- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)霍尔福德-斯特雷文斯(Holford-Strevens,L.)著;萧耐园译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7560067980
- 页数:292 页
1 The day 1
2 Months andyears 18
3 Prehistory and history of the modern calendar 28
4 Easter 44
5 Weeks and seasons 64
6 Other calendars 86
7 Marking the year 108
Appendices 131
Further reading 135
Glossary 138
Index 140
第一章 日 147
第二章 月和年 164
第三章 现代历法的史前史和历史 173
第四章 复活节 190
第五章 星期和季节 213
第六章 其他历法 236
第七章 年的标记 259
附录 285
词表 289
1 Detail of Egyptian diagonal calendar Hildesheim,Roemer-und Pelizaeus Museum(inv.no.PM 5999) 5
2 Babylonian ivory with calculation of length of hours The Trustees of the British Museum(inv.no.123340) 7
3 Clockface from revolutionary France Oxford,Museum of the History of Science(inv.no.44600) 8
4 Equation of time 11
5 Time zones 14
6 The moon's phases 19
7 Signs of the zodiac 20
8 The precession of the equinoxes 21
9 Fasti maiores Antiates,showing pre-Julian Roman calendar Rome,Museo Nazionale Romano in Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.By permission of Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali/Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma 30
10 Almanac of 1752 showing September with 19 days The Bodleian Library,University of Oxford(Douce A.618(16)) 39
11 Hogarth,engraving of An Election Entertainment(detail) The Trustees of the British Museum(inv.no.Cc,2-182) 41
12 Sixth-century mosaic of Dionysius Exiguus' Easter tables Ravenna,Museo Arcivescovile/Opera di Religione della Diocesi di Ravenna 50
13 Ninth-century copy of Bede's perpetual Easter table Karlsruhe,Badische Landesbibliothek,(Aug.perg.167,fol.12v.) 55
14 Page of Gregorian Easter table From Clavius' Romani calendarii...explicatio(Rome,1601),the British Library,London(532.k.10,p.506) 59
15 Saturn and his day Vatican City,Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana,(Romanus Ⅰ,Barberini lat.2154,fol.8) 65
16 Fragments of Fasti Sabini showing weekday letters beside nundinal letters From Inscriptiones Italiae,xiii/2,ed.A.Degrassi(Rome:Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato,S.p.A.) 67
17 Graffito from Pompeii showing conflation of week and market-cycle Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum,iv.8863,from W.Krenkel,Pompeianische Inschriften(Leipzig:Koehler&Amelang Verlag,1961) 69
18 Dr Joseph Herman Hertz,the Chief Rabbi who fought to save the week National Portrait Gallery,London 78
19 Diagram from Byrhtferth's Enchiridion(early 11th century) The Bodleian Library,University of Oxford(MS Ashmole 328,p.85) 81
20 Gaulish calendar from Coligny Musée Gallo-Romain de Lyon,France.? Ch.Thioc 95
21 Chinese calendar Paris,Bibliothèque Nationale de France.? Lauros/Giraudon/www.bridgeman.co.uk 102
22 Piedra del Sol ? Charles and Josette Lenars/Corbis 104
23 Mayan names for(a)days of veintena;(b)months of solar year From ?.Biémont,Rythmes du temps(Paris and Brussels:De Boeck&Larcier,2000) 105
24 One of five fragments of the'Palermo Stone'from Egypt,Fifth Dynasty,c.2470 BC Palermo,Museo Nazionale Archeologico.Photo:akg-images/Erich Lessing 109
25 Part of Roman consul-list in Fasti Capitolini From Inscriptiones Italiae,xiii/1,ed.A.Degrassi(Rome,Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato,S.p.A.) 112
26 Fragments of Egyptian king-lists From Sir Alan Gardiner,Egypt of the Pharaohs(Oxford University Press,1961 and reprints),pl.iii 113
图1.埃及对角线历的局部图 152
图2.刻有计算小时长度文字的巴比伦象牙 153
图3.法国大革命时期的钟面 154
图4.时差 157
图5.时区 160
图6.月相 165
图7.黄道宫 166
图8.二分点的岁差 166
图9.现存唯一的罗马共和国时期岁时记,展示古罗马儒略历之前的历法 175
图10.1752年的一页历书,显示9月份只有19日 185
图11.贺加斯的版画《选举招待会》(局部) 187
图12.6世纪小狄奥尼西复活节查定表的镶嵌图 197
图13.比德的永久性复活节查定表的9世纪摹本 203
图14.格里高利复活节查定表之一页 207
图15.土星与它的日期 215
图16.萨宾人的岁时记残片,在表示集市周期的字母旁边还有表示星期的字母 216
图17.庞贝出土的墙壁涂画,显示星期与集市周期的合并 218
图18.大拉比约瑟夫·赫尔曼·赫茨博士,他曾为挽救星期而呼吁 228
图19.载于伯特佛斯的《便览》(11世纪初)中的示意图 232
图20.在科利尼发现的高卢历 246
图21.中国历 254
图22.太阳石 255
图23.(a)veintena日期和(b)太阳年月份的马雅语名称 257
图24.埃及出土的“巴勒莫石刻”5块残片之一,属公元前约2470年第五王朝 260
图25.卡皮托利尼岁时记中的部分罗马执政官名录 263
图26.埃及国王名录残片 265
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