中等职业学校教学用书 IT类专业项目课程系列教材 计算机技术专业 软件英语基础教程PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:比尔·金兰顿主编
- 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787121039355
- 页数:142 页
Module 1 Computer Software 模块1 电脑软件 5
Key Terms 关键词 5
Module 1 Quiz 模块1小测验 6
M1T1-Operating Systems(Reading) 操作系统(阅读) 7
M1T1-Operating Systems(Exercises) 操作系统(练习) 8
M1T1-Operating Systems(Key Terms) 操作系统(关键词) 8
M1T1-Operating Systems(Substitutions) 操作系统(替代练习) 10
M1T2-Application Software(Reading) 应用软件(阅读) 11
M1T2-Application Software(Exercises) 应用软件(练习) 12
M1T2-Application Software(Key Terms) 应用软件(关键词) 12
M1T2-Application Software(Substitutions) 应用软件(替代练习) 13
M1T3-Office Software(Reading) 办公软件(阅读) 15
M1T3-Office Software(Exercises) 办公软件(练习) 16
M1T3-Office Software(Key Terms) 办公软件(关键词) 16
M1T3-Office Software(Substitutions) 办公软件(替代练习) 17
M1T4-Database Software(Reading) 数据库软件(阅读) 19
M1T4-Database Software(Exercises) 数据库软件(练习) 20
M1T4-Database Software(Key Terms) 数据库软件(关键词) 20
M1T4-Database Software(Substitutions) 数据库软件(替代练习) 21
M1T5-Communications Software(Reading) 通信软件(阅读) 23
M1T5-Communications Software(Exercises) 通信软件(练习) 24
M1T5-Communications Software(Key Terms) 通信软件(关键词) 24
M1T5-Communications Software(Substitutions) 通信软件(关键词) 25
M1T6-Multimedia Software(Reading) 多媒体软件(阅读) 27
M1T6-Multimedia Software(Exercises) 多媒体软件(练习) 28
M1T6-Multimedia Software(Key Terms) 多媒体软件(关键词) 28
M1T6-Multimedia Software(Substitutions) 多媒体软件(替代练习) 29
M1T7-Desktop Publishing Software(Reading) 桌面排版软件(阅读) 31
M1T7-Desktop Publishing Software(Exercises) 桌面排版软件(练习) 32
M1T7-Desktop Publishing Software(Key Terms) 桌面排版软件(关键词) 32
M1T7-Desktop Publishing Software(Substitutions) 桌面排版软件(替代练习) 33
M1T8-Groupware(Reading) 群件(阅读) 35
M1T8-Groupware(Exercises) 群件(练习) 36
M1T8-Groupware(Key Terms) 群件(关键词) 36
M1T8-Groupware(Substitutions) 群件(替代练习) 37
Module 2 Networking Software 模块2 网络软件 39
Key Terms 关键词 39
Module 2 Quiz 模块2小测验 40
M2T1-NOS(Reading) 网络操作系统(阅读) 41
M2T1-NOS(Exercises) 网络操作系统(练习) 42
M2T1-NOS(Key Terms) 网络操作系统(关键词) 42
M2T1-NOS(Substitutions) 网络操作系统(替代练习) 43
M2T2-UNIX(Reading) UNIX操作系统(阅读) 45
M2T2-UNIX(Exercises) UNIX操作系统(练习) 46
M2T2-UNIX(Key Terms) UNIX操作系统(关键词) 46
M2T2-UNIX(Substitutions) UNIX操作系统(替代练习) 48
M2T3-Banyan(Reading) Banyan公司(阅读) 49
M2T3-Banyan(Exercises) Banyan公司(练习) 50
M2T3-Banyan(Key Terms) Banyan公司(关键词) 50
M2T3-Banyan(Substitutions) Banyan公司(替代练习) 52
M2T4-Novell(Reading) Novell公司(阅读) 53
M2T4-Novell(Exercises) Novell公司(练习) 53
M2T4-Novell(Key Terms) Novell公司(关键词) 54
M2T4-Novell(Substitutions) Novell公司(替代练习) 55
M2T5-Microsoft(Reading) 微软公司(阅读) 57
M2T5-Microsoft Networking(Exercises) 微软公司(练习) 58
M2T5-Microsoft Networking(Key Terms) 微软公司(关键词) 58
M2T5-Microsoft Networking(Substitutions) 微软公司(替代练习) 59
M2T6-Linux(Reading) Linux网络操作系统(阅读) 61
M2T6-Linux(Exercises) Linux网络操作系统(练习) 62
M2T6-Linux(Key Terms) Linux网络操作系统(关键词) 62
M2T6-Linux(Substitutions) Linux网络操作系统(替代练习) 63
M2T7-Apple NOS(Reading) 苹果网络操作系统(阅读) 65
M2T7-Apple NOS(Exercises) 苹果网络操作系统(练习) 66
M2T7-Apple NOS(Key Terms) 苹果网络操作系统(关键词) 66
M2T7-Apple NOS(Substitutions) 苹果网络操作系统(替代练习) 67
M2T8-Internetworking(Reading) 网络互联(阅读) 69
M2T8-Internetworking(Exercises) 网络互联(练习) 70
M2T8-Internetworking(Key Terms) 网络互联(关键词) 70
M2T8-Internetworking(Substitutions) 网络互联(替代练习) 71
Module 3 The Internet 模块3 因特网 73
Key Terms 关键词 73
Module 3 Quiz 模块3小测验 74
M3T1-The Internet and the World Wide Web(Reading) 因特网和万维网(阅读) 75
M3T1-The Internet and the World Wide Web(Exercises) 因特网和万维网(练习) 76
M3T1-The Internet and the World Wide Web(Key Terms) 因特网和万维网(关键词) 76
M3T1-The Internet and the World Wide Web(Substitutions) 因特网和万维网(替代练习) 77
M3T2-HTML and Web Sites(Reading) HTML和网站(阅读) 79
M3T2-HTML and Web Sites(Exercises) HTML和网站(练习) 80
M3T2-HTML and Web Sites(Key Terms) HTML和网站(关键词) 80
M3T2-HTML and Web Sites(Substitutions) HTML和网站(替代练习) 82
M3T3-Internet Software(Java,Perl,ASP)(Reading) 因特网软件(阅读) 83
M3T3-Internet Software(Java,Perl,ASP)(Exercises) 因特网软件(练习) 84
M3T3-Internet Software(Java,Perl,ASP)(Key Terms) 因特网软件(关键词) 84
M3T3-Internet Software(Java,Perl,ASP)(Substitutions) 因特网软件(替代练习) 86
M3T4-Servers(Reading) 服务器(阅读) 87
M3T4-Servers(Exercises) 服务器(练习) 88
M3T4-Servers(Key Terms) 服务器(关键词) 88
M3T4-Servers(Substitutions) 服务器(替代练习) 89
M3T5-Internet Security(Reading) 因特网安全(阅读) 91
M3T5-Internet Security(Exercises) 因特网安全(练习) 92
M3T5-Internet Security(Key Terms) 因特网安全(关键词) 92
M3T5-Internet Security(Substitutions) 因特网安全(替代练习) 93
M3T6-Internet Connections(Reading) 因特网连接(阅读) 95
M3T6-Internet Connections(Exercises) 因特网连接(练习) 96
M3T6-Internet Connections(Key Terms) 因特网连接(关键词) 97
M3T6-Internet Connections(Substitutions) 因特网连接(替代练习) 98
M3T7-Internet Research(Reading) 因特网研究(阅读) 99
M3T7-Internet Research(Exercises) 因特网研究(练习) 100
M3T7-Internet Research(Key Terms) 因特网研究(关键词) 100
M3T7-Internet Research(Substitutions) 因特网研究(替代练习) 102
M3T8-E-Commerce(Reading) 电子商务(阅读) 103
M3T8-E-Commerce(Exercises) 电子商务(练习) 104
M3T8-E-Commerce(Key Terms) 电子商务(关键词) 105
M3T8-E-Commerce(Substitutions) 电子商务(替代练习) 106
Module 4 Enterprise Software 模块4 企业软件 107
Key Terms 关键词 107
Module 4 Quiz 模块4小测验 108
M4T1-Accounting Software(Reading) 财务软件(阅读) 109
M4T1-Accounting Software(Exercises) 财务软件(练习) 110
M4T1-Accounting Software(Key Terms) 财务软件(关键词) 110
M4T1-Accounting Software(Substitutions) 财务软件(替代练习) 111
M4T2-Inventory Control Software(Reading) 进销存软件(阅读) 113
M4T2-Inventory Control Software(Exercises) 进销存软件(练习) 114
M4T2-Inventory Control Software(Key Terms) 进销存软件(关键词) 114
M4T2-Inventory Control Software(Substitutions) 进销存软件(替代练习) 115
M4T3-CRM Software(Reading) CRM软件(阅读) 117
M4T3-CRM Software(Exercises) CRM软件(练习) 118
M4T3-CRM Software(Key Terms) CRM软件(关键词) 118
M4T3-CRM Software(Substitutions) CRM软件(替代练习) 119
M4T4-ERP Software(Reading) ERP软件(阅读) 121
M4T4-ERP Software(Exercises) ERP软件(练习) 122
M4T4-ERP Software(Key Terms) ERP软件(关键词) 122
M4T4-ERP Software(Substitutions) ERP软件(替代练习) 123
M4T5-SCM Software(Reading) SCM软件(阅读) 125
M4T5-SCM Software(Exercises) SCM软件(练习) 126
M4T5-SCM Software(Key Terms) SCM软件(关键词) 126
M4T5-SCM Software(Substitutions) SCM软件(替代练习) 127
M4T6-B2B Software(Reading) B2B软件(阅读) 129
M4T6-B2B Software(Exercises) B2B软件(练习) 130
M4T6-B2B Software(Key Terms) B2B软件(关键词) 130
M4T6-B2B Software(Substitutions) B2B软件(替代练习) 131
M4T7-B2C Software(Reading) B2C软件(阅读) 133
M4T7-B2C Software(Exercises) B2C软件(练习) 134
M4T7-B2C Software(Key Terms) B2C软件(关键词) 135
M4T7-B2C Software(Substitutions) B2C软件(替代练习) 136
M4T8-EAI Software(Reading) EAI软件(阅读) 137
M4T8-EAI Software(Exercises) EAI软件(练习) 138
M4T8-EAI Software(Key Terms) EAI软件(关键词) 138
M4T8-EAI Software(Substitutions) EAI软件(替代练习) 139
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