- 电子书积分:28 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:滕吉文著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787030398017
- 页数:1122 页
第二卷前言 1
我国西北地区地壳中的高速夹层 1
中国地壳与上地幔的地球物理探测 14
中国地壳构造的基本轮廓 19
法兰西共和国固体地球物理研究概况 36
Explosive Seismology in China 54
Geophysical Study on the Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in China 64
我国地壳—上地幔结构和速度分布的爆炸地震探测的观测系统和野外工作方法 78
The Distributional Characteristics and Genesis of Low Resistivity Layer and Low Velocity Layer of the Upper Mantle at East China and Part of West China 96
中国东部郯城—庐江裂谷带及其邻近地区的地球物理场特征 113
苏浙皖地区地壳结构的初步研究 130
中国地球物理学会第一次全国地壳与上地幔物理学术讨论会开幕词 139
中国地壳与上地幔结构的地球物理研究 145
中国地球物理学会第一次全国地壳与上地幔物理学术讨论会总结 172
人工源深部地震探测 178
て法反演与地壳结构研究 180
中国东部马鞍山—常熟—启东地带地壳与上地幔结构和速度分布的爆炸地震研究 194
江苏地区地壳结构的广义线性反演 209
地壳与上地幔物理研究中的反演与数值计算 219
地震测深中的地震波衰减 222
大陆型与海洋型岩石圈结构的长周期地震面波初步研究 230
攀西构造带南部地壳与上地幔结构的爆炸地震研究 238
中国四川攀枝花—西昌(攀西)裂谷的形成、演化与裂谷分类 252
攀枝花—西昌古裂谷与“活化”的地球物理特征 266
渡口及其邻近地区地壳浅层结构的研究 279
攀西构造带Q值及其横向不均匀性 288
混合法计算GB体波理论地震图 292
川滇地区地壳—上地幔结构、地球物理场特征与攀西构造带的基本性质 303
Geophysical Criteria for“Resuscitating”of the Panxi Ancient Rift Tectonic Zone 329
Structure of Lithosphere and Geodynamic Characteristics in North China and Its Continental Margin Areas 341
随县—马鞍山地带地壳与上地幔结构及郯庐构造带南段的某些特征 352
频时分析与网格频散反演技术 371
中长周期数字化面波记录与中国东南地区地壳结构 378
中国华北及其陆缘地带岩石圈结构的地震研究 388
Lithospheric Structure and Geophysical Field,Tancheng—Lujiang Fault Zone,Eastern China 416
中国东部随县—启东地带上地幔结构研究 433
中国岩石层物理的地震学研究 439
中国华南大陆及近海地带岩石圈结构和动力学 460
热红外遥感鄂尔多斯高原隐伏地质构造 475
中国内蒙古高原及周边地带岩石圈三维速度结构 494
南极半岛地区地震勒夫波群速度与岩石圈结构 508
Deep Structure Pattern,Anisotropy and Continental Geodynamics Revealed by Geophysical Profiles and Transects in China 512
渤海地球物理场与深部潜在地幔热柱的异常构造背景 532
内蒙古高原及周边地带地壳与上地幔剪切波三维速度结构和构造特征 546
华南连县—博罗—港口地带地壳结构及速度分布的爆炸地震探测结果 558
中国华南大陆及陆缘地带的大地构造基本格局 568
Velocity and Anisotropy Structure of the Crust in the Dabieshan Orogenic Belt from Wide-angle Seismic Data 588
CDP Mapping to Obtain the Fine Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle from Seismic Sounding Data:An Example for the Southeastern China 605
Azimuthal Anisotropy of Seismic Velocity,Attenuation and Q Value in Viscous EDA Media 619
苏北—南黄海地区航磁异常及区域构造特征分析 625
Frequency Band-dependence of S-wave Splitting in China Mainland and Its Implications 632
The 3-D Structure of Shear Wave in South China and the Southward Extension of Tanlu Fault 639
Rayleigh Wave Dispersion and Three-dimensional Velocity Structure in the Continent and Its Margin of Southeastern China 645
East-west Crustal Structure and“Down-bowing”Moho under the Northern Tibet Revealed by Wide-angle Seismic Profile 661
Depth Distribution of Moho and Tectonic Framework in Eastern Asian Continent and Its Adjacent Ocean Areas 670
为中国地球物理学跻身国际先列而拼搏 689
壳-幔边界的精细结构与属性 691
阴山大青山山系特异重力场与深部构造 726
Crustal Structure of Seismic Velocity in Southern Tibet and East-westward Escape of the Crustal Material 732
冈瓦纳型和扬子型地块地壳结构:以滇西孟连-马龙宽角反射剖面为例 739
The Crustal Structure under Sanjiang and Its Dynamic Implications:Revealed by Seismic Reflection/Refraction Profile between Zhefang and Binchuan,Yunnan 745
Crust-upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure across Southeastern China 753
内蒙古阴山地区特异区域重磁场与深部构造 774
Identification of Multiple Reflected Phases from Migration Receiver Function Profile:An Example for the INDEPTH-Ⅲ Passive Teleseismic P Waveform Data 781
Joint Imaging by Teleseismic Converted and Multiple Waves and Its Application in the INDEPTH-Ⅲ Passive Seismic Array 785
Structure of Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle,Inland Subduction and Its Coupling Effects on the Dabie Orogenic Belt and the Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone 789
喜玛拉雅“东构造结”地区特异重力场的探讨 800
Deep Structure of Southern California 808
应用卫星重力信息对横断山系地区布格重力异常特异分布的纠正 829
鲁西地区的地壳结构及壳内近直立高速异常体的发现 837
洱源-江川宽角地震剖面的地壳反射特征 845
京津唐及邻区地壳结构的中新生代构造运动响应 851
鄂尔多斯盆地上地壳速度分布与沉积建造和结晶基底起伏的构造研究 863
呼包盆地周缘壳、幔结构研究 877
Crustal Structure across Longmenshan Fault Belt from Passive Source Seismic Profiling 884
Crustal Structure across the Three Gorges Area of the Yangtze Platform,Central China,from Seismic Refraction/Wide-angle Reflection Data 888
Seismic Imaging of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the North China Craton 903
Constraining the Anisotropy Structure of the Crust by Joint Inversion of Seismic Reflection Travel Times and Wave Polarizations 917
接收函数方法估计Moho倾斜地区的地壳速度比 939
Construction of Regional and Local Seismic Anisotropic Structures from Wide-angle Seismic Data:Crustal Deformation in the Southeast of China 949
阴山造山带—鄂尔多斯盆地岩石圈层、块速度结构与深层动力过程 961
Seismic Signature of the Collision between the East Tibetan Escape Flow and the Sichuan Basin 980
Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Ordos Block and the Yinshan Mountains Revealed by Receiver Function Analysis 991
Crustal Structure of the Paleozoic Kunlun Orogeny from an Active-source Seismic Profile between Moba and Guide in East Tibet,China 999
An Overview of the Earth Crust under China 1013
阴山造山带和鄂尔多斯盆地北部磁异常场与结晶基底特征研究 1037
阴山造山带及鄂尔多斯盆地北部地区上地壳的地震波属性结构及岩性推断 1048
Investigation of the Moho Discontinuity beneath the Chinese Mainland Using Deep Seismic Sounding Profiles 1059
Lateral Variation of the Strength of Lithosphere across the Eastern North China Craton:New Constraints on Lithospheric Disruption 1074
Seismic Structure and Rheology of the Crust under Mainland China 1087
中秦岭北侧特异重力场及其探榷 1116
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