组织变革背景下心理契约破裂在决定中国公务员行为中的作用实证研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:单彬著
- 出 版 社:阳光出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787552523775
- 页数:285 页
Chapter 1:Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to the Problem 1
1.2 Overview of Psychological Contract Theory 2
1.3 Background of the Study 4
1.4 Rationale and the Need for the Study 7
1.5 Research Question,Aims and Objectives 8
1.6 Research Significance 9
1.7 Research Background 9
1.8 Structure of the Thesis 10
Chapter 2:Chinese Civil Servants and the Governmental System 13
2.1 The Civil Servant in China 13
2.2 Hierarchy of the Chinese Governmental System 14
2.2.1 Organizational Structure of the Chinese Governmental system 15
2.2.2 Position Level in the Chinese Governmental System 16
2.3 Government Reform in China 18
2.3.1 The Reform in 1981 and 1993 18
2.3.2 The Reform in 2006 19
Chapter 3:Literature Review 23
3.1 Organizational Change 23
3.1.1 The Definition of Organizational Change 24
3.1.2 Types of Organizational Change 25
3.1.3 Employees'Responses to Organizational Change 28
3.2 Psychological Contract Theory 32
3.2.1 The Arguments Regarding Definition 32
3.2.2 Characteristics of the Psychological Contract 35
3.2.3 Psychological Contract and Employment Relationship 36
3.2.4 Types of Psychologieal Contract 39
3.3 Psychological Contract Breach(PCB) 41
3.3.1 Issues of Definition 42
3.3.2 The Process of PCB 44
3.4 Employees'Responses to PCB 48
3.4.1 Traditional Framework 49
3.4.2 EVLN Framework 51
3.5 Cultural Issues on PCB and EVLN Behaviour 54
3.5.1 Hofstede's Cultural Dimension 55
3.5.2 Confucianism 59
3.5.3 The'Post 80s generation'in China 62
3.6 Conceptual Design of this Study 63
3.6.1 The Role of PCB 64
3.6.2 The Sub-dimensional Inter-correlations 66
3.7 The Conclusions of the Literature Review 68
3.8 Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses 68
Chapter 4:Research Methodology 72
4.1 Research Philosophy 73
4.2 Research Approach 76
4.3 Research Strategy 79
4.4 Questionnaire Design 80
4.5 Pilot Study 86
4.6 Sampling Strategy 88
4.7 Questionnaire Administration and Data Collection 90
4.8 Data Treatment:Statistical Procedures 91
4.9 Reliability and Validity Issues 94
4.10 Ethical Considerations 96
Chapter 5:Survey Findings 98
5.1 Descriptive Statistics 99
5.2 The Test of the Structural Dimension of Organizational Change 100
5.2.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis on Organizational Change 102
5.2.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Organizational Change 104
5.2.3 Second-order Factor Analysis on Organizational Change 107
5.3 The Effect of Organizational Change on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 108
5.4 The Effect of Organizational Change on Chinese Civil Servants'PCB 113
5.4.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis on PCB 114
5.4.2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis on PCB 116
5.4.3 Second-order Factor Analysis on PCB 117
5.4.4 The SEM between Organizational Change and PCB 118
5.5 The Effect of PCB on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 122
5.6 The Mediating Role of PCB 126
5.7 The Variance Analysis on PCB and Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 128
5.7.1 The Variance Analysis on Chinese Civil Servants'PCB 128
5.7.2 The Variance Analysis on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 131
Chapter 6:Discussion 136
6.1 The Structural Dimension of Organizational Change in the Chinese Government 136
6.2 The Effect of Organizational Change on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 140
6.3 The Effect of Organizational Change on Chinese Civil Servants'PCB 146
6.4 The Effect of PCB on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 151
6.5 The Mediating Role of PCB 156
6.6 Biographic Feature Differences of PCB and Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 158
6.6.1 Biographic Feature Differences of Chinese Civil Servants'PCB 159
6.6.2 Biographic Feature Differences of Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 162
Chapter 7:Conclusion 167
7.1 Main Conclusions of this Study 168
7.1.1 The Structural Dimension of Organizational Change in the Chinese Government 168
7.1.2 The Impact of Organizational Change on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 169
7.1.3 The Impact of Organizational Change on Chinese Civil Servants'PCB 170
7.1.4 The Impact of PCB on Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 172
7.1.5 The Mediating Role of PCB between Organizational Change and Chinese Civil Servants'EVLN Behaviour 173
7.1.6 The Biographic Feature of Chinese Civil Servants'PCB and EVLN Behaviour 174
7.1.7 The Proposed Model of This Study 175
7.2 Contribution to Knowledge 178
7.3 Implications and Recommendations 179
7.4 Limitations and Areas for Further Research 182
Reference 185
Appendix 240
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