- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘法公,项玲编著
- 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7118054372
- 页数:408 页
Unit 1 Introduction 1
1.0 Overview 1
1.1 What Is Marketing All About? 2
1.1.1 The Concept of Exchange 4
Exercises Ⅰ 4
1.2 Definitions of International Marketing 8
1.2.1 The Origins of Marketing 10
Exercises Ⅱ 12
1.3 The Importance of Marketing 14
1.4 Why Should You Study Marketing? 16
Exercises Ⅲ 18
Unit 2 Consumer and Markets 22
2.0 Overview 22
2.1 The Decision-making Process 23
2.1.1 Problem 23
2.1.2 Search 25
2.1.3 Evaluation 26
2.1.4 Decision 28
2.1.5 Post-purchase Evaluation Process 29
2.2 Purchasing Situations 30
2.2.1 Routine PS 31
2.2.2 Limited PS 32
2.2.3 Extended PS 33
2.2.4 The Importance of Purcha-sing Situations 33
Exercises Ⅰ 34
2.3 Environmental Influence 37
2.3.1 Sociocultural Influence 37
2.3.2 Technological Influence 37
2.3.3 Economic and Competitive Influence 38
2.3.4 Political and Legal Influence 39
2.4 Psychological Influences—the Individual 39
2.4.1 Personality Influence 40
2.4.2 Perception Influence 40
2.4.3 Learning 42
2.4.4 Motivation 43
2.4.5 Attitudes 44
2.5 Sociocultural Influences—the Group 46
2.5.1 Social Class Influence 47
2.5.2 Culture and Subculture Influence 47
2.5.3 Reference Groups Influence 49
2.5.4 Family Influence 50
Exercises Ⅱ 52
Unit 3 New Product Development Strategies 52
3.0 Overview 56
3.1 The Meaning of a New Product 57
3.1.1 Types of Newness 58
3.1.2 Customer-orientated Perspective 60
3.2 The Importance of New Product Development 62
3.2.1 Reactive Approach 63
3.2.2 Proactive Approach 63
3.3 The New Product Development Process 64
3.3.1 Idea Generation 65
3.3.2 Screening Ideas 69
Exercises Ⅰ 70
3.3.3 Business Analysis 71
3.3.4 Product Development 73
3.3.5 Test Marketing 74
3.3.6 Commercialization 76
3.3.7 Monitoring and Evaluation 76
3.4 New Product Failure 78
3.4.1 Failure Defined 78
3.4.2 Reasons for New Product Failure 79
3.5 Trend in NDP Process Management 80
3.5.1 Research and Development 80
3.5.2 Organization for NPD 82
Exercises Ⅱ 84
Unit 4 International Product Planning and Development 84
4.0 Overview 87
4.1 Types of Products 89
4.1.1 Distinctions between Goods and Services 89
4.1.2 Consumer Products 91
4.1.3 Industrial Products 93
4.1.4 Product Management Organizations 95
4.1.5 Product Positioning 97
4.1.6 The Product Life Cycle 98
Exercises Ⅰ 100
4.2 Branding Needs a Strategy Decision 104
4.2.1 Branding Development 104
4.2.2 Achieving Brand Familiarity Is Not Easy 105
4.2.3 Protecting Brand Name and Trademark 108
4.2.4 The Use of Brand 108
4.2.5 Who Should Do the Branding? 110
4.3 The Strategic Importance of Packaging 111
4.3.1 Packaging Can Make the Difference 111
4.3.2 Packing May Lower Dist-ribution and Promotion Costs 112
4.3.3 Socially Responsible Packaging 113
4.4 Warranties Are Important 114
Exercises Ⅱ 115
Unit 5 Distribution Planning and Channels 115
5.0 Overview 120
5.1 Distribution Planning 121
5.2 Channel Functions 123
5.3 Distribution Channels 125
5.4 Ideal Market Exposure 127
5.4.1 Advantages of Selective Distribution 128
5.4.2 Advantages of Exclusive Distribution 129
5.5 Channels Must Be Managed 130
5.6 Wholesaling 131
5.6.1 Wholesaling Functions 132
5.6.2 Kinds of Wholesalers 133
Exercises Ⅰ 140
5.7 Recent Trends in Wholesaling 143
5.8 Retailing 145
5.8.1 A Retailer's Strategy 146
5.8.2 Retailing Functions in Distribution 147
5.8.3 Types of Retailers 147
5.8.4 Considerations in Retail Planning 152
Exercises Ⅱ 157
Unit 6 Business-to-Business Markets 161
6.0 Overview 161
6.1 What Is B2B Marketing 162
6.2 Business-to-Business Customers 164
6.2.1 Commercial Enterprises 164
6.2.2 Government Bodies 165
6.2.3 Institutions 166
6.3 Characteristics of B2B Markets Is Important 167
6.3.1 Nature of Demand 167
6.3.2 Demand Structure 168
6.3.3 Buying Process Is Complex 169
6.3.4 Buyer-seller Relationships 173
Exercises Ⅰ 174
6.4 Buying Decision-Making Process 175
6.4.1 Precipitation 176
6.4.2 Product Specification 176
6.4.3 Supplier Selection 177
6.4.4 Commitment 178
6.5 Roles 180
6.5.1 Purchasing Function 181
6.5.2 Production/Operations Function 182
6.5.3 Engineering Function 182
6.5.4 R&D Function 182
6.5.5 Finance Function 183
6.5.6 Marketing Function 183
6.6 The Buying Centre 184
6.6.1 Role of Users 184
6.6.2 Role of Influencers 184
6.6.3 Role of Deciders 184
6.6.4 Role of Buyers 185
6.6.5 Role of Gatekeepers 185
6.7 Buying Criteria 186
6.7.1 Economic Influences Criteria 186
6.7.2 Non-economic Influences Criteria 187
Exercises Ⅱ 189
Unit 7 Service,Nonprofit Marketing and Society 189
7.0 Overview 191
7.1 Service Marketing 192
7.1.1 Marketing by Service Firms 192
7.1.2 Special Considerations for Service Marketers 193
7.1.3 Classifying Services 196
7.1.4 The Extent of Services in the Economy 197
7.1.5 Illustrations of Service Marketing 199
Exercises Ⅰ 202
7.2 Nonprofit Marketing 206
7.2.1 Nonprofit and Profit-oriented Marketing 206
7.2.2 Classifying Nonprofit Marketing 208
7.2.3 Illustrations of Nonprofit Marketing 209
7.3 Marketing and Society 211
7.3.1 Social Responsibility 212
7.3.2 Natural Resources 213
7.3.3 The Landscape 214
7.3.4 Environmental Pollution 215
7.3.5 Ethics 216
7.4 Consumerism 218
7.4.1 Consumer Information and Education 219
7.4.2 Consumer Safety 220
7.4.3 Consumer Choice 222
7.4.4 Consumers'Right to Be Heard 222
Exercises Ⅱ 223
Unit 8 Advertising and Public Relations 223
8.0 The Conceptual Framework 228
8.1 Advertising and Its Objectives 229
8.2 Advertising Planning 229
8.3 Types of Advertisements 230
8.3.1 Institutional Advertising 231
Exercises Ⅰ 232
8.4 Media Selection 234
8.4.1 Newspapers 234
8.4.2 Magazines 235
8.4.3 Television 235
8.4.4 Radio 236
8.4.5 Direct Mail 237
8.4.6 Outdoor Advertising 238
8.5 Organizing the Advertising Function 239
8.5.1 Advertising Agencies 239
Exercises Ⅱ 240
8.6 Creating an Advertisement 242
8.6.1 Celebrity Testimonials 242
8.6.2 Comparative Advertising 243
8.6.3 Retail Advertising 243
8.7 Assessing the Effectiveness of an Advertisement 244
8.8 Public Relations 246
8.8.1 Publicity 246
8.8.2 Ultimate Consumers and Other Publics 247
Exercises Ⅲ 247
Unit 9 Personal Selling and Sales Management 247
9.0 The Nature and Importance of Selling 250
9.1 Personal Selling 251
9.1.1 Advantages of Personal Selling Over Other Forms of Promotion 251
9.2 Sales Tasks 252
Exercises Ⅰ 254
9.3 Myths about Selling 255
9.3.1 The Professional Salesperson 256
9.3.2 Rewards and Responsibility of Every Professional Salesperson 257
9.3.3 The Role of Personal Selling in a Small Business 258
Exercises Ⅱ 259
9.4 The Sales Process 261
9.4.1 Prospecting 261
9.4.2 The Sales Approach and Qualifying 262
9.4.3 The Sales Presentation 263
9.4.4 Handling Objections 264
9.4.5 Closing the Sale 265
9.4.6 Follow-up 266
9.5 Retail Selling 267
Exercises Ⅲ 268
9.6 Sales Management 270
9.6.1 Recruitment and Selection 271
9.6.2 Training 272
9.6.3 Organization 273
9.6.4 Supervision 273
9.6.5 Motivation 274
9.6.6 Compensation 275
9.6.7 Evaluation and Control 275
Exercises Ⅳ 277
Unit 10 Internet Communications and New Media 277
10.0 Overview 279
10.1 Internet Marketing Is Critical 280
10.1.1 The Nature 280
10.1.2 The Dotcom 282
10.1.3 The Website 282
10.1.4 Uses of a Website 283
10.1.5 Broadband 288
Exercises Ⅰ 289
10.2 New Media 289
10.2.1 e-mail Marketing 291
10.2.2 Wireless Marketing 293
10.2.3 iTV Marketing Cannot Be Ignored 294
Exercises Ⅱ 296
Unit 11 Direct Marketing,Exhibitions and Trade Fairs 296
11.0 What Is Direct Marketing 299
11.1 Direct Marketing Rises 301
11.1.1 Push Factors 301
11.1.2 Pull Factors 302
11.1.3 Facilitating Factors 304
11.2 Techniques of Direct Marketing 305
11.2.1 Direct Mail 305
11.2.2 Direct Response Advertising 306
11.2.3 Telemarketing 309
11.2.4 E-communication and New Media 311
11.2.5 Mail Order 311
11.2.6 Teleshopping 312
Exercises Ⅰ 313
11.3 The Role of Direct Marketing in the Promotional Mix 315
11.3.1 The Objectives 315
11.3.2 Achieving the Objectives of Direct Marketing 316
11.3.3 How and When to Use Direct Marketing 316
11.4 Trade Shows and Exhibitions 317
11.4.1 Benefits of Attending and Participating in Exhibitions 317
11.4.2 Comparison of the Benefits of Exhibitions and Personal Selling 319
11.4.3 Importance of Exhibitions to Organizations 320
Exercises Ⅱ 322
Unit 12 Marketing and Society 325
12.0 The Conceptual Framework 325
12.1 The Contemporary Environment of Marketing 326
12.2 Evaluating the Quality of Life 327
12.3 Current Issues in Marketing 328
12.3.1 Consumerism 328
12.3.2 The Consumer's Rights 329
Exercises Ⅰ 333
12.4 Consumer Characteristics 335
12.4.1 Interest Representation 336
12.5 Marketing Ethics 337
12.5.1 Ethical Problems in Product Management and Pricing 338
12.5.2 Ethical Problems in Distribution Strategy 339
12.5.3 Ethical Problems in Promotional Strategy 339
Exercises Ⅱ 340
12.6 Social Responsibility 342
12.6.1 Marketing's Responsibilities 342
12.6.2 Marketing and Ecology 343
12.7 Controlling the Marketing System 345
12.8 Ethics and Values 346
12.8.1 Consumerism,the Ind-ividual,and the Marketer 347
12.8.2 The Paradox of the Marketing Concept 348
12.9 Resolving Contemporary Issues in Marketing 349
Exercises Ⅲ 350
Unit 13 Marketing of Services 353
13.0 What Are Services? 353
13.1 Characteristics of Services 354
13.2 Types of Consumer and Industrial Services 356
13.3 Buyer Behavior 357
13.3.1 Attitudes 357
13.3.2 Needs and Motives 357
13.3.3 Purchase Behavior 358
Exercises Ⅰ 359
13.4 Environments for Service Firms 362
13.4.1 Economic Environment 362
13.4.2 Social/Cultural Environment 363
13.4.3 Political/Legal Environment 364
13.4.4 Technical Environment 365
13.4.5 Competitive Environment 366
Exercises Ⅱ 367
13.5 The Marketing Mix for Service Firms 369
13.5.1 Service Policies 370
13.5.2 Pricing Strategy 370
13.5.3 Distribution Strategy 371
13.5.4 Promotional Strategy 371
Exercises Ⅲ 373
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