Conflict Management And Intercultural Communication The Art of Intercultural HarmonyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Xiaodong Dai
- 出 版 社:Routledge
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:1138962835
- 页数:318 页
《Conflict Management And Intercultural Communication The Art of Intercultural Harmony》目录
- 《绿色化学与技术 英文版》Chief editors; Zhang Long,Gong Changsheng,Dai Bin 2018
- 《室内设计图解》(美)程大锦(Ching,Francis Dai Kam)著;乐民成编译 1992
- 《景颇语词汇学》Dai Qingxia and Xu Xijian 1995
- 《无线通信系统 信号接收与处理的高级技术》(美)Xiaodong Wang,(美)H.Vincent Poor著;郑宝玉等译 2005
- 《《看、听、学》 (注释改编本) 练习册 2》(英)L.G.亚历山大(L.G.Alexander)著;(中)戴炜栋(Dai Waidong) 1999
- 《加菲猫轻松英语之骂人不带脏字宝典 中英对照》(美)吉姆·戴维斯(Jim Davis)原著;张定绮译;bu dai zang zi bao dianying yu zhi ma ren bu dai zang zi bao dian 2002
- 《Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise》Dai 2004
- 《The selected works of Roderick S.C. Wong Volume 2》Dan Dai ; Hui-Hui Dai ; Tong Yang ; Ding-Xuan Zhou 2015
- 《handbook of mathemtical formulas and integrals fourth edition》alan jeffrey and hui-hui dai 2008
- 《Carbon nanomaterials for advanced energy systems advances in materials synthesis and device applicat》Wen Lu ; Jong-Beom Baek ; Liming Dai 2015