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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘莉华编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国海洋大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:781125025X
  • 页数:270 页

第一章 专八写作总述 1

一、考纲要求及评分标准 1

二、高分作文策略 3

第二章 真题新体验 6

2007年真题作文 6

2006年真题作文 10

2005年真题作文 14

2004年真题作义 18

2003年真题作文 22

2002年真题作文 25

2001年真题作文 29

2000年真题作文 32

1999年真题作文 36

1998年真题作文 39

1997年真题作文 43

第三章 热点作文40题 48

一、校园生活篇 48

Topic 1:Volunter Your Time 48

Topic 2:How to Survive College Life 51

Topic 3:Should a Formal Distance Be Kept Between Students and Teachers 55

Topic 4:Will Online Learning Replace Classroom Teaching 59

Topic 5:Should Undergraduates Be Allowed to Get Married? 62

Topic 6:Which Comes First in Choosing a Major,Job Opportunities or Interests? 66

Topic 7:Should Universities Lower Admission Requirements for Celebrities 70

Topic 8:What Change Would You Introduce into the Present Education System? 74

Topic 9:Should Universities Allow Students to Live off Campus? 78

Topic 10:How to Prevent Plagiarism 81

Topic 11:Classroom Etiqnette at College 85

Topic 12:Should Universities Charge High Tuition Fees? 89

Topic 13:Which Is More Important for a College Student,His Studies or Social Practice? 93

Topic 14:Where Do You Choose to Work After Graduation? 97

Topic 15:Should English Classes Be Compulsory for Undergraduates? 100

二、社会焦点篇 104

Topic 1:Should We Ban Internet Slang in News and Formal Documents? 104

Topic 2:Should Young Children Be Introduced to the Use of Computer? 108

Topic 3:Is Seeking Psychiatrie Hep a Sign of Weakness? 112

Topic 4:Is Plastic Surgery the Right Choice? 115

Topic 5:Celebrating Western Festivals:a Plus or a Minus? 119

Topic 6:Cause of Teenage Smoking 123

Topic 7:How to Narrow the Gap Between Cities and the Country 126

Topic 8:Should Euthanasia Be Permitted? 130

Topic 9:Should Athletes Have a High Salary? 134

Topic 10:Translation Machine:Not a Replacement for Foreign Language Study 137

三、人际交往篇 141

Topic 1:Is It Advisable to Look for Friends Online? 141

Topic 2:The Etiquette of Cyberspace 144

Topic 3:Should We Help Strangers? 148

Topic 4:Should We Complain About Poor Service? 152

Topic 5:Should We Compare Ourselves with Others? 155

Topic 6:How to Deal with Peer Pressure 159

四、道德价值篇 162

Topic 1:Should the Youth Find an Idol? 162

Topic 2:Is Honesty the Best Policy? 166

Topic 3:Being a Good Citizen 170

Topic 4:Money and Happiness:How Tight the Bond? 174

五、休闲娱乐篇 177

Topic 1:Should Free Music Downloads Be Outlawed? 177

Topic 2:Chatting Online:a Plus or a Minus? 181

Topic 3:Film Adaptations of Literature 184

Topic 4:The Benefits of Exercising 188

Topic 5:Should We Follow Fashions? 192

第四章 写作百宝箱 196

第一节 写作核心词汇 196

一、浅谈如何巧用词汇 196

二、核心词汇速记 199

第二节 写作黄金句式 220

一、浅谈如何锤炼句式、升华文章 220

二、黄金句式必背 223

第三节 名言谚语集锦 240

一、浅谈名言谚语的巧用与活用 240

二、名言谚语集锦 245
