilty of prohibited conducts 178

10—1:Major foreign investment vehicles 188

10—2:Application of FIEs' general macro-control requirements 192

10—3:Minimal contents of EJV and CJV contracts 193

10—4:Minimal contents of the FIEs' articles of association 194

10—5:Ratio between FIE's registered capital and total investment 195

10—6:FIE's approval authorities 196

10—7:Documents required 197

10—8:Waiting period 198

10—9:FIEs' capital contribution 198

10—10:Issues requiring unanimous consent in BOD 200

10—11:Causes of liquidation 202

11—1:Control measures for import and export of goods and technology 210

11—2:Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation 216

11—3:Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures 220

12—1:Spacial validity 225

12—2:Retroactivity 226

12—3:Types of punishment 228

12—4:Criminal,civil and administrative detention 229

12—5:Criminal detention and fixed term imprisonment 230

12—6:Criminal and administrative fine 231

12—7:Application of depriving political rights 232

12—8:Period and effective time of depriving political rights 232

12—9:Capacity to bear criminal responsibility 235

12—10:Natural person and unit as criminal subject 235

12—11:Mental state 236

12—12:Distinction between self-defense and preventing immediate danger 237

12—13:Self-defense and preventing immediate danger 237

12—14:Forms in the process of crime 238

12—15:Statutory and discretionary circumstances 240

12—16:Ordinary and special recidivists 241

12—17:Voluntary surrender and meritorious service 241

12—18:Mixed punishment 242

12—19:Probation and death with suspended execution 244

12—20:Punishment reduction 245

12—21:Parole,probation and punishment reduction 246

13—1:Composition of collegiate bench 252

13—2:Causes of withdrawal and scope of application 253

13—3:Relationship between court and PMC competence 255

13—4:Relationship between court and arbitration competence 255

13—5:Distribution of hierarchical jurisdiction 255

13—6:Territorial jurisdiction 256

13—7:Consensual jurisdiction 258

13—8:Third party and joint parties 260

13—9:Agent ad litem and defender 261

13—10:Methods of service 264

13—11:Judgment,ruling and decision 269

13—12:Procedures of first and second instance 269

13—13:Procedure of second instance and trial supervision 271

14—1:Administrative litigation and civil procedure 276

14—2:Distribution of hierarchical jurisdiction in administrative litigation 278

14—3:Territorial jurisdiction in administrative litigation 279

14—4:Defendant in administrative litigation 281

14—5:Types of evidence in administrative and civil litigation 283

15—1:Composition of collegiate panel 296

15—2:Distribution of functional jurisdiction 298

15—3:Distribution of hierarchical jurisdiction 299

15—4:Causes of withdrawal and scope of application 300

16—1:Territorial sea and contiguous zone 319

16—2:Exclusive economic zone and continental shelf 321

16—3:Privilege and immunity for mission and consulate 323

16—4:Privilege and immunity for diplomatic agent and consular officer 324

16—5:Power of ratification and decision 325

1—1:Classification of law 3

1—2:Sources and hierarchy of Chinese law 5

1—3:Four-stage legislative process 9

1—4:Procedures for preparing bills 10

1—5:Voting of bill 12

2—1:Citizen's basic rights 21

2—2:China's administrative division 27

2—3:People's congresses and people's courts 33

2—4:Chinese court system 34

2—5:Dual leadership structure of China's procuratorates 35

3—1:Classification of administrative subject 38

3—2:Types of administrative act 43

3—3:Authority to create administrative license 46

3—4:Authority to create administrative punishment 49

4—1:Types of civil subject 58

4—2:Rebirth merger 62

4—3:Absorptive merger 62

4—4:Rebirth division 62

4—5:Derivative division 62

4—6:Principal&agent 68

4—7:Classification of civil rights 71

5—1:Types of IP 82

6—1:Classification of contract 104

6—2:Contractual terms 110

7—1:Relations in adoption 130

7—2:Types of inheritance 134

8—1:Application of lifting corporate veil 141

8—2:Types of shareholder's rights 149

8—3:CLS structure 151

8—4:LLC structure 151

8—5:Duty of director,supervisor and officer 159

8—6:Types of dissolution and liquidation 160

9—1:Types of securities 165

9—2:Types of disclosure 175

9—3:Types of acquisition 180

10—1:FIE's incorporation flow chart 197

11—1:Types of foreign trade operator 207

11—2:Types of remedies for foreign trade 215

12—1:Types of crime 227

13—1:Flow chart of civil procedure 251

14—1:Flow chart of administrative litigation 275

15—1:Flow chart of criminal procedure 295

16—1:UN's principal organizations 327

16—2:WTO's principal organizations 328

16—3:Renvoi 333
