大学英语学习手册 第2册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:佟学伶主编;王月仙,杨育民副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:730204922X
- 页数:272 页
Unit One Is There Life on Earth? 地球上有生命吗? 1
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 1
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 12
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 18
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 21
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 25
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 27
Unit Two The Dinner Party 晚宴 31
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 31
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 40
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 45
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 49
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 52
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 53
Unit Three Lessons from Jefferson 杰斐逊的遗训 57
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 57
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 69
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 75
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 79
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 83
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 85
Unit Four My First Job 我的初次谋职 89
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 89
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 99
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 105
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 109
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 113
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 114
Unit Five The Professor and the Yo-Yo 教授与玩具悠悠 118
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 118
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 127
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 133
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 137
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 141
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 143
Unit Six The Making of a Surgeon 外科医师的成功之道 147
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 147
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 156
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 162
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 166
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 169
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 171
Unit Seven There's Only Luck 全靠运气 175
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 175
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 181
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 186
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 189
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 191
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 193
Unit Eight Honesty:Is It Going Out of Style? 诚实:它是不是已变得不合时宜? 198
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 198
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 205
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 210
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 214
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 217
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 220
Unit Nine What Is Intelligence,Anyway? 智力到底是什么? 224
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 224
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 231
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 236
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 240
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 243
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 244
Unit Ten Profits of Praise 赞扬的好处 248
Ⅰ.课文注释(Notes to the text) 248
Ⅱ.词语辨析(Discrimination of synonymous words and phrases) 256
Ⅲ.练习答案(Key to the exercises) 260
Ⅳ.练习注释(Notes to the exercises) 264
Ⅴ.课文参考译文(Translation of the text) 267
Ⅵ.自测练习(Test yourself) 270
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