- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7300066763
- 页数:252 页
Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club,Inc.(9-187-088) 1
The Accounting Framework,Financial Statements,and Some Accounting Concepts(9-193-028) 13
Bausch Lomb,Inc.(A)(9-101-010) 25
Bausch Lomb,Inc.(B)(9-101-008) 37
Circuit City Stores,Inc.(A)(9-191-086) 39
Circuit City Stores,Inc.(B)(9-192-036) 51
PolyMedica Corporation(A)(9-104-023) 55
PolyMedica Corporation(B)(9-104-031) 65
Keane's Acquisition of Metro Information Services(A)(9-103-042) 67
Accounting for Business Combinations:Purchase Method(9-104-074) 81
Accounting for the Intel Pentium Chip Flaw(9-101-072) 91
DoubleClick,Inc.(9-103-016) 101
Management Earnings Disclosure and Pro Forma Reporting(9-103-005) 113
Sears,Roebuck and Co.vs.Wal-Mart Stores,Inc.(9-101-011) 125
Introduction to Financial Ratios and Financial Statement Analysis(9-193-029) 145
Microsoft's Financial Reporting Strategy(9-100-027) 161
Accounting for Computer Software Development Costs(9-102-034) 173
Costing Alternative Choices(9-105-035) 183
Introduction to Activity-Based Costing(9-197-076) 195
Caja Espa?a:Managing the Branches to Sell(A)(9-104-044) 209
Sarnia Corporation (9-202-051) 223
Nordstrom:Dissension in the Ranks?(A)(9-191-002) 227
Nordstrom:Dissension in the Ranks?(B)(9-192-027) 251
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