平易近人 习近平的语言力量 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Chen
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787119097763
- 页数:288 页
Overview 4
The Chinese Dream—A common wish for rejuvenation of the nation and prosperity for the peopk 4
Imagery and Metaphors 14
Daring to Chew the Tough Bones and Navigate the Rough Waters—Reform means breaking down the barriers of old notions and the fences of interest groups 14
Swift Hooves and a Steady Gait —Dialectic thinking for comprehensively deepening reforms 19
Power Must Be"Caged"by the System —Instituting a robust system of checks and supervision for restraining power 23
The"Root"and"Soul"of the Chinese Nation—Preserving and fostering China'sgreat cultural heritage 27
Nailing Down the"Master Switch"—The coreissue of ideals and convictions 31
Core Values Are as Ubiquitous as the Air We Breathe—Create an atmosphere that fosters core values 35
The Rice Bowls of the Chinese People Must Be Held by Themselves—Ensuring food security and social stability 38
"Baking a Cake"and"Cutting a Cake"—Keeping in mind both economic development and social equality 42
A Pool of Stagnant Water and a Surging Undercurrent—Ensuring the energy and order necessary for social development 46
Curb Urban Development That Follows the"Roll-out-Dough"Model—Taking a scientific approach to urban construction 50
Blue Waters and Green Hills,Mountains of Gold and Silver—Environmental protection and economic growth reinforce and transform each other 54
"Ballast Stones"and"Boosters"—Working together to safeguard global peace and stability 58
Guarding Against the Spaghetti Bowl Effect—Bolstering cooperative relations in the Asia-Pacific region 62
Calcium Deficiency and Weak Spines—The damages caused by lack of ideals and confused faith 66
Leaving Marks When We Tread on Stones or Grasp Iron—Be vigorous and persevering in improving work conduct 70
Hunting Tigers and Swatting Flies—Never let up in rooting out bad conduct and corruption 74
Examine Oneself in the Mirror,Straighten Out One's Clothes and Hat,Take a Bath,and Treat One's Illnesses—The general requirements of the mass line education and practice program 78
"Remaining in Contact with the Ground"and"Recharging One's Batteries"—Leading officials must go all the way down to the grassroots and learn from the people 82
Heading Off to Take the Civil Service ExaminationsNew trials faced by the Party and a sense of peril 86
Breaking Through the"Enclosed City," "Glass Doors,"and"Invisible Walls"—Improving work styles and keeping close tie with the people 90
The Live High-Voltage Line—Truly enforce and strictly uphold organization discipline 94
Catch Them Early While They Are Small,Just as Illnesses Must Be Treated Immediately—Punishing corruption and promptly dealing with problems 98
Serving the People Cannot Be Like a Gust of Wind—Real results and a long-lasting work mechanism are needed to serve the people 101
Incoming Leaders Must Not"Dump the Bag Out"—Maintaining overall stability and continuity of work 105
The"Driving in Nails"Mindset—Do solid,thorough,detailed mass work 109
Everyday Sayings 116
Only the Wearer of the Shoes Knows If They Fit or Not—Maintaining full confidence in thepath,theory,and system of Chinese socialism 116
No Mountain Is Too High for Man to Scale and No Road Too Long for Man to Walk—Staying the course in driving reform 119
Once the Bow Is Drawn,the Arrow Cannot Turn Back—Pressing on toward the goal of reform 122
Are We Well-off?Ask the Country Folk—Helping rural residents boost income 126
Keeping a Clean Palate—Doing everything we can to ensure food safety 130
Without a Solid Foundation,the Earth Shakes and the Mountains Move—Enhancing grassroots services and management capabilities 133
Just as Distance Tests a Horse's Strength,Time Will Show a Person's Sincerity—Strengthening cooperation and mutual trust with Latin American and Caribbean countries 138
To Forge Iron,One Must Be Strong—Continuing to improve the Party 142
Closed Doors,Long Faces,and Convoluted Procedures—Do not make life hard for the public 146
Putting On a Show—Never be insincere with the people 150
Popular Support Makes Power—The mass line is the life of the Party 154
Don't Be Too Greedy with Your Grasp;Those Who Stretch Too Far Will Be Caught—Keeping up high pressure on corruption 158
Not Being Able to Use New Methods,Clinging to Old Methods,Shying from Hard Methods,and Wasting Time with Soft Methods—Studying harder and overcoming the dread of incompetence 161
The Fire Burns Hotter When More Hands Feed It—United as one,making great achievements together 165
Finding Pleasure in Exhaustion—Working hard with optimism 168
Place What You Want to Say on the Table—Be adeptat criticism and self-criticism 172
Playing the Piano with AllTen Fingers—Comprehensive planning and working to keep all parts moving in unison 176
The Last One Tenth of the Journey Demands Double the Effort—Young people must work hard without slackening in the least 180
Creating a Country of Youth with Youthful Energy—Making the bestuse of our youth 184
Our Lifetime of Buttoning Must Be Done Well Right from the Start—Cultivation of values muststart at a young age 188
Quotations form the Classics 194
We Must Be Neither Self-Abased nor Over-Confident—Confidence in and commitment to China's experience 194
If You Can in One Day Renovate Yourself,Do So from Day to Day.Yea,Let There Be Daily Renovation—Description of Chinese ingenuity 199
Governing a Big Country Is as Delicate as Frying a Small Fish—Understanding China's conditions and governing in a scientific manner 203
If Brothers Are of the Same Mind,Their Edge Can Cut Through Metal—Linking arms across the Taiwan Strait to achieve the Chinese Dream 207
Numerous Grains of Earth Make a Mountain,and Numerous Drops of Water Form an Ocean—Joining hands with Africa to fulfill our common"dream" 210
If Water Is Not Piled Up Deep Enough,It Won't Have the Strength to Bear Up a Big Boat—Let an ocean of friendship carry the boat of Sino-Mexican cooperation 214
A Tree That Can Fill the Span of a Man's Arms Grows from a DownyTip—Enriching the soil from which the tree of friendship between China and ASEAN grows 218
The Sea Is Fed by All Rivers;It Is Vast Because of Its Capacity—Encouraging interaction between different cultures so they may assimilate and advance together 222
Boundless Is the Ocean Where We Sail with the Wind—There is enough space for the common development of all partnersin the Asia-Pacific region 226
Worms Can Only Grow in Something Rotten—Stamping out breeding grounds for corruption 229
Success in Government Lies in Following the Hearts of the People.Failure Lies in Opposing Them—The purpose of the Party is to serve the people 233
He Sees What Is Good and Acts as Though He Could Never Attain It,Sees What Is not Good and Acts as Though He Had Put His Hand in Scalding Water—Officials shoul dhave a healthy respect for the law and Party discipline 238
Scrape the Poison Off the Bone and Cut Off Your Own Poisoned Hand—Fighting against corruption to the finish 242
Moving the Pole to Earn the People's Trust—To win the people's trust,work styles must truly be improved 246
Having Perspective on Gain and Loss and Understanding the Course of History—Studying history and using history as a mirror 250
A Blind Man on a Blind Horse Riding Toward a Deep Pool at Night—Be more scicntific,with greater foresight and initiative 254
Not All Scholars Must Become Officials,But All Officials Must Be Scholars—Leading officials'study is critical for developing the causes of the Party and country 258
Learning Without Thought Is Pointless.Thought Without Learning Is Dangerous—Study and contemplation complement each other 262
Those in the Dark Are in No Position to Light the Way for Others—Improving work ability through study 266
Neglecting Duty for Empty Talk—Coupling theory to practice 270
Learn Extensively,Inquire Earnestly,Think Profoundly,DiscriminateClearly,and Practice Sincerely—Valuing and being good at studying is an important part of transforming work styles 274
Prime Ministers Must Have Served as Local Officials,and Great Generals Must Have Risen from the Ranks—Experience at the local levels is necessary for the growth of all officials 279
Exaltation of the Virtuous Is Fundamental to Governance—Creating a good environment for raising the talents the country badly needs 282
Talents Are Needed to Govern the Nation—Talent is an important indicator for measuring a country's overall strength 286
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