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法律经贸英语Q & A  疑难详解与翻译
法律经贸英语Q & A  疑难详解与翻译

法律经贸英语Q & A 疑难详解与翻译PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:倪清泉,谢金荣,刘亚兰编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国法制出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:7509367174
  • 页数:333 页
《法律经贸英语Q & A 疑难详解与翻译》目录

第一部分 术语和搭配的理解与翻译 3

第1解absolute defence 3

第2解access rights 5

第3解access tojustice 6

第4解account stated 7

第5解ad hoc 9

第6解age of consent 10

第7解a mensa et thoro 11

第8解an open account 13

第9解appeal by right 14

第10解article solicitor barrister 16

第11解as 17

第12解as of 19

第13解as per 19

第14解as the case may be 20

第15解Attorney General 21

第16解balance of probability 22

第17解battery 23

第18解bench warrant 25

第19解beyond a reasonable doubt 25

第20解bound by a judgment 26

第21解by the effect of 27

第22解bar 28

第23解cease-and-desist order 28

第24解Chinese Wall 29

第25解choses in possession choses in action 30

第26解clearing 31

第27解commission broker 32

第28解composition 33

第29解concealment of birth 35

第30解concur 36

第31解continuance of trial 37

第32解contributory negligence 37

第33解conversation 39

第34解crown court 40

第35解current liabilities 40

第36解damages 42

第37解damage injury 44

第38解death benefit only 45

第39解depreciation 47

第40解detention center 48

第41解Director of Public Prosecutions 49

第42解double hearsay 50

第43解due diligence 51

第44解encumbrance 52

第45解estoppel 53

第46解except/save as otherwise provided 55

第47解executed proxy 56

第48解express trust resulting trusts constructive trusts 57

第49解factoring 58

第50解final judgment 60

第51解finder offact 61

第52解forfeiture 62

第53解for the purpose(s)of 63

第54解free evaluation of evidence 63

第55解friend-of-the-court 64

第56解general damages 65

第57解hearsay evidence 69

第58解hereinafter 70

第59解hire purchase 71

第60解identity crime status crime 73

第61解implied term 74

第62解including but not limited to 75

第63解indeterminate sentence 76

第64解in dubio pro reo 77

第65解inte rim 78

第66解intervener 78

第67解in the event that 79

第68解joint and several liability 80

第69解joint venturing 81

第70解judgment by consent 82

第71解judgment non obstante verdicto 83

第72解judicial notice 84

第73解judicial separation 84

第74解justice ofthe peace 85

第75解knock-out rule 86

第76解law reports 88

第77解leading question 88

第78解leasehold freehold 89

第79解leasing 91

第80解leave 93

第81解liable 94

第82解line position 94

第83解list system 95

第84解Lord Chancellor Lord Chief Justice 96

第85解magistrates'courts 97

第86解malum in se malum prohibitum 98

第87解market maker 99

第88解marriage license marriage certificate 100

第89解master of the bench 100

第90解mens rea 101

第91解Mirandize 102

第92解moral damages sustained damages 103

第93解mortgagor mortgagee 104

第94解New York Supreme Court 105

第95解nolo contendere 106

第96解notwithstanding anything to the contrary 107

第97解notwithstanding(the fact)that 108

第98解null and void 108

第99解obiter dicta 109

第100解on the merits 110

第101解ordeal or trial by God 110

第102解otherwise 112

第103解outstanding judgment 113

第104解partywall 114

第105解passing-off action 115

第106解Paygo 116

第107解penalty phase 117

第108解peremptory challenge 117

第109解personal property 118

第110解plaintiff in error defendant in error 119

第111解pleading 120

第112解 preponderance of probability 122

第113解presents 123

第114解prima facie evidence 124

第115解primary insurance 125

第116解prize law 125

第117解provided that 126

第118解provide specify stipulate 127

第119解prize court 128

第120解ratio dicidendi 128

第121解real action 129

第122解res judicata 130

第123解reverse mortgage 131

第124解right of audience 132

第125解 save as(is)provided/stipulated 134

第126解shall may will 135

第127解shifting burden of proof 136

第128解special master 137

第129解star witness 137

第130解statutory rape 138

第131解stay 139

第132解subject-matter jurisdiction personal jurisdiction diversity jurisdiction federal-question jurisdiction 140

第133解subject to 141

第134解take the stand 142

第135解the cat out of the bag 142

第136解the fruit ofthe poisonous tree 143

第137解the Queen in Parliament 144

第138解the rule of lenity 145

第139解third degree 146

第140解transfer order subject of action default arrangements 147

第141解ultra vires 147

第142解under in accordance with pursuant to 148

第143解undue influence 149

第144解unit fine 150

第145解unless and until 151

第146解vest 152

第147解voir dire examination 153

第148解where 154

第149解with a view to 155

第150解without prejudice to 155

第二部分 长句和难句 160

《世贸协定》与WTO 160

第151解The parties to this Agreement…recognizing that...recognizing that...being desirous of...resolved...to develop...determined to preserve...agree as follows: 160

第152解...rules of origin shall be defined as those laws 163

第153解Rules of origin...shall include all rules of 164

第154解...counties may want to prevent or slow down the 165

第155解To what extent such policy interventions justify the welfare losses...is a questions of the social value 166

第156解Protectionism is the economic policy of 167

第157解The term of protectionism is mostly used in 168

美国宪法 170

第158解The right of the people...shall not be violated...and no warrants shall issue 170

第159解The Congress...shall p ropose amendments to...or...shall call a convention 172

第160解The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated...so that 174

第161解Every order,resolution,or vote…shall be presented to...and shall be approved by him 175

第162解The Congress shall have power to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases...over such District as...and to exercise like authority over 176

第163解In case of...,the same shall devolve on the Vice President...and the Congress may...provide for 177

第164解He shall have power...to make treaties,provided...and he shall nominate 179

美国刑法 181

第165解Whoever...receives...or assists...is an accessory after the fact 181

第166解...an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned...fined...or both;or if...the accessory shall be imprisoned 182

第167解...the appropriate judicial officer...shall...set the case for trial...so as to assure a speedy trial 183

第168解Any information or indictment...shall be filed within 184

第169解...the period oftime...shall be extended 186

第170解...the trial of a defendant...shall commence within 187

第171解...the trial shall commence within seventy days 188

第172解...the provisions of subsections(b)and...shall be applicable 189

第173解If the defendant is to be tried upon...the trial shall commence within...except that 191

第174解If the defendant is to be tried again...the trail shall commence within seventy days from the date 192

第175解...the time limit...shall be one hundred and eighty days...the time limit...shall be one hundred and twenty days...,andforthethird...suchtimelimit...shall beeightydays 193

刑事侦查 195

第176解Though neither...and...though...,it seems clear that Wood is entirely at one with the other two section 76(2)decisions 195

第177解 ...an overzealous constable might defeat the humane provisions of the law,by so practicing 196

第178解...it would not have been made but for the previous involuntary statement and it is made in answer to 197

第179解It is hard to see what significance such advice could have 198

第180解It(the confession)was held permissible for...of where the goods had been found 199

美国环境保护法 201

第181解The Clean Air Act gives the EPA the power to regulate 201

第182解...the EPA began regulating…as well 202

第183解The CAA prescribes a complex permitting scheme for 203

第184解...the EPA did not want to extend that scheme to...,so the EPA modified the scheme to provide that 204

第185解Individual home...use a septic system,or...do not need an NPDES permit;however, 205

合同条款 207

第186解If Buyer furnishes proof to Seller that...,Buyer may purchase such quantity from the other manufacturer 207

第187解Assignor hereby irrevocably assigns...and otherwise transfers to Devco...all rights...and interest 209

第188解The advance of money by way of...does not of itself make the lender a partner 210

第189解In the event of...the lender of the loan shall not be entitled to...and the seller...shall not be entitled to...until 212

第190解Every one who...is liable as a partner to any one who 213

第191解An assignment by any partner...does not...entitle the assignee...to interfere in 214

第192解Where co-owners of...the land so purchased belongs to them 216

第193解While the Company will endeavor to accept...it is expressly agreed that 217

第194解So long as…is satisfactory to the Company,the terms of payment...shall be...provided 219

第195解...if Distributor provides Company with...and provided further that...then Company will charge the Distributor...and credit the Distributor 220

第196解Any failure or delay...shall not constitute a breach hereof or give rise to 222

证券法规 224

第197解Whether such person previously has been found by...has been enjoined by...or has been convicted by 224

第198解...such person has willfully made or caused to be made...statement which was...false or misleading...or has omitted to state...any material fact which 225

第199解If the Commission finds...that any person is violating,has violated,or is about to violate...the Commission may publish its findings and enter an order 227

第200解Whenever the Commission determines that the alleged violation...or threatened violation...is likely to result in...the Commission may enter a temporary order requiring...to cease and desist...and to take such action...as the Commission deems appropriate 228

第201解...the respondent may apply to...for an order setting aside...or suspending...and the court shall have jurisdiction to enter such an order 230

第202解...the court shall consider any motion made by...and shall appoint as lead plaintiffthe member 231

银行信用 233

第203解...we agree(a)in the case of each sight draft...to reimburse you...the equivalent of...with interest from...and(b)in the case of each acceptance...to pay you 233

第204解In the event that...we agree to pay you...the amount of each such acceptance 236

第205解...it is understood and agreed that you are under no duty to determine...nor shall you be charged with...and payment by you to...is hereby authorized and approved,and we further agree to hold you harmless and indemnified against 237

第206解The users of the Credit shall be deemed our agents and neither you nor your correspondents shall be responsible for 239

第207解...we agree that any action taken by you...shall be binding on us and shall not put you...and we make like agreement 242

第208解...we hereby recognize and admit you r security interest in all property...and also in and to shipping documents...and in and to the proceeds...until such time as all the obligations and liabilities...have been fully paid and discharged...,and that all or any of...may be held and disposed of as hereinafter provided 244

第209解We agree that in the event of...this Agreement shall be binding upon us 246

第210解We agree to procure promptly any...and to comply with all...,and to furnish...,and to keep...,and to assign...,and to make...payable to you...,and to furnish you with 248

第211解In the event you deliver to us...we agree to obtain possession of any goods represented by documents...and if we should fail to do so,we agree to return said documents 250

第212解Each of us agrees that all property...are hereby made security for each and all such obligations and liabilities 251

第213解Each of us agrees that upon...or upon any act of insolvency of him or us...all of such obligations and liabilities shall become and be immediately due and payable 253

第214解Each of us...and all of us...expressly authorize you in any such event...to sell immediately 254

进出口条例 257

第215解Any person aggrieved by...may,within 14 days...by notice in writing lodge an objection to the decision 257

第216解The Director shall not cancel,revoke or suspend any such license where he is satisfied that...unless the article...is a strategic commodity...and it is...necessary for him to cancel...in the public interest 258

第217解The General Agreement...is legally distinct from the General Agreement 259

第218解...the Commissioner or an authorized officer may...authorize in writing the claimant to move 261

第219解...the officer may give notice to the owner of...prohibiting such owner from removing,or permitting the removal of,the article from 262

法学理论 264

第220解...the defendant usually reaps two benefits 264

第221解We might commence our effort at understanding this process better by 265

第222解Now equity is no part of the law,but a moral virtue...is a universal truth;it does also assists 266

第223解Thus the statement...has been considered in relation to the duty of a crane manufacturer 267

第224解The judge may be more willing to grant a motion 269

第225解Neither side can appeal unless 270

第226解...the European Court held that no sum of money...could provide a remedy for 271

第227解If it were true that...and that...then indeed it would be necessary to 272

第228解The judicial power shall extend to all cases 273

第229解The repeal of these statutes has been attributed to four factors 274

第230解...why the unfairness should not consist in making the accused suffer the evidential disadvantage of having the later confession,obtained 276

第231解This announcement...suddenly made sense of 277

第232解We decided not to use these twenty cases 278

国际法理论 280

第233解But the assumption that...is an inadequate account of the system 280

第234解 Implied consent is not a philosophically sound explanation...,not because...but because 281

第235解...states are continually treated as bound by principles which...they cannot...be said to have consented to and 282

第236解The truth is that states do not regard...as...,and that 283

法律阐释 286

第237解The court or a judge may...make an order charging that...and may...appoint a receiver 286

第238解A member shall not participate in a non-governmental program,activity,or organization...or violates the State Bar Act or these rules 287

第239解A contention is...one which can only be accepted in the last resort 289

第240解It would be an illegitimate method of...to introduce by implication words of 290

第241解...it was held that...it is the duty of the courts to give effect to that intention and not to put a very narrow 291

第242解...it is legitimate for the court to go beyond the arid literal confines ofthe provision and to call in 292

第243解It is a cardinal rule of interpretation that 293

第244解The courts generally endeavor to make sense of...but 294

堕胎论辩 296

第245解He maintains that...reasonable people...cannot be expected to accept the reasons 296

第246解...people who believe that...and who are prepared...should nevertheless desist from the exercise of 297

第247解The“constitution”of deliberative democracy...includes...“publicity”...the“accountability”...and the need for law 298

第248解...the key distinction between slave ry...and abortion...is that...it is a society that 299

第249解Therefore,even those who...can reasonably judge the disagreement about 301

第250解What I propose is that a certain sensitivity to...can legitimately enter into assessing 302

第三部分 翻译实践 306

法律英语翻译实践练习 306

法律英语翻译实践练习参考答案 320

参考文献 330
