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理工专业通用学术英语  教师用书
理工专业通用学术英语  教师用书

理工专业通用学术英语 教师用书PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:叶云屏主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787568217576
  • 页数:465 页
《理工专业通用学术英语 教师用书》目录

基础篇 3

Unit 1 What Are Your Reasons to Become a Scientist or Engineer? 3

Unit 2 Are Children Born Scientists or Engineers? 9

Unit 3 What Makes a Successful Scientist or Engineer? 14

Unit 4 Is There a Divide Between Sciences and Humanities? 21

Unit 5 WhatArethe StrategiestoKeepYourselvesMotivated? 28

Unit 6 Why Is Honesty the Best Policy in Science? 37

Unit 7 Is Necessity Invention’s Mother or Vice Versa? 45

Unit 8 What Are Your Dream Teams Like? 51

Unit 9 Should Scientists Change Their Minds? 57

Unit 10 How Has the Digital Age Changed Your Lives? 64

Unit 11 Are You a Multitasker or Singletasker? 74

提升篇 83

Unit 1 TheHydrogenEconomy 83

Unit 2 Space Exploration 94

Unit 3 CleanEnergy 106

Unit 4 Evolution 115

Unit 5 Mind andBrain 125

Unit 6 Climate Change 141

Unit 7 Automation 152

Unit 8 Genetic Engineering 163

Unit 9 Design:theArtistv.S.the Engineer 181

Unit 10 Epidemics 193

拓展篇 213

Unit 1 Terms and Concepts 213

Unit 2 Symbols andFormulas 222

Unit 3 Tables and Figures 243

Unit4 Overviews andReviews 256

Unit 5 Systems and Mechanisms 268

Unit 6 Processes andProcedures 278

Unit 7 Properties and Characteristics 290

Unit 8 Tests and Experiments 300

Unit 9 Types and Classifications 314

应 用 篇 329

Unit 1 Proposals 329

Unit 2 Technical Reports 343

Unit 3 ResearchArticles 356

Unit4 Literature Reviews 367

Unit 5 ResearchArticle Introductions 378

Unit 6 Research Methods 392

Unit 7 Results and Discussions 401

Unit 8 ResearchArticle Conclusions 417

Unit 9 AcademicAbstracts 444

致谢 465
