- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:成应翠主编
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:711120087X
- 页数:201 页
1.A Dinner大餐 2
2.Rainbow彩虹 3
3.The Moonlight Treasure Box月光宝盒 4
4.The Bag Aerial Consigning Station书包空中托运站 5
5.2ml Gas两毫升汽油 6
6.Valuable Antiques值钱的古董 7
7.The Baby Coin小硬币 8
8.The Greatest Wish最大的心愿 9
9.A Magic Pen神奇的笔 10
10.The Invisible Man隐形人 11
11.The Short History of America美国历史短 12
12.A Goldfish金鱼 13
13.Soap肥皂 14
14.The Apple Is Sleeping苹果在睡觉 15
15.The Beautiful Cloud漂亮的云 16
16.The Plump Looks胖乎乎的样子 17
17.The Sweaty Glass出汗的玻璃 18
18.Flying to the Moon奔月 19
19.Shadow影子 20
20.Swallow a Toy吞下个玩具 21
21.Sister Lotus Leaf荷叶姐姐 22
22.Miss Snail田螺姑娘 23
23.Grandpa Thunder雷公公 24
24.The Greatest Invention最伟大的发明 25
25.Count Sheep数绵羊 26
26.Dream愿望 27
27.My Teacher's Favorite Is Me老师好喜欢我 28
28.Greens青菜 29
29.Be Still in Pain还疼 30
30.The Moon月亮 31
31.The Main Menu主菜单 32
32.Birthday Present生日礼物 33
33.Dig Holes挖洞 34
34.Devil魔鬼 35
35.Class Is Over下课了 36
36.Ma Liang's Brushpencil马良的画笔 37
37.Colorful Flowers五颜六色的花 38
38.Mermaid美人鱼 39
39.Wool and Blanket羊毛和毯子 40
40.Open the Can打开罐头 41
41.Beautiful Stars漂亮的星星 42
42.Golden Letters金黄色的信 43
43.Star Flower星星花 44
44.Star Tree星星树 45
45.Snow Flakes雪花 46
46.Emma爱玛 47
47.The Shadow of a Tree大树的影子 48
48.The Skipping Rope Made of Rainbow彩虹跳绳 49
49.Beautiful Flowers美丽的花儿 50
50.Snail蜗牛 51
51.Salty Fruit咸果子 52
52.Take a Bite of the Moon咬月亮一口 53
53.Ice-skating Bed溜冰床 54
54.A Letter一封信 55
55.Concert of Plants植物音乐会 56
56.Tour Group旅游团 57
57.Spoondrift浪花 58
58.The Grandpa's Teeth爷爷的牙 59
59.In Two Pieces两半 60
60.Snores鼾声 61
61.Sweat a Lot出汗 62
62.My Dad我的爸爸 63
63.Tadpole蝌蚪 64
64.Cucumber黄瓜 65
65.All Come Back都回来啦 66
66.Fish Bone鱼刺 67
67.Hot Ice Lolly热雪糕 68
68.Shoot a Sparrow with the Pear用梨砸麻雀 69
69.Water the Flowers浇花 70
70.Cut the Cake切蛋糕 71
71.Keep Silent while Eating吃饭的时候不要说话 72
72.Telescope and Magnifier望远镜和放大镜 73
73.Plaster the Book给书上药 74
74.Have a Trip旅行 75
75.Prince Frog青蛙王子 76
76.Lovely Animals可爱的动物 77
77.The Water Shade Hole水帘洞 78
78.The Great Change大变脸 79
79.Dreams梦境 80
80.Stand on the Wall站在墙上 81
81.White Clouds and Dark Clouds白云和乌云 82
82.Take Advice听话 83
83.The TV Set Without Door电视机没有门 84
84.Have a Kiss香个脸脸 85
85.A Bubble Dream泡泡梦 86
86.The Daughter of a Kangaroo袋鼠的女儿 87
87.Make Much Progress进步更大 88
88.Trip Over the Elephant绊倒大象 89
89.Drive the Broom and Fly to the Sky骑着扫把上天 90
90.The Stone Crack石头缝 91
91.A Partner伴儿 92
92.The Coin Tree摇钱树 93
93.A Basketball Shooter灌篮手 94
94.What a Coincidence多巧啊 95
95.Superman超人 96
96.A Flip翻筋斗 97
97.The Unripe Apple青苹果 98
98.Sister Wind风姐姐 99
99.Class Bell上课铃 100
100.Celebrate New Year过年 101
101.PE Exam体育考试 102
102.Doremon哆啦A梦 103
103.Your Coat Has Also Sold Out你的大衣也被卖了 104
104.Sound Sleep舒适的睡眠 105
105.Mirror镜子 106
106.A Cat Nap打瞌睡 107
107.Copy My Figure克隆我的身材 108
108.One Thousand and One Wishes一千零一个愿望 109
109.The Unfair World不公平的世界 110
110.Hibernation冬眠 111
111.Back to the Tang Dynasty回到唐朝 112
112.Give Birth to a Boy生男孩 113
113.Hot Water热水 114
114.The Presents for Children's Day六一节礼物 115
115.A Super Big Ice-cream超大冰淇淋 116
116.Orange Seeds橘子籽 117
117.Tie Wings绑翅膀 118
118.Save Labor省力 119
119.A Rival in Love情敌 120
120.The Grandpa Thunder's Hammer雷公公的锤子 121
121.Pull out the Plug把塞子拔掉 122
122.Have No Money没钱 123
123.Have Some Yourself请喝吧 124
124.Buy Happiness买快乐 125
125.Hook the Moon钩月亮 126
126.An Ice-cream Rocket冰淇淋火箭 127
127.Stand Guard站岗 128
128.Ice Blocks冰块 129
129.Good Daughter乖女儿 130
130.Candies糖果 131
131.Change Cloud into Rain云变雨 132
132.Headbands发带 133
133.Lend My Birthday to You把我的生日借给你 134
134.The Smell of Spring春天的味道 135
135.The Sun太阳 136
136.It's Very Kind of God老天也太给面子了 137
137.I Hope to…我要 138
138.A Necklace of Dewdrops露珠项链 139
139.An Unusual Car另类车子 140
140.Cradle摇篮 141
141.Knowledge-bombing Time知识爆炸的时代 142
142.Review Lessons温习 143
143.No Spitting禁止随地吐痰 144
144.Paint a Rockery画假山 145
145.Be Selfish自私 146
146.Dream of the Answers梦到答案 147
147.Be Shy害羞 148
148.Man and Monkey人类与猴子 149
149.Change the Goldfish from Red to Black把红金鱼变成黑金鱼 150
150.Be Pinched with Hunger挨饿 151
151.So Cute如此可爱 152
152.Air-conditioner for Free免费空调 153
153.Blow Bubbles吹泡泡 154
154.A Pair of Crystal Shoes水晶鞋 155
155.Triple-A Students三好学生 156
156.Mushroom蘑菇 157
157.In Couples成双成对 158
158.In My Eighty's 80岁的我 159
159.The Fault of the Mirror镜子的错 160
160.Starve His Daughter饿坏他的女儿 161
161.The Cat and the Moon小猫和月亮 162
162.Fly Freely自由飞翔 163
163.Rabbit Fur兔毛 164
164.The Bamboo Shoot竹笋 165
165.Fish Vesicles鱼泡 166
166.Plant a Wish播种希望 167
167.If…如果 168
168.My Heaven我的小天堂 169
169.Mustache胡子 170
170.Scent香味 171
171.Candyfloss棉花糖 172
172.Eat Up吃光 173
173.Sewer下水道 174
174.Difference差距 175
175.3 Times 7 3乘以7 176
176.Moon Cake月饼 177
177.Long Time No See好久不见 178
178.Wake Me Up叫醒我 179
179.Our Ancestors我们的祖先 180
180.Ballad民谣 181
181.Draw Heaven Emperor给玉皇大帝画像 182
182.Cherries樱桃 183
183.Poor Trees可怜的树 184
184.Origin of Man人类的由来 185
185.The Sun and the Moon太阳和月亮 186
186.A Composition Software作文软件 187
187.Close My Eyes闭上眼睛 188
188.Catch a Cold感冒 189
189.Ice Pop for Free免费冰糕 190
190.Have a Meal in Bed在被窝里吃饭 191
191.The Stationery Kingdom文具王国 192
192.My Lovely Handkerchief我可爱的手帕 193
193.Feel Suffocated憋得慌 194
194.Count Rabbits数兔子 195
195.Hitchhike搭便车 196
196.Bristletail蛀虫 197
197.Little Feet小脚丫 198
198.Sleep Walking梦游 199
199.Inspiration灵感 200
200.Short Sight and Presbyopia近视与远视 201
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