英语演讲艺术 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘宇红编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787566313812
- 页数:245 页
Table of Contents 1
Chapter 1 Rhetoric:theArt ofDiscourse 1
1.1What Is Rhetoric 1
1.2 Scope ofRhetoric 1
1.3 Rhetoric as a CivicArt 3
1.4 Rhetoric as a Course of Study 5
1.5 Canons ofRhetoric 6
Assignment for Further Thinking 7
Chapter 2 History of Rhetoric 9
2.1 ABriefIntroduction to the History ofRhetoric 9
2.2 The Sophists in Ancient Greece 10
2.3 Plato 11
2.4 Aristotle 12
2.5 Cicero 13
2.6 Quintilian 14
2.7 Medieval to Enlightenment 15
2.8 The Sixteenth Century 17
2.9 The Seventeenth Century 19
2.10 The Eighteenth Century 20
2.11 Modem Rhetoric 20
Assignment for Further Thinking 20
Chapter 3 Famous Orators 23
3.1 Demosthenes 23
3.2 Aeschines 26
3.3 Andocides 28
3.4 Antiphon 28
3.5 Dinarchus 29
3.6 Lysias 30
3.7 Isaeus 34
3.8 Isocrates 35
3.9 Lycurgus ofAthens 37
3.10 Aristogeiton 39
3.11 ClaudiusAelianus 40
3.12 Cicero 40
3.13 Corax ofSyracuse 43
3.14 Pericles 45
3.15 Quintus Hortensius 48
3.16 Winston Churchill 50
3.17 Margaret Thatcher 52
3.18 Ralph Waldo Emerson 53
3.19 Doug1as MaeArthur 54
3.20 John F.Kennedy 56
3.21 Martin Luther King,Jr 57
3.22 Abraham Linco1n 58
3.23 Patrick Henry 60
3.24 Tony Blair 60
3.25 Richard Nixon 61
3.26 Jimmy Carter 63
3.27 Frederick Douglass 63
3.28 Ronald Reagan 64
3.29 William Jennings Bryan 65
3.30 Bill C1inton 66
3.31 George W.Bush 67
3.32 Barack Obama 68
Assignment for Further Thinking 69
Chapter4 Samples of Oratory Seripts 71
4.1 The Lady’s Not forTurning 71
4.2 Give Me Liberty,or Give Me Death! 79
4.3 Cross ofGold 81
4.4 Inauguration ofJohn F.Kennedy 87
4.5 I Have a Dream 90
4.6 Gettysburg Address 92
4.7 Tony Blair’s Speeeh 97
4.8 Be Ye Men ofValour 107
4.9 We Shall Fight on the Beaches 110
4.10 Blood,Toil,Tears and Sweat 117
4.11 The Hypocrisy ofAmerican Slavery 118
4.12 Fighting Rebels with Only One Hand 122
4.13What the Black Man Wants 125
4.14 Albert J.Beveridge’s Maiden Speech 131
4.15 Mesmerizing the Masses 146
4.16 I Have Sinned 152
4.17 Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago 155
4.18 Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Democratic National Convention in New York 167
4.19 Remarks Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the 1980 Democratic National Convention in New York 176
4.20 Address of Senator John F.Kennedy Accepting the Democratic Party Nomination for the Presidency ofthe United States 185
4.21 Address to the Nation 190
4.22 The Iraqi Threat 196
4.23 Update in the War on Terror 203
4.24 The speech that made Barack Obama Famous 207
4.25 Barack Obama’s Victory Speech 212
4.26 AMore Perfect Union 216
Assignment for Further Thinking 225
Chapter 5 Figures of Speech 227
5.1 Introduction 227
5.2 Alliteration 227
5.3 Anaphora 229
5.4 Antithesis 230
5.5 Apostrophe 230
5.6 Assonance 231
5.7 Chiasmus 231
5.8 Euphemism 232
5.9 Hyperbole 233
5.10 Irony 234
5.11 Litotes 234
5.12 Metaphor 235
5.13 Metonymy 236
5.14 Onomatopoeia 236
5.15 Oxymoron 237
5.16 Paradox 238
5.17 Personification 238
5.18 Pun 239
5.19 Simile 239
5.20 Synecdoche 240
5.21 Understatement 240
Assignment for Further Thinking 240
References 243
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- 《东北民歌文化研究及艺术探析》(中国)杨清波 2019
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