实用大学英语教程 第2册 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡京华,范振辉等
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7300083765
- 页数:389 页
UNIT 1 1
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI'd Like to Reserve a Room 2
PART Ⅱ Text ATaking a Taxi in the United States 7
PART Ⅲ Text BVarieties of Introductions 11
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkLeaving a Message 14
UNIT 2 15
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWhere Is the Flight to Los Angeles? 16
PART Ⅱ Text ANew Year's Customs 20
PART Ⅲ Text BPreparing for a Conversation 23
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkMaking an Appointment 26
UNIT 3 27
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsIs This the Train to Boston? 28
PART Ⅱ Text AChina to Push Economic Growth 33
PART Ⅲ Text BBusiness Gift Giving in the U.S 37
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkAsking for Leave 40
UNIT 4 41
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsHow Can I Get My Checks? 42
PART Ⅱ Text AMother's Day 46
PART Ⅲ Text BBroadway 49
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkInvitation Card 52
UNIT 5 53
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWe Will Have a Party This Weekend 54
PART Ⅱ Text AThe Reasons of Teenagers Taking Drugs 59
PART Ⅲ Text BDestruction of Natural Protection Caused Tsunami 63
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkName Card 66
UNIT 6 67
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI'd Like to Have My Hair Cut 68
PART Ⅱ Text ASan Francisco 72
PART Ⅲ Text BSeattle 75
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkCard for Greeting and Congratulations 78
UNIT 7 79
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI'd Like to Mail Some Letters to China 80
PART Ⅱ Text AThe History of April Fools'Day 84
PART Ⅲ Text BThe Value of Responsibility 88
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkBirthday Card 92
UNIT 8 93
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsHow about Your Essay? 94
PART Ⅱ Text AParticipation in the Classroom 98
PART Ⅲ Text BHomework in American Schools 101
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkNotice and Announcement 104
UNIT 9 105
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWhy Not Deliver Yours to the Internet? 106
PART Ⅱ Text AFirst Valentine Wasn't Love Note 111
PART Ⅲ Text BMy First Job 115
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkCard for Apology or Saying Sorry 120
UNIT 10 121
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsCan I Work On-Campus? 122
PART Ⅱ Text AThanksgiving Day(Ⅰ) 126
PART Ⅲ Text BThanksgiving Day(Ⅱ) 129
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkPublic Notice 132
UNIT 11 133
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI Need to Rent an Apartment 134
PART Ⅱ Text AThe French 138
PART Ⅲ Text BThe English Character 141
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkAdvertisement 144
UNIT 12 145
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsDo You Drive? 146
PART Ⅱ Text AAmerican Family 150
PART Ⅲ Text BChanges in American Family 153
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkPoster and Playbill 156
UNIT 13 157
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWe'll Visit the White House Today 158
PART Ⅱ Text APolitical Election in America 164
PART Ⅲ Text BPresidential Election in America 167
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkJob Invitation 170
UNIT 14 171
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsI Need a Phone at My Home 172
PART Ⅱ Text AE-mail Addicts and Some Tips 177
PART Ⅲ Text BNetiquette 180
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkE-Mail 184
UNIT 15 185
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWe'd Like to Have a Visit 186
PART Ⅱ Text AFranklin Delano Roosevelt 191
PART Ⅲ Text BAbraham Lincoln 194
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkIntroduction of Product 197
UNIT 16 199
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsWill You Go for an Outing with Us? 200
PART Ⅱ Text ASightseeing in Australia 204
PART Ⅲ Text BThe French Leisure and Pleasure 208
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkIntroduction of Company 211
UNIT 17 213
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsHow Will You Spend This Weekend? 214
PART Ⅱ Text AToday 218
PART Ⅲ Text BWhat Is the Most Important? 222
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkOperating Instruction of Product 225
UNIT 18 227
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsDo You Need Any Help? 228
PART Ⅱ Text AThe 1960 Chilean Tsunami 233
PART Ⅲ Text BPliable Solar Cells Are on a Roll 238
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkMaintenance Instruction of Product 242
UNIT 19 243
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsDo You Like Sports? 244
PART Ⅱ Text AWhy Are Marathons 26 Miles,385 Yards Long? 249
PART Ⅲ Text BBackstreet's Back 253
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkResponding to Complaints 257
UNIT 20 259
PART Ⅰ Communication SkillsCan I Have the Job? 260
PART Ⅱ Text ASunshine on a Rainy Day 265
PART Ⅲ Text BFamily 268
PART Ⅳ Writing WorkReplying to Inquiry 271
综合练习 273
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