新航道英语学习丛书 新托福TPO阅读词汇笔记PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)彭铁城主编;孙琪,王威编著
- 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787501252442
- 页数:361 页
TPO 1,Passage 1 Timberline Vegetation on Mountains 1
TPO 1,Passage 2 The Origins of Theater 5
TPO 1,Passage 3 Groundwater 9
TPO 2,Passage 1 Desert Formation 12
TPO 2,Passage 2 The Origins of Cetaceans 16
TPO 2,Passage 3 Early Cinema 19
TPO 3,Passage 1 Architecture 22
TPO 3,Passage 2 Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer 26
TPO 3,Passage 3 The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems 30
TPO 4,Passage 1 Deer Populations of the Puget Sound 34
TPO 4,Passage 2 Cave Art in Europe 38
TPO 4,Passage 3 Petroleum Resources 41
TPO 5,Passage 1 Minerals and Plants 45
TPO 5,Passage 2 The Origin of the Pacific Island People 49
TPO 5,Passage 3 The Cambrian Explosion 53
TPO 6,Passage 1 Powering the Industrial Revolution 57
TPO 6,Passage 2 William Smith 60
TPO 6,Passage 3 Infantile Amnesia 63
TPO 7,Passage 1 The Geologic History of the Mediterranean 66
TPO 7,Passage 2 Ancient Rome and Greece 69
TPO 7,Passage 3 Agriculture,Iron,and the Bantu Peoples 74
TPO 8,Passage 1 The Rise of Teotihuacan 78
TPO 8,Passage 2 Extinction of the Dinosaurs 82
TPO 8,Passage 3 Running Water on Mars 86
TPO 9,Passage 1 Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast 90
TPO 9,Passage 2 Reflection in Teaching 93
TPO 9,Passage 3 The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii 97
TPO 10,Passage 1 Chinese Pottery 101
TPO 10,Passage 2 Vaiations in the Climate 106
TPO 10,Passage 3 Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth 110
TPO 11,Passage 1 Ancient Egyptian Sculpture 114
TPO 11,Passage 2 Orientation and Navigation 118
TPO 11,Passage 3 Begging by Nestlings 122
TPO 12,Passage 1 Which Hand Did They Use? 126
TPO 12,Passage 2 Transition to Sound in Film 130
TPO 12,Passage 3 Water in the Desert 134
TPO 13,Passage 1 Types of Social Groups 138
TPO 13,Passage 2 Biological Clocks 142
TPO 13,Passage 3 Methods of Studying Infant Perception 146
TPO 14,Passage 1 Children and Advertising 149
TPO 14,Passage 2 Maya Water Problems 153
TPO 14,Passage 3 Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia 157
TPO 15,Passage 1 Glacier Formation 161
TPO 15,Passage 2 A Warm-Blooded Turtle 164
TPO 15,Passage 3 Mass Extinctions 167
TPO 16,Passage 1 Trade and the Ancient Middle East 171
TPO 16,Passage 2 Development of the Periodic Table 175
TPO 16,Passage 3 Planets in Our Solar System 178
TPO 17,Passage 1 Europe's Early Sea Trade with Asia 181
TPO 17,Passage 2 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest 185
TPO 17,Passage 3 Symbiotic Relationships 188
TPO 18,Passage 1 Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia 192
TPO 18,Passage 2 The Mystery of Yawning 196
TPO 18,Passage 3 Lightning 200
TPO 19,Passage 1 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain 203
TPO 19,Passage 2 Succession,Climax,and Ecosystems 207
TPO 19,Passage 3 Discovering the Ice Ages 211
TPO 20,Passage 1 Westward Migration 214
TPO 20,Passage 2 Early Settlements in Southwest Asia 218
TPO 20,Passage 3 Fossil Preservation 222
TPO 21,Passage 1 Geothermal Energy 226
TPO 21,Passage 2 The Origins of Agriculture 229
TPO 21,Passage 3 Autobiographical Memory 233
TPO 22,Passage 1 Spartina 237
TPO 22,Passage 2 The Birth of Photography 241
TPO 22,Passage 3 Tbe Allende Meteorite 245
TPO 23,Passage 1 Urban Climates 249
TPO 23,Passage 2 Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture 253
TPO 23,Passage 3 Rock Art of the Australia Aborigines 257
TPO 24,Passage 1 Lake Water 261
TPO 24,Passage 2 Breathing During Sleep 264
TPO 24,Passage 3 Moving into Pueblos 267
TPO 25,Passage 1 The Surface of Mars 271
TPO 25,Passage 2 The Decline of Venetian Shipping 274
TPO 25,Passage 3 The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 278
TPO 26,Passage 1 Energy and the Industrial Revolution 282
TPO 26,Passage 2 Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions 286
TPO 26,Passage 3 Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East 290
TPO 27,Passage 1 Crafts in the Ancient Near East 294
TPO 27,Passage 2 The Formation of Volcanic Islands 297
TPO 27,Passage 3 Predator-Prey Cycles 299
TPO 28,Passage 1 Groundwater 301
TPO 28,Passage 2 Early Saharan Pastoralists 303
TPO 28、Passage 3 Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes 305
TPO 29,Passage 1 Characteristics of Roman Pottery 307
TPO 29,Passage 2 Competition 309
TPO 29,Passage 3 The History of Waterpower 311
TPO 30,Passage 1 Role of Play in Development 313
TPO 30,Passage 2 The Pace of Evolutionary Change 315
TPO 30,Passage 3 The Invention of the Mechanical Clock 317
TPO 31,Passage 1 Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations 320
TPO 31,Passage 2 Early Childhood Education 323
TPO 31,Passage 3 Savanna Formation 327
TPO 32,Passage 1 Platt Colonization 331
TPO 32,Passage 2 Siam,1851-1910 334
TPO 32,Passage 3 Distributions of Tropical Bee Colonies 338
TPO 33,Passage 1 The First Civilizations 341
TPO 33,Passage 2 Railroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States 346
TPO 33,Passage 3 Extinction Episodes of the Past 350
TPO 34,Passage 1 Islamic Art and the Book 353
TPO 34,Passage 2 Protection of Plants by Insects 356
TPO 34,Passage 3 The Development of Steam Power 359
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