- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱丽华主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7119047574
- 页数:286 页
UNIT 1 打开英语的第一扇窗 重要单词 8
abandon~annoy 8
anxious~burden 17
calculate~consult 27
contact~drawback 37
effective~interpret 45
latter~privilege 54
profession~schedule 64
secure~suspect 73
tendency~worthwhile 82
战力养成 93
UNIT 2 英语高手的秘密武器 关键词组 96
a dozen of ~ at a/the cost of 96
attend to~bring in 100
burst into~congratulate sb.on 106
contribute to~get treated 109
go for~leave behind 113
live to be~pull out of 117
pull up~stand by 121
stand for~to…degree 124
战力养成 130
UNIT 3 读懂英语的重要诀窍 实用句型 134
Impressive as the record is,it fades next to the story of Armstrong’s struggle against disease.等,7句 134
Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.等,7句 138
To solve this, Australia uses “dis-tance learning” methods, where the students have lessons by two-way radio and mail.等,7句 142
Some companies prefer a well-known word,while others choose names from old stories or legends.等,6句 144
If you were to spend as many hours studying English, you would make great progress.等,8句 150
Troubled by the loss of such a val-uable jewel, Rachel’s mother hires the famous detective to investigate the theft.等,8句 154
The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better their lan-guage acquisition.等,7句 159
战力养成 163
UNIT 4 学好英语的一盏明灯 基础语法 170
主语、谓语及主谓一致 170
宾语 182
定语 187
状语 193
动词的时态和语态 202
虚拟语气 215
战力养成 223
UNIT 5 跨越写作关口的法宝 规范写作 252
情景作文 252
开放作文 270
经典句型 271
实战与练习 273
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