质量科学与质量经济 第七届中韩质量科学双边国际学术研讨会文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林建忠,何桢,宋明顺主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国计量出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787502628604
- 页数:268 页
Applying the principle of Maximum Entropy in Bayesian Prior Distribution Assignment&Song Mingshun Fang Xinghua Wang Wei 1
Autocorrelation's Effect on Process Capability Analysis&Yang Jianfeng 6
A Study of Criteria for Selecting a Proper DFSS Methodology&Hee-Kweon Yoon and Jai-Hyun Byun 12
An effective graphical technique for evaluating the prediction capability in mixture-process ex-periments involving noise variables&Soon Sun Kwon,Sung Hyun Park 18
An Empirical Study on the Quality of Leisure in Korea Focused on Cultural Enjoyment&Jae-Ha Lee 28
A structural model of hedonic and utilitarian usefulness to user intention in instant messenger&Fan Liu,Ja-Chul Gu,Sang-Chul Lee 36
Analysis of Causal Relationship among Performance factors of Quality Management in Korean Public Enterprises:Using Malcolm Baldrige Non-profit Criteria&Jae-Young,Moon,Sang-Chul,Lee,Yung-Ho,Suh 45
A Case of Lean Six Sigma Project:Reduction of Responding Time for Maritime Accidents in Ko-rea Coast Guard&Sung H.Park 52
Application of Quality Management Model in Higher Education&Wu Weidong Wang Haiyu 65
A Model of Telecom Service Quality Improvement&Xiong Wei,Wang Xiaotun 71
An Application of Total Quality Management Efficiency Modelin the Korean Distribution Industry&Hanjoo Yoo,Jong-Woo Park,Gwangsuk Song,Baekyun Kim 78
A comparative Study between Manufacturing and Transactional/Service Processes of Six Sigma Quality Innovation&Jae Wook Yoon,Bo Hyoung Kim 88
A Repair-limit Replacement Strategy with Prediction Error in Repair Time&Won young yun,Ho Gyun Kim 94
Comparison Analyses of Implementing 6 Sigma Management between China and Korea Compa-nies Korea side&Sangbok REE,Yijong Ma. 99
Discuss about methods of Machining Equipment Capability&Tao Jingxuan,Chen Yulei 106
Development of Web-based Simulator for Supply Chain Network&Donghwa Jeong,Yoonho Seo 111
D-optimality criterion for Weighting Variables in K-Means Clustering&Myung-Hoe Huh,Yong B.Lim and Yeo Jung Park 115
Data Quality and Information Quality:A Literature Review&Tong Shurong,Wang Keqin 123
Empirical Analysis for ISO 9000 Certification Effect on Market Performance&Liu Yumin,Wang Jingjing 134
Effect of Online Education on Training Effectiveness:Conceptual Framework and Empirical Vali-dation&Jeong-Wook Kim,Kichan Nam 144
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average chart for Skewed Distribution&Wang Haiyu,Wu Weidong,Xu Jichao 149
Investigation about changing of quality meaning and using real fields&Sangbok REE,Rohgook Park 157
Quality Control for Production Process Based on Support Vector Machine&Yang Shiyuan,Sun Lin 163
Research on Coordination in Quality Control Based on Acceptance Inspection and Quality Effort from the Supplier&Zhang Cuihua,Lu lili,Yan Lei 168
Research on Process Quality Management of Producer Service Outsourcing&Shao Luning,You Jianxin,Li Jing 177
Rating the final importance of the customer requirements in PPHOQ based on rough set,Kano's model,and AHP approach&Li Yanlai,Tang Jiafu,Luo Xinggang 183
Robust Multi-Response Parameter Design Based on RSM&Zhen He,Zhu Peng,Wang Jing,S.H.Park 191
Stock Market Feedback Trading,Fat-tail Distribution andReturn Autocorrelation&Zhao Pengju 199
Study on operator induced assembly defect&Su Qiang,Liu Lei,Lai Shengjie 209
Study on Supply Chain's Transactional Strategies Based on Bilateral Optional Forward Contracts&Tian Jun,Zhang Li,Chen Dapeng,Li Xiaoli 214
The Development of B2B e-Marketplace in China&Chang Guangshu 222
The Impacts of Quality Management Practices on Business Performance:An Empirical Investiga-tion from China&Su Qin,Li Zhao,Zhang Suxian,Liu Yuanyuan,Dang Jixiang 227
The Critical Success Factors of Six Sigma in China Manufacturing Industry&Ma Yizhong,Sangbok Re 233
The Application of Statistical Quality Control in China Manufacturing Industry and its Key Fac-tors&Sun Jing,XU Haidong 247
Value Differentiation Strategy of Korean Companies&Chung,Kyu Suk 261
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