现代英语习惯用法参考手册 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:夕阳编
- 出 版 社:上海市计算技术研究所情报资料室
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:383 页
55.Leaves are to the plant what lungs are to the animal 1
56.A whale is no more a fish than a horse is .A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is 3
57.You may as well call a cat a little tiger as call a tiger a big cat.You might as well call a horse a fish as call a whale one 17
58.There are more intelligent monkeys than Herbert.There are monkeys more intel-ligent than Herbert 24
59.Who in the world are you? 25
60.He goes to school averyday.He will often sit for hours together,reading newspapers.I used to smoke fifty cigarettes a day.He would often come home late in the night 30
61.It was very cold last eveving-so much so that I could not stir out of doors 41
62.My Hero Brand fountain pen is as good as new,though I've used it a year 45
63.A:It was cold yesterday.B:So it was.A:I like beef.B:So do I 48
64.I will have some one come.I shall have some one come 53
65.I can't have him doing that 58
66.I want to have my hair cut.I'd sooner have my bones broken than recant 62
67.So far as experiments go,the magnet pulls iron and never any thing else.We travelled together as far as Nanking,when we parted 66
68.What with the wind and what with the rain,our walk was spolled 69
69.We had scarcely got on shore when it began to blow hard.No sooner had we got on shore than it began to blow hard.As soon as we got on shore it began to blow hard 73
70.I got up so early as to be in time for the express.I got up early so as to be in time for the express.I got up early so as not to lose the train 83
71.It is not so much men's faults that ruin them as the manner in which they conduct themselves after the faults have been committed.I don't know him;indeed I have not so much as heard his name 88
72.No one but a fool would do such a thing.The reactionaries left nothing but smoking earth and white bones in the Chingkang Mountains 96
73.He is anything but a fool.He is all but a fool 101
74.Comrade Wang cannot do it,can he?Comrade Wang cannot do it,can't he? 105
75.It is very noisy,is Shanghai on Sunday.You look full of sense,you do 111
76.Launcelot:Nay,indeed,if you had your eyes,you might fail of the knowing me:it's a wise father that knows his own child 115
77.He knows how to use the terrain and thing for cover,to saynothing of making use of a gun.He does not know how to use a gun,to say nothing of making use of the terrain and things for cover.Her solitary condition,or the bad weather,or both united, made Mrs.Lupin thoughtful,not to say sorrowflu 118
78.He is rather hot tempered,and owns as much.What takes you only three hours,takes me as many days.The donkey was so wild ,and it was as much as I could do to manage him at all.He looked at me as much as to say I was a liar.It is as much your responsibility as mine 122
79.Simple as the fan is,its production is a time-consuming affair 125
80.Written,as it is,in an easy style,the book is adapted for beginners.Living,as we do,so remote from towns,we rarely have visitors 132
81.His mother had three children,of which he was the oldest.He is exactly the man which such an education was most likely to form 135
82.There are several reasons why minicomputers are not yet extensively used in developing countries,now that cost has ceased to be an obstacle 139
83.He was a good painter,if ever there was one.He can do it,if any one can.If you do it at all,do it well 141
84.It's good and cold out 145
85.It was raining when we arrived.He didn't tell me when he would be back.He stayed there till Sunday,when he started for Nanking 150
86.Come snow,come windstorm,the people's communes' herds are well protected in their pens.Cost what it may,I shall have to buy the pen 155
87.He rose early on that day that he might not be lave for the train.He rose early on that day for fear he might be late for the train.He rose early on that day lest he should be lave for the train.He rose early on that day so as not to be late for the train.He rose early on that day in order not to be late for the train 163
88.He cannot but langh to hear such a story.He cannot help laughing to hear such a story.He cannot help but laug? hear such a story 175
89.I ask nothing from you but that you should hand over the letter to us 180
90.I never went out but I met him 183
91.But that he prevented me,I would have replied.But for your aid,I should have failed 191
92.There is no one but knows it 196
93.Nothing is so hard but that it becomes easy by practice 199
94.I don't doubt but that he will come 203
95.He is extremely strong-not but that he will catch cold at times 215
96.This question is too important to be neglected 220
97.I shall be only too glad to help you 228
98."I will fetch you a candle,sir,and,in Heaven's name,get up.Somebody has plotted something:you cannot too soon find out who and what it is.""This snow is a difficult fellow to make friends with.He's very touchy,"the men wisecracked."You can't be too hard,or too soft,too fast,or too slow.You mustn't lean back,but you can't lean too far forward either 234
99.I would rather die than yield.The bat has very long and thin fingers on its forelegs,or arms,as we had better call them 241
100.I am glad to see you.I emerged from Red China to find a sharpening tension between the Tungpei troops of Young Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang and Chiang Kai-shek 248
101.It must needs be true.A man needs must lie down when he sleeps 253
102.It happened long,long ago.One fine day,Mr.Tung Kuo was walking along slowly with a bag of books on his shoulder 259
103.What these troops must have suffered from cold was not difficult to imagine.Mr.Copperfield was teaching me-Much he knew of it himself! 262
104.You may converse with them if you please,but the——take me if ever I do 267
105.A man not know what he had on!no,no! 272
106.Under a spreading chestnut-tree The village smithy stands;The smith,a mighty man is he,with large and sinewy hands;And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands 275
107.He is having a swim.He gave the door a kick 278
108.He is as brave as any man alive.He is as brave a man as ever breathed.He is the bravest man that ever lived 280
109.I am as tall as he.I am not no tall as he.You can't get one so good as this 286
110.Not that I dislike the task,but that I am unequal to it 289
111.The mountain is not valuable because it is high.A scientist is none the worse for a single failure.He is all the wiser for his failures 292
112.Still it became in a manner necessary;twice,or thrice,Hindley's manifestation of scorn,while his father was near,roused the old man to a fury:he seized his stick to strike him,and shook with rage that he could not do it.……Yeh,his face still set,was issuing her an order,"Stay away and think it over!""Stop working?"She felt as though icy water had been poured over her head.She was even more flutered that her father was standing behind her 302
113.He does nothing but laugh.I think you can't do better than go 308
114.His parents want to make a scientist of him.His parents want to make him a scientist 317
115.He longed to go there himself,for he was something of a hunter as well as farmer;and Boone had sent him glowing accounts of the abundance of game and the richness of the soil 321
116.For all you say,I will still go 325
117.Tell me not in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream! 329
118.I had not waited long before he apperaed 332
119.He left his own house through the back door and made straight for the barn-yard.The best thing he could do was go to his father 334
120.The giving to the courts the power to review hard and uncon-scionable bargains will control the rest.The giving to the courts of the power to review hard and uncon-scionable bargains will control the rest 338
121.He took me by the band.He looked me in the face 343
122.As I went out at the front door,some one came in at the back e?trance.The boy came out of one shop and went into another 349
123.He is my senior by three years.He was too late by five minutes.The export exceeds the import by ten million yuan 353
124.He is nephew to Comrade Wang.He is a nephew of Comrade Wang 356
125.We have ships,and men,and money,and stores.And the rain descended,and the floods came,and the winds blew,and beat upon the house;and it fell;and great was the fall of it 361
126.Beatrice became more and more influenced by Randal's arguments.He is married now,but I cant't tell you when he got married.He has come to be treated more kindly by his associates 365
127.My two big sisters having now charge of things in the house makes it much easier for mother.I to bear this is some burden 368
128.Here be my keys 372
129."Pardon me.It isn't me he is paying attentions to." 374
130.I heard say your lordship was sick.Annie seem'd to hear her own death-scaffold raising 377
131.Not enjoyment and not sorrow,Is our destinea end or way 379
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