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酒店服务英语口语  情境互动任务型教程
酒店服务英语口语  情境互动任务型教程

酒店服务英语口语 情境互动任务型教程PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:庄婷,陶莹,陈小芳编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787563732746
  • 页数:257 页
《酒店服务英语口语 情境互动任务型教程》目录

Module 1 Enquiries and Reservation咨询与预订 1

Oral Movement—Consonants (I)语音练习——辅音(1) 2

Part Ⅰ Categories of Hotels & Rooms酒店及房间类别 4

1.1 Types of Hotels(酒店类别) 4

1.2 Types of Rooms(房型) 5

Part Ⅱ Which One to Choose?如何选择酒店? 6

2.1 Which Hotel Can Fit the Bill?(哪家酒店符合要求呢?) 6

2.2 What Should Be the Pick?(该如何挑选?) 7

Part Ⅲ Making Enquiries and Reservation咨询与预订 11

3.1 Inquiries about the Hotel and the Rooms(酒店咨询) 11

3.2 Reserving the Hotel Room(预订酒店房间) 14

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 17

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 17

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 18

4.3 Procedure of Work—Room Reservations(工作流程——房间预订) 18

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 19

5.1 Online Booking & Wireless Booking(在线预订和手机预订) 19

5.2 Case Study—Talk the Talk and Not the Walk(案例分析——超预订) 21

Module 2 Reception 接待 25

Oral Movement—Consonants (Ⅱ)语音练习——辅音(2) 26

PartⅠ Pick-up Service接机服务 28

1.1 Meeting Guests at the Airport(机场迎接) 28

1.2 On the Way to the Hotel(前往酒店) 29

Part Ⅱ Helping with the Luggage行李服务 31

2.1 I’m a Good Porter(我是个称职的行李员) 31

2.2 May I Help with Your Luggage?(我来帮您拿行李吧) 32

Part Ⅲ Checking in at the Reception Desk入住登记 33

3.1 Checking in Walk-in Guests(散客入住) 33

3.2 Checking in Guests with Reservations (为有预订的客人办理入住登记) 36

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 39

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 39

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 40

4.3 Useful Forms(相关表格) 41

4.4 Procedure of Check-in(工作流程——入住登记) 44

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 45

5.1 A Discussion on How Hotels Determine Room Rates (酒店是如何给房间定价的) 45

5.2 Case Study—Reg Dwight: A Night to Remember (案例分析——接待“郁闷的”客人) 48

Module 3 Housekeeping Service 客房服务 51

Oral Movement—Vowels语音练习——元音 52

Part Ⅰ Room Facilities客房设施 54

1.1 Can You Describe the Room, Please?(请描述下房间) 54

1.2 What Is a “Classic Room” Like?(“经典客房”是怎样的?) 56

1.3 The Safe Doesn’t Work!(保险箱怎么用?) 57

Part Ⅱ Laundry Service洗衣服务 59

2.1 Please Note Down the Special Requirements (请标注您的特别要求) 59

2.2 Do You Have Express Laundry Service? (你们提供快速洗衣服务吗?) 61

Part ⅢMeeting the Guests’ Needs满足客人的需求 64

3.1 We Do Offer the Service(我们提供的服务) 64

3.2 Do It Right Now(现在就为您效劳) 66

Part ⅣMemo for the Module要点备忘 69

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 69

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 70

4.3 Procedure of Work(工作流程) 71

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 72

5.1 To Be a Housekeeping Supervisor(成为客房部负责人) 72

5.2 Case Study—How the ABC Hotel Drop the Ball? (案例分析——ABC酒店的问题出在哪里了?) 74

Module 4 Food&Beverage Services 餐饮服务 79

Oral Movement—Stress in Syllables & Sentences语音练习——重读 80

Part Ⅰ What&How in Cooking烹饪的基本要素 82

1.1 Ingredients & Ways of Cooking(烹饪原料和基本方法) 82

1.2 Typical Dishes in Our Country(我们国家的特色菜肴) 85

PartⅡ Booking a Table预订餐桌 87

2.1 Is There Any Private Room for Tomorrow? (明天还有包房吗?) 87

2.2 Sorry, But No Table Available for 5:00 P.M. (抱歉,晚上五点的桌子都订完了) 89

Part ⅢWhat Can I Get You?您要点什么? 90

3.1 Taking Dish Orders(点菜) 90

3.2 Taking Drink Orders(酒水点单) 95

PartⅣMemo for the Module要点备忘 100

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 100

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 101

4.3 Procedure of Work(工作流程) 102

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 104

5.1 Booking a Banquet Hall(预订宴会厅) 104

5.2 Case Study—Let’s Start Over (案例分析——让我们重新来一次) 105

Module 5 Concierge Service 礼宾服务 107

Oral Movement—Word Groups and Phrasing语音练习——意群和断句 108

Part Ⅰ We Are the Best Concierge我们是最棒的礼宾 110

1.1 Qualities and Responsibilities(资质和责任) 110

1.2 Les Clefs d’Or(金钥匙) 112

Part Ⅱ I’ll Do It for You我来帮您 114

2.1 Renting a Car(租车) 114

2.2 Ala Moana Shopping Center Might Be a Good Choice! (阿拉莫阿那购物中心或许是个好主意!) 117

Part Ⅲ All for the Guests一切为了客人 118

3.11 Know Everything Around Here(我对周围了如指掌) 118

3.2 To Make Romances and Surprises(制造浪漫和惊喜) 121

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 124

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 124

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 125

4.3 Procedure of Work(工作流程) 126

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 127

5.1 Tipping Matters(如何给小费) 127

5.2 Case Study—Stories from Concierges (案例分析——礼宾的故事) 128

Module 6 Business and Meeting Service 商务和会务服务 133

Oral Movement—Word Connections语音练习——连读 134

Part Ⅰ Conducting Business Away from the Office不在办公室办公 136

1.1 Business Facilities&Services(商务设施和服务) 136

1.2 An Annual Conference Program(年会项目) 138

Part Ⅱ Meeting Facilities会议设施 141

2.1 Meeting Rooms of All Types(会议室类型) 141

2.2 What a Perfect Meeting May Need?(完美的会议需要什么?) 142

Part Ⅲ Meeting Services会议服务 143

3.1 We’ll Arrange It for You(让我们来为您安排) 143

3.2 Booking a Meeting Room(会议室预订) 148

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 152

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 152

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 153

4.3 Procedure of Work—Meeting Reservation(工作流程——会议预订) 153

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 154

5.1 Grand Opening(盛大的开幕式) 154

5.2 Case Study—Web Conference Service(案例分析——网络会议服务) 155

Module 7 Miscellaneous Services 其他服务 157

Oral Movement—Weak and Strong Pronunciations语音练习——弱读和重读 158

Part Ⅰ In the Fitness Center在健身中心 160

1.1 What Facilities Do You Have in the Fitness Center? (你们的健身中心有哪些设施?) 160

1.2 Welcome to Our Fitness Center!(欢迎来到我们的健身中心!) 161

Part Ⅱ In the Gift Shop在礼品店 162

2.1 Can You Recommend Some Special Local Products? (你能为我推荐当地的特色商品吗?) 162

2.2 I Want to Buy Some Souvenirs for My Friends (我想给朋友们带点纪念品) 162

Part Ⅲ At the Exchange Office在外汇兑换处 164

3.1 Can You Tell Me the Exchange Rate for Dollars? (请告诉我美元的汇率) 164

3.2 Does That Include Commission?(包括佣金吗?) 165

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 168

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 168

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 168

4.3 Procedure of Work—Currency Exchange(工作流程——外币兑换) 169

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 170

5.1 Getting the Best Exchange(如何得到最好的汇率?) 170

5.2 Case Study—Choosing a Gift for Your Friends (案例分析——为朋友挑选礼物) 172

Module 8 Handling Complaints&Problems 处理投诉和问题 175

Oral Movement—Intonation (I)语音练习——语调(1) 176

Part Ⅰ What If…如果……该怎么办? 179

1.1 Cases and Types of Complaints and Problems (投诉与问题的例子和类型) 179

1.2 The Proper Solution to Complaints(处理投诉的正确方法) 181

Part Ⅱ Complaints in Restaurants餐厅投诉 183

2.1 Was Everything All Right, Sir?(有什么事吗,先生?) 183

2.2 What Happened to My Steak?(我的牛排有问题!) 184

Part Ⅲ Complaints and Problems in Hotels酒店投诉和问题 185

3.1 Complaints about Hotel Facilities&Services (关于酒店设施和服务的投诉) 185

3.2 Problems and Emergencies in Hotels (酒店出现的问题和紧急状况) 186

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 189

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 189

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 190

4.3 Procedure of Work—Handling Complaints&Problems (工作流程——处理投诉和问题) 191

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 192

5.1 Customers’ Complaints Are Hidden Opportunities (客人的投诉其实隐藏着机会) 192

5.2 Case Study—The Joy of Surprise(案例分析——惊喜) 193

Module 9 Check out 结账离店 195

Oral Movement—Intonation (Ⅱ)语音练习——语调(2) 196

Part Ⅰ Check-out Time & Options结账离店的时间和方式 199

1.1 Sir, You Have Stayed in Our Hotel for 3 Nights (先生,您一共住了三个晚上) 199

1.2 Options for Checkout(选择结账离店的方式) 199

Part Ⅱ Your Bill Comes to $500您一共要付500美元 201

2.1 What Items Would You Expect to Find on a Hotel Bill? (酒店账单上有什么?) 201

2.2 How Would You Like to Pay Your Bill?(您想怎么结账?) 201

Part Ⅲ That’s the 10% Service Charge in Lieu of Gratuities 包括10%的服务费 204

3.1 What’s This Charge for?(这是什么费用?) 204

3.2 You’re Always Welcome in Our Hotel(期待您的再次下榻) 206

Part Ⅳ Memo for the Module要点备忘 209

4.1 Key Words(关键词) 209

4.2 Key Points(相关情境表达) 209

4.3 Procedure of Check-out(工作流程——结账离店) 210

Part Ⅴ Extended Practice拓展练习 211

5.1 A Discussion of a Hotel Feedback Questionnaire (酒店服务反馈调查表) 211

5.2 Case Study—Checking out a Guest (案例分析——为客人办理结账离店) 213

Appendix Ⅰ Glossary词汇表 215

Appendix Ⅱ Tapescripts录音材料 221

Appendix Ⅲ Key to the Exercises练习答案 246
