钱钟书手稿集 第4辑 外文笔记 35PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱钟书著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787100115612
- 页数:566 页
No.160 3
1.Thomas Hobbes,Leviathan 3
2.Maurice Lindsay,Robert Burns 5
3.Henry Taylor,Autobiography Vol.Ⅰ 13
4.J.M.Robertson,A History of Freethought in the Nineteenth Century 23
Vol.Ⅰ 23
Vol. Ⅱ 28
5.W.Somerset Maugham,A Writer's Notebook 29
6.The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night 36
Vol.Ⅰ 36
Vol.Ⅱ 40
Vol.Ⅲ 44
Vol.Ⅳ 48
7.Benedetto Croce,European Literature in the Nineteenth Century 50
8.Frederick A.Pottle(ed.),Boswell on the Grand Tour:Germany and Switzerland 58
9.Sylva Norman,Flight of the Skylark 64
10.G.V.Cox,Recollections of Oxford 71
11.Edward C.Mack and W.H.G.Armytage,Thomas Hughes 73
12.Kenneth Hopkins,The Poets Laureate 75
13.The New Statesman and Nation(Jan.,Feb.,1956) 80
14.Willam Rose Benet and Conrad Aiken,An Anthology of Famous English and American Poetry 84
15.Cleanth Brooks,Jr.and Robert Penn Warren,Understanding Poetry 94
16.Richard Kostelanetz(ed.),On Contemporary Literature 141
17.Laurence Sterne,A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy 146
18.John Donne,Complete Poetry and Selected Prose 151
19.Frederick Marryat,Mr.Midshipman Easy 165
No.161 171
1.D.T.Suzuki,Essays in Zen Buddhism 171
2.Ernst Cassirer,Rousseau,Kant,Goethe 173
3.Marcel Prevost,Nouvelles Lettres a Fran?oise 180
4.Francis Bacon,The Works Vol.ⅩⅢ 181
5.C.S.Lewis,The Great Divorce 183
6.D.R.Stuart,Epochs of Greek and Roman Biography 187
7.Havelock Ellis,My Confessional 188
8.L.Dugas,Les Timides dans la Litterature et l'Art 188
9.Stray Notes 189
10.E.M.Rowell,Time and Time Again 190
11.Paul Valery,Variete Ⅱ 193
12.Richard Hope,The Book of Diogenes Laertius 197
13.C.S.Lewis,A Preface to Paradise Lost 198
14.Jan Struther,Mrs.Miniver 200
15.Hugo von Hofmannsthal,Gesammelte Werke Bd.Ⅲ 201
16.Joseph Hone,The Life of Henry Tonks 203
17.Douglas Bush,Mythology and the Renaissance Tradition in English Poetry 204
18.Etta Shiber,Paris-Underground 205
19.Howard Spring,In the Meantime 205
20.A.N.Whitehead,The Philosophy 207
21.Jonathan Swift,Poems 208
22.J.A.Gunn,The Problem of Time 210
23.J.J.Smart,The River of Time(Mind Oct.1949) 213
24.David L.Cohn,Love in America 214
25.Philip Wylie,Generation of Vipers 218
26.Samuel Alexander,Philosophical and Literary Pieces 220
27.Marjorie Grene,Dreadful Freedom 224
28.Jean-Paul Sartre,Notes with Quotations 225
29.Havelock Ellis,Man and Woman 230
30.Eric Bentley (ed.),The Importance of Scrutiny 234
31.Andre Gide,Pages de Journal 235
32.Heinrich Heine,Samtliche Werke,Bd.Ⅹ 238
33.Abraham Cowley,The Essays and Other Prose Writings 242
34.Le Figaro Litteraire 245
35.Les Nouvelles Litteraires 246
36.Modern Language Notes 249
37.G.Stanley Hall,Life and Confessions of a Psychologist 260
38.Paul Hazard,La Pensee Europeenne au ⅩⅧeme Siecle 262
Tome Ⅰ 262
Tome Ⅱ 271
39.Colette,L'Envers du Music-Hall 283
40.William James,The Letters 284
Vol.Ⅰ 284
Vol.Ⅱ 287
41.Frances Trollope,Domestic Manners of the Americans 292
42.George Saintsbury(ed.),Minor Poets of the Caroline Period 296
Vol.Ⅱ 296
Vol.Ⅲ 301
Vol.Ⅰ 309
43.Colette,Cheri 310
44.Barrows Dunham,Man Against Myth 311
45.Edmund Blunden,Leigh Hunt 321
46.Edward Copleston,Advice to a Young Reviewer 324
47.Colette,Ces Plaisirs 326
48.R.G.Collingwood,The Principles of Art 328
49.John Veitch,Memoir of Sir William Hamilton 330
50.Andre Gide,Journal 331
51.Camilo J.Cela,Pascual Duarte's Family 347
52.Alfred von Martin,Sociology of the Renaissance 349
53.Hans Baron,The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance 350
54.C.S.Lewis,That Hideous Strength 357
55.Ruth Hornblower Greenough,C.N.Greenough 358
56.Philip Whitwell Wilson(ed.),The Greville Diary 359
Vol.Ⅰ 359
Vol.Ⅱ 364
57.Douglas Bush,Paradise Lost in Our Time 367
58.Julien Benda,Du Style d'Idees 368
59.H.J.C.Grierson,Rhetoric and English Composition 380
60.Graham Wallas,Men and Ideas 388
61.Remy de Gourmont,Lettres Intimes a l'Amazone 390
62.R.G.Collingwood,An Essay on Metaphysics 391
63.Sacheverell Sitwell,Splendours and Miseries 396
64.R.G.Collingwood,Metaphysics(continued) 396
65.Earl Derr Biggers,Behind that Curtain 396
66.H.E.Bates,Fair Stood the Wind for France 397
67.Paul Shorey,What Plato Said 398
68.John Henry Newman,Centenary Essays 400
69.R.C.Trevelyan,Windfalls 401
70.Marguerite Steen,William Nicholson 403
71.Ford Maddox Ford,The March of Literature from Confucius to Modern Times 404
72.Stray Notes 405
73.Diderot,Jaques le Fataliste et son Ma?tre 406
74.Evelyn Underhill,The Mystic Way 409
75.Archibald Robertson,Philosophers on Holiday 411
76.D.G.Hogarth,The Life of Charles M.Doughty 411
77.Essays on the Eighteenth Century,Presented to D.Nichol Smith 412
78.Lionel Trilling,Matthew Arnold 421
No.162 429
1.Gordon S.Haight,George Eliot and John Chapman 429
2.Oskar Fischel and Max von Boehn,Modes and Manners of the Nineteenth Century 431
3.Angela Thirkell,Love Among the Ruins 439
4.Sidney Painter,French Chivalry 445
5.E.Gosse and Thomas J.Wise,Letters of A.C.Swinburne 457
Vol.Ⅰ 457
Vol.Ⅱ 459
6.Evan Charteris,The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse 461
7.Rene Bray,Chronologie du Romantisme(1804—1830) 469
8.C.-A.Sainte-Beuve,Les Grands Ecrivains Fran?ais 488
Tome Ⅶ 488
Tome Ⅹ 496
9.A.M.Harmon,Lucian 498
10.Brian Fitzgerald,Daniel Defoe 503
11.John F.Ross,Swift and Defoe 507
12.F.M.Colby,Constrained Attitudes 509
13.Angela Thirkell,Private Enterprise 510
14.Alexander Dyce,Table Talk of Samuel Rogers 511
15.William Maltby,Porsoniana 512
16.Ovid,Amours 513
17.Erckmann-Chatrian,The Conscript 515
18.Ernest Edward Kellett,Fashion in Literature 517
19.Elizabeth Wheeler Manwaring,Italian Landscape in Eighteenth Century England 528
20.David Cecil,Early Victorian Novelists 532
21.George Orwell,Critical Essays 535
22.Leonardo da Vinci,Eine Auswahl aus Seinen Schriften 537
23.H.Taine,Vie et Opinions de M.Frederic-Thomas Graindorge 541
24.In Praise of Folly 545
25.Stray Notes 547
26.Medley of Handwritten Notes 547
27.Handwritten Extracts from an English Work on European Literature(pp.107-361,first page(s)missing) 551
Author Index 562
Title Index 564
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