- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王福祯主编;刘守平,焦同梅,桂菏莲等编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国国际广播出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7507827119
- 页数:439 页
一、爱情麻辣烫 1
1.Kiss in the Park/公园里的接吻 2
2.Propose/求婚 3
3.The Husband Has an Affair with Somebody/老公有外遇 4
4.The Third One/第三名 5
5.Think of the Good Side/想想好的一面 6
6.Which Woman?/哪一位女人? 7
7.Gains Can Not Make Up for the Losses/得不偿失 8
8.Who Is Right?/谁是对的? 9
9.Praise/称赞 10
10.Dying after Lying-in/产后去世 11
11.The Pig and the Cat/猪和猫 12
12.Pregnant/怀孕 13
13.A White Lie/善意的谎言 14
14.The Mistaken Husband/糊涂的丈夫 15
15.Don't Change the Subject/不要转移话题 16
16.The Husband's Annoyance/丈夫的苦恼 17
17.Jealousness/吃醋 18
18.The Perfectionist/完美主义者 19
19.Investigation Report/调查报告 20
20.A Good Way/驭妻良方 21
21.Outside Activities/外事活动 22
22.I Want Her to Go Nuts/我要让她发疯 24
23.A forgetful Husband/健忘的丈夫 25
24.Response/回应 27
25.Generous Husband/慷慨的老公 28
26.The Bridge of Madison County/廊桥遗梦 29
27.I'm His Second Wife/我就是他的第二个太太 30
28.The Horse Can Talk/马会说话 32
29.Do as You Do/以你为榜样 33
30.KISS/简短点儿,蠢货 34
31.Unfaithful/不忠实 35
32.Dating/约会 36
33.Why Don't You Leave Him?/你为什么不离开他呢? 37
34.She Is Left-handed/她是左撇子 38
35.Vice-president/副总裁 40
36.Cemetery/墓地 41
37.Contented Married Life/心满意足的婚姻生活 43
38.You're Not Going to Make It/你活不成了 45
39.Good Service/优质服务 47
40.A Long Hot Bath/好好洗个热水澡 49
41.Be Careful/要慎重 51
42.Fishy Trip/可疑的旅行 53
二、生活百味堂 55
43.Only One Eye to Settle On/一眼看中 56
44.A Very Good Report/一篇很好的报道 57
45.Don't Let the Child Miss the Chance/别让孩子错过机会 58
46.No Excuse at All/没有理由 59
47.Congratulations/恭喜 60
48.Looking for a Companion/找个伴侣 61
49.Who Was More Polite?/谁更有礼貌? 62
50.Wedding or Not?/是否结婚? 63
51.So Many Acquaintances/熟人太多 64
52.Chaude and Cold/热与冷 65
53.Secret for a Long Life/长寿秘诀 67
54.Einstein's Overcoat/爱因斯坦的大衣 68
55.A Woman Who Fell/一位摔倒的女人 70
56.Because I'm a Gentleman/因为我是绅士 71
57.Wouldn't You Know?/你不是要知道吗? 72
58.Help/搭救 73
59.Broke My Neck/我的脖子被撞断了 74
60.My Wife Thinks So/我老婆这样认为 75
61.The Young Man at the Wheel/开车的小伙子 76
62.At the Supermarket/在超级市场 77
63.Take as a Memento/照相留念 78
64.Spent Their Honeymoon There/在那里度过蜜月 79
65.A Talk on the Phone/电话交谈 80
66.My Lawyer/我的律师 81
67.The Present/礼物 82
68.The Advantage of Noise/噪音的好处 84
69.The Mean Man's Invitation/吝啬鬼的邀请 85
70.Is This a Boy or a Girl?/这是个男孩还是个女孩? 86
71.Point of No Return/有去无回 87
72.Avant-garde/前卫 88
73.The Worst Day/最倒霉的一天 90
74.Disconcerting/尴尬 92
75.Thanks a Lot,Sergeant/多谢了,班长 94
76.A Man Who Said No/说“不”的男子 96
77.Woman Is Like the Little Finger/女人像小拇指 98
78.The Gate of Heaven/天堂门 100
79.The Birthday Present/生日礼物 102
80.On a Train/在火车上 104
81.Honesty/诚实 106
82.The Wrong Vice-president/搞错了的副总统 108
83.A Wonderful Computer Scale/奇妙的计算机秤 110
84.An Explanation of Being Late/迟到的理由 112
85.Perfect Match/绝配 114
86.He Was Insured/他已被投保 116
87.Raising the Ransom Money/筹集赎金 118
88.A Short Message On Christmas Eve/平安夜的短信 120
89.What Day of the Week Did He Go Away?/星期几走的? 121
90.Where Do You Want These Blinds?/窗帘挂于何处? 123
91.Singing or Crack?/歌声还是爆裂声? 125
92.Old Friend Agreed to Help/老朋友同意帮助 127
93.A Free Ride/免费乘车 129
94.In Prison/蹲监狱 131
95.A Blonde Borrows/美女借钱 133
96.Shark Challenge/挑战鲨鱼 135
97.Big Man in a Small Town/小镇上的大人物 137
三、家庭谐趣园 139
98.The Most Horrific Book/最恐怖的书 140
99.All I DoIs to Pay the Bill/我要做的一切就是付钱 141
100.What's the Matter with You?/你怎么啦? 142
101.The Long and Short of It/长短之说 143
102.You're What We Talked about/你就是我们谈论的对象 144
103.A Nickel and Two Dimes/五分镍币和两个一角的银币 145
104.A Rule/规矩 146
105.The Difference of Parents/父母有别 147
106.A Girl Just like Mother/一个像母亲一样的女孩 149
107.Get a Job/找个工作 150
108.Do You Know What That Sound Means? 你们知道那声音意味着什么吗? 151
109.The Russian Baby/俄国婴儿 153
110.Receive a Lashing/承认就要挨打 155
111.A Letter to Son/给儿子的信 157
112.Expectant Father/准爸爸 159
四、童趣百分百 161
113.Fish and Chicken/鱼与鸡 162
114.Doll/洋娃娃 163
115.Who Should the Present Be Given?/礼物该给谁? 164
116.He Won/他赢了 165
117.A Fall/摔倒 166
118.On the Telephone/打电话 167
119.The Fat Girl's Jealousy/胖女孩的妒忌 169
120.Afraid of the Dark/害怕黑暗 170
121.Should Be a Politician/应该从政 171
122.Oh,ISee/噢,我明白了 172
123.Who Is the Laziest?/谁最懒? 173
124.Learning to Share/学会共同分享 174
125.Studying Environment/学习环境 175
126.Who Did You Have in Mind?/谁是你的意中人呢? 176
127.Slower Is Better/慢点好 177
128.A Bad Impression/糟糕的印象 178
129.Where It Should Be Plugged/插在何处 179
130.That's Because It's Empty/那是因为它是空的 180
131.Boy,oh Boy/让人无奈的孩子 181
132.Stunning Reply/出色的回答 182
133.The New Baby/新生婴儿 183
134.Shade in the Street/大街上的阴凉处 185
135.Twelve Ducks/十二只鸭子 187
136.It's Too Bad You Don't Know/真糟糕,你竟然不知道 189
137.Only One Cake Left/只剩一块了 191
138.A Holiday from School/休假 193
139.Why Don't You Buy a Watch?/为什么不买块手表呢? 195
140.She's on the Roof/她在房顶上 197
141.The Watermelon Patch/西瓜地 199
五、校园怪味豆 201
142.It Must Be Unusual/它一定不寻常 202
143.I Don't Know/我不知道 203
144.The Answer/答案 204
145.When Was Rome Built?/罗马是什么时候建成的? 205
146.The Teacher's Notation/老师的批语 206
147.The Longest and the Shortest/最长的和最短的 207
148.Half or Five Tenths/半个还是十分之五 208
149.The Best Explanation/最好的解释 209
150.The Oldest Musical Instrument/最古老的乐器 210
151.A Funny Dialogue/搞笑对话 211
152.Patriotism/爱国主义 212
153.Against Expectation/意外 213
154.Waiting for My Secretary/在等我的秘书 214
155.Where Is Your Picture?/你的画呢? 215
156.What Are Left Behind?/还剩下什么? 216
157.Two Birds/两只鸟 217
158.The Most Beautiful Thing/最美的东西 218
159.Actual Age/实际年龄 219
160.Nest and Hair/鸟窝与头发 220
161.Be Late/迟到 221
162.A History Lesson/一节历史课 223
163.A Tough Teacher/强悍的教师 225
164.All except the Music/除了音乐 227
165.Guess the Animal/猜动物 229
166.But the Teacher Did/可是老师哭了 231
167.The Inportance of Punctuation/标点符号的重要性 232
168.Day after Day/日复一日 234
169.Three Days to Live/只能再活三天 235
170.Civil Rights/公民权 237
171.The Teacher's Pest/老师的调皮生 238
172.Class,Lass and Ass/班级、情人和蠢驴 240
173.A Midshipman/海军军官候补生 242
174.Lawyer's "Speak"/律师的“说辞” 244
175.Who Cheated?/谁作弊了? 246
176.Lip Prints/唇印 248
177.Just Helpless/无可救药 250
178.Keys or Kiss?/钥匙还是接吻? 252
179.I'll See You Monday/星期一见 254
180.Do You Know Who I Am?/你认识我吗? 256
181.Homework/家庭作业 258
182.Overweight/超重 260
六、主顾PK秀 261
183.Just a Minute/请稍等 262
184.Answer According to the Facts/如实回答 263
185.That Would Be Much Worse/可能更糟 264
186.How Did You Ever Get Here?/你是怎样到达这儿的? 265
187.But I Am Satisfied with That/但是我非常满意 266
188.A New Employee/新雇员 267
189.I Can't Raise It Any Longer/再也养不起它了 268
190.Every Year/每年 269
191.Today It Is Worse/今天更糟糕 270
192.It Depends/视情况而定 271
193.Turn Left/向左转 273
194.One Hundred Times/抄写100遍 274
195.You're Fired/你被炒鱿鱼了 275
196.Being Shocked/相当震惊 276
197.I Want to Get Out/我要出去 277
198.Pink Suit Sale/粉红套装售出 279
199.An Arithmetic Problem/一个算术问题 281
200.A Creative Defense/独创的辩护 283
201.Appreciation/升值 285
202.The Legs Will Fall Off/桌腿会掉下来 286
203.A Hasty Interruption/匆忙打断 287
204.The Cat and the Saucer/猫与托盘 289
205.A Natural Process/自然过程 291
206.What's Your Name?/你叫什么名字? 293
207.An Advertisement/一则广告 295
208.Ways and Means/花招 297
七、医患碰碰车 299
209.Bones/骨头 300
210.Where Is It?/在哪儿? 301
211.Very Common/相当正常 302
212.I Think That I'm a Chicken/我认为我是一只鸡 303
213.A New Problem/新问题 304
214.Home,Sweet Home/还是家里好 305
215.Just Loosen/仅松动一点 306
216.You're Smarter/你变聪明了 307
217.Vasectomy/结扎 308
218.Dose It Hurt Very Much?/你的牙很疼吗? 309
219.Difficult to Give Up/难以割舍 311
220.The Bait/诱饵 313
221.The Doctor Lives Downstairs/医生住在楼下 315
222.A Bad Memory/健忘 316
223.Cut the Legs off the Bed/把床腿锯掉 317
224.What's the Good News?/好消息是什么? 319
225.I Drop My Weight from Skipping/我用跳来减肥 321
226.Illegible Writing/无法辨认的字迹 323
227.He Lowered Her Chair Six Inches/他把她的椅子降低了6英寸 324
228.Only Started Practice Yesterday/昨天才开业 326
229.80-year-old/八十岁 327
230.A Bad Doctor/庸医 329
231.I'm That Man's Tailor/我就是那人的裁缝师 332
232.Mental Deficiency/智力缺陷 334
233.We'll Work on Your Hearing/下一步就治你的听力 336
234.Loud,Mad and Sad/又吵又疯又悲伤 338
八、动物大世界 339
235.The Importance of a Foreign Language/外语的重要性 340
236.Does the Dog Know the Proverb?/狗知道这条谚语吗? 341
237.Giving Presents/送礼 342
238.Cow on Train Tracks/铁轨上的母牛 343
239.Three very Tough Mice/三只强壮的老鼠 344
240.Golfer/高尔夫球手 345
241.Mosquitoes with Lanterns/提着灯笼的蚊子 347
242.I Must Marry Him/我一定要嫁给他 348
243.The Complaining of a Hen and a Cow/鸡和牛的抱怨 349
244.Frog's Dream/青蛙的梦想 350
245.A Clever Dog/聪明的狗 351
246.He Couldn't Swim the Atlantic/它游不过大西洋 352
247.Dancing Duck/会跳舞的鸭 353
九、脑筋急转弯 355
248.When Do People Talk Least?/人什么时候说话最少? 356
248.Why did the Lady Liberty Hold a Torch?为什么自由女神要高举火炬? 357
250.The Best Answer/最佳答案 358
251.It Is an Oak Tree/这是一棵橡树 359
252.American Dream/美国梦 360
十、宗教小布丁 361
253.In a Second/过一秒钟 362
254.Adam's Suit/亚当的衣服 363
255.Talking to Heaven/天堂通话 364
256.What's His Number?/他的电话号码是多少? 365
257.Hit Him Again/再砸他一次 366
258.Bat Problem/蝙蝠问题 367
259.The Story of a Young Cleric/年轻牧师的经历 369
260.I Have Faith in the Lord/我相信上帝 371
261.A Prospective Horse Buyer/欲买马之人 373
262.Heaven and Hell/天国与地狱 375
263.The Proper Behavior/举止得体 377
十一、幽默大杂烩 379
264.A Foolish Police Officer/愚蠢的警官 380
265.I Wish It Were Blood/但愿是血 381
266.I Did Not/我没有那样说 382
267.Seventeen/十七 383
268.Regret/遗憾 384
269.The One in the Middle/要中间的那个 385
270.Two Clever Guys/两个聪明的家伙 386
271.Must Be Enraged to Crazy/一定会被气疯的 387
272.Bad Drivers/糟糕的司机 388
273.Drunk/醉酒 389
274.Can You Run Faster Than the Tiger?/你能跑得比老虎还快吗? 390
275.The Leading Lady Is Crazy/女主角发疯 391
276.All's Well That Ends Well/结局好的就是好 392
277.That's a Lift/这是电梯 393
278.Go after Number 21/紧盯21号 394
279.We Have Caught Three of Them/我们已经抓住了三个 395
280.The Perfect Solution/完美解决之道 397
281.More Light/光线充足 399
282.An Exact Number/准确数字 401
283.Sky-diving Competition/跳伞比赛 402
284.A Rookie/初出茅庐 404
285.A Funeral Oration/悼词 406
286.A Place to Sleep in/一个睡的地方 407
287.This Hole in the Ground/地坑 409
288.German Visit/德国之行 411
289.Why?/为什么? 413
290.You Are the Fifth/你是第五条(鱼) 415
十二、吹牛免税区 417
291.A Branch Office/子公司 418
292.A Beat-up Car/破车 419
293.Whose Dog Is Smarter?/谁的狗更聪明? 420
294.There Flies a Dead Duck/飞走的死鸭 421
295.What a Big Beach/多么大的海滩 422
296.Whose Father Was the Stronger?/谁的老爸更强壮? 423
297.I Can't Sell It/我不卖 424
298.Boasting/吹牛 425
299.Surgeons/外科医生 427
300.Two Farmers/两个农夫 429
附:用幽默法为词语下定义 431
1.Part One/第一部分 432
2.Part Two/第二部分 434
3.Part Three/第三部分 436
4.Part Four/第四部分 438
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