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Analytical polymer rheology structure-processing-property relationships
Analytical polymer rheology structure-processing-property relationships

Analytical polymer rheology structure-processing-property relationshipsPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Charles L. Rohn
  • 出 版 社:Hanser Publishers
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:156990149X
  • 页数:314 页
《Analytical polymer rheology structure-processing-property relationships》目录

Chapter 1 History of Rheology and Macromolecular Science 1

Chapter 2 Principles of Mechanics 12

2.1 Introduction 12

2.2 Classical Mechanics 12

2.2.1 Newton’s First Law of Motion 13

2.2.2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion 16

2.2.3 Newton’s Third Law of Motion 19

2.3 Rotational Motion 20

2.4 Angular Momentum 22

2.5 Oscillatory Motion 24

2.6 Natural Frequencies and Resonance 26

Chapter 3 Stress and Strain 30

3.1 Introduction 30

3.2 Strain Tensor 30

3.3 Continuum Concept 33

3.4 Engineering Elasticity 37

3.5 Viscosity 41

3.6 Constitutive Equations 43

Chapter 4 Gases 47

4.1 Introduction 47

4.2 Kinetic Theory 47

4.3 Distribution of Molecular Velocities 51

4.4 Molecular Effusion 53

4.5 Transport Processes 55

4.6 Molecular Diffusion 58

4.7 Heat Transfer 60

4.8 Principle of Equipartition of Energy 61

4.9 Nonideal Gases 63

4.10 Law of Corresponding States 64

4.11 Intermolecular Interactions 65

4.12 Relaxation Times 69

4.13 Appendix 70

4.13.1 Thermodynamics 70

Chapter 5 Rubber 76

5.1 Introduction 76

5.2 Thermodynamics 76

5.3 Tensile/Compression Stress-Strain Properties 80

5.4 Distribution of Rubbery Chain Conformations Due to an External Stress 82

5.5 Tensile Strength 84

5.6 Rubber Products 85

5.6.1 Tank Tread Problem 89

5.6.2 Rack-and-Pinion Seal 90

Chapter 6 Solids 92

6.1 Perfect Crystals 92

6.2 Imperfect Crystals 104

6.3 Polymeric Crystals 107

6.4 Semicrystalline Polymers 109

6.5 Amorphous Solids 111

6.6 Oriented Polymers 111

Chapter 7 Fluids and Polymer Solutions 117

7.1 Introduction 117

7.2 Free-Volume (Hole) Theory 118

7.3 Polymer Solutions 121

7.4 Gel Permeation Chromatography 123

7.5 Rouse Model 125

Chapter 8 Polymer Melts 130

8.1 Introduction 130

8.2 Shear Rate and Frequency Dependence of Viscosity 130

8.3 Shear Rate and Frequency Dependence of Elasticity 135

8.4 Temperature Dependence of Viscosity 141

8.5 Extensional Viscosity: Melt Tension and Draw Down 143

8.6 Reptation Theory (Tube Model) 148

Chapter 9 Phase Changes and Transitions 152

9.1 Introduction 152

9.2 First Order Transitions 152

9.3 Crystallization and Melting 154

9.4 Homopolymers 156

9.5 Copolymers 160

9.6 Glass Transition 171

9.7 Transition Region 174

9.8 Secondary Transitions 180

9.9 Modulus-Temperature Curves 183

Chapter 10 Suspensions 189

10.1 Introduction 189

10.2 Viscoelasticity of Suspensions 189

10.3 Electrostatic Interactions 193

10.4 Steric Interactions 195

10.5 Polymer Blends 196

10.6 Compatible Blends 197

10.7 Incompatible Blends 197

10.8 Block Copolymers 199

10.9 Interpenetrating Polymer Networks 199

10.10 Filled Plastics 201

10.11 Phase Separation and Storage Stability 202

10.12 Flow and Leveling 204

10.13 Flow and Sagging 205

Chapter 11 Linear Viscoelasticity 209

11.1 Introduction 209

11.2 Maxwell Model 209

11.3 Boltzmann Superposition Principle 210

11.4 Creep Properties 212

11.5 Stress Relaxation Properties 217

11.6 Dynamic Mechanical Properties 218

Chapter 12 Rheological Testing 222

12.1 Introduction 222

12.2 Principles of Rheological Measurements 223

12.2.1 Strain Dependence 224

12.2.2 Frequency (Rate) Dependence 224

12.2.3 Temperature Dependence 225

12.2.4 Temperature-Frequency Dependence 227

12.3 Fluids Testing 227

12.3.1 Effusion of Gases Experiment 227

12.3.2 Capillary Viscometer 228

12.4 Experimental Measurements of Fluids 234

12.5 Rotational Viscometers 236

12.6 Solids Testing 239

12.6.1 Statics 239

12.6.2 Tensile Testing 240

12.6.3 Compressive Testings 241

12.6.4 Flexural Testing 243

12.6.5 Torsional Testing 247

12.6.6 Impact Testing 249

12.6.7 Tear Testing 251

12.7 Oscillatory Testing 251

Chapter 13 Polymer Fabrication and Properties 256

13.1 Introduction 256

13.2 Extrusion 258

13.2.1 Extrusion Quality 261

13.2.2 Extruder Dies 264

13.3 Output Rates 264

13.3.1 Die Swell 265

13.3.2 Haze and Gloss of Films 272

13.3.3 Toughness of Blown Films 274

13.4 Injection Molding 278

13.5 Using Rheology to Predict Long-Time Durability of Plastic Products 278

13.6 Physical Aging 279

13.7 Using Rheology to Predict Toughness of Plastic Products 280

13.8 Impact Strength 281

13.9 Summary 283

Chapter 14 Yielding and Fracture 286

14.1 Introduction 286

14.2 Theoretical Strength 286

14.3 Yielding Behavior 288

14.3.1 Amorphous Polymers 288

14.3.2 Semicrystalline Polymers 290

14.4 Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics 293

14.4.1 Hooke’s Law-Lattice Energy Theory 298

14.4.2 Free Volume Theory 299

14.4.3 Proof of Theory 300

Index 307
