我心中的奥运 北京市中小学生“我心中的奥运”英语演讲赛文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杜松彭主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国广播电视出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787504355416
- 页数:217 页
高中篇 3
Smiles of Sunshine&Huang Tiancheng 3
Welcome to the Gala&Xing Yue 5
Praise for My Great Country&Yang jingzhu 7
Start from Oneself and Act Now&Jiao Wanying 9
Something Beyond English&Wang Zongxiang 11
Water,Garbage and the Green Olympics&Yu Rongrong 13
The Etiquette of the Olympics&Yang Ying 15
Footstone of the Olympic Games&Zeng Sijia 17
One Day I Act as a Bilingual Guide&Shi Rui 19
We Each Can Play a Part&Ma Jiayang 21
Participation,Dedication and Happiness&Wang Teng 23
The Best Olympic Games&Yu Hongyang 25
New Beijing Great Olympics&Huo Qian 27
A New Page&Wang Nan 29
I Love Beijing&Wang Siye 31
Small Trash Can Tell a Big Story&Zhao Weike 33
Do the Little Things to Look Forword to Coming Olympic Games&Zhang Ziheng 35
China's Brand-New Image&Wang Yingxiao 37
New Beijing,Great Olympics&Wang Beibei 39
What Olympics Tells Me&Zhao Zitong 41
Dream Comes Ture&Fu Chenhao 43
The Green in My Heart&Chen Mengya 45
It's My Honor to be a Volunteer&Sun He 47
To Be Volunteers for the Olympics to Make Beijing Young&Wang Qi 49
Welcome to Beijing&Che Jianhua 51
My Dream of the Olympics Flies&Li Wan 53
My Dreams Will Come True&Liu Tingna 55
Water resources in Beijing&Zhang Yinuo 57
I Have a Dream&Sun Le 59
Endeavor for the Green Olympics&Wu Yixuan 61
Surprise to the World&Li Wei 63
Showtime Is Coming&Yang Shuai 65
I Have a Dream&Han Shiyang 67
Making Contributions to the Olympic Games&Zhang Li 69
The Dream of the Olympics&Zhu Haichao 71
初中篇 75
My Dream of 2008 Olympics&Yue Taisen 75
The Olympic Hero in My Eyes&Xie Qingyang 77
The Joy of Being a Bilingual Tour Guide&Xia Xiaomeng 79
Love in the Olympics&Liang Yucheng 81
Giving a Hand as a Volunteer&Jin Luyang 83
Creating a Brilliant Beijing:Time for Action&Sun Menglu 85
Greeting the Olympics with Actions&Xu Cheng 87
Let's Get Ready!&Zhu Yu 89
Beijing's Tomorrow Will Be Better and Better&Wang Zhiyu Chen Fanghong 91
True Feelings of a Litter Bin&Cao Rui 93
The Recounting of a Tree&Yang Shuhan 95
My Participation in the"Green Olympics"&Han Aixin 97
My Action for the"Green Olympic"&Zhu Yingbao 99
The"Green Olympics"Around Us&Pang Yilin 101
I am"the Rubbish Manager"&Han Fei 103
Green Olympics&Xu Jiayi 105
Hand in Hand with"Green Olympic"&Ge Shen 107
I am a Part of the"Green Olympic"&Wang Mengzhen 109
Can You Smile?&Li Shuo 111
All Together Now&Ding Xiaoxiao 113
The Olympics Volunteers are Acting&Cao Dandan 115
Green Olympics Keep Me Marching&Liu Ying 117
Beijing Olympics,Everyone is Invited&Dai Shuang 119
One World,One Dream&Wan Pengli 121
Olympic Games'Volunteers are Acting&Zhang Chen 123
I am a Part of the Green Olympics&Guo Zizhen 125
What Can We Do for the Green Olympics&Jin Yisha 127
Green Olympics,Our Common Hope&Zhang Ying 129
Telling You a Secret&Bi Mengning 131
I am the Part of Saving Water&Wang yining 133
Fly to the 2008&Wang Siwen 135
Light the Olympic Games Passion&Guo Rui 137
Make Beijing Greener&Qi Qi 139
Green Olympics and I&Li Lin 141
A Splendid Ceremony&Feng Yingxin 143
Return to Us Clean Water and Blue Sky&Wu Yixuan 145
小学篇 149
To Be a Good Volunteer&Hu Fangjian 149
I Wish&Zhang Tianfeng 151
Green Olympics&Guan Shanyue 153
My Wishes&Liu Yutong 155
Green Olympics and I&Zhang Ruoqiao 157
Beijing,Olympics,We are coming&Kong Jia 159
Who Will Light the Olympic Cauldron?&Li Taiping 161
I have a dream&Cai Xueer 163
Beijing Will be More Beautiful&Ni Zhang 165
Olympic in My Heart&Hou Sihan 167
Grow up with the Olympic Games&Fei Lun 169
Celebrate Green Olympics Hand in Hand&Ren Rujin 171
Great Olympics,My Dream&Ma Xinhao 173
Beijing's Blue Day&Li Xiang 175
Green Olympics&Li Shiwen 177
Little Olympic volunteer&Lv Mengxiao 179
The Olympic Games&Sun Maofeng 181
The Symbols of Olympics&Wang Yuchen 183
Contribute to Make Beijing a Better Place&Li Ruiqi 185
Feeling about the Olympics 2008&Liu Heqian 187
A Little Volunteer&Han Jinyu 189
What Can I Do for the Olympics&He Xiaomeng 191
See You in Beijing,2008&Liu Qiaoyi 193
The 2008 Olympics and I&Sheng Jie 195
You Can Make Beijing More Beautiful&Fan Yue 197
Do Something For the 2008 Olympic Games&Zhang Huahong 199
2008 Olympic Games is in My Heart&Chen Yazhao 201
Be a Polite Child for the 2008 Olympic Games&Cui Jiahe 203
The Olympic Games and Me&Lv Hao 205
Green Beijing,Great Olympics&Chen Yaping 207
One World,One Dream&Ma Yuxuan 209
Hold the Olympic Torch&Xu Tianyue 211
Try Your Best to Be Your Best&Dong Junxia 213
Olympic Games into Classroom&Ai Pingping 215
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