第一部分 部分论文选编 1
一.眼的屈光系统和视网膜 1
01.Guo Aike:Elektrophysiologische untersuchungen zur spektral-und polari sations-empfind lichkei t der sehze l len von Calliphora Erythrocephalla Ⅰ,Sci enti a Sini ca,23(1980),1182-1196. 1
目录 1
五.视觉计算模型 9
53.Caianiello,E.R.and Lu Huimin : A new method based on C-Calculus for some prob lems of cell movement analysis, in”Topics in the Genenal Theory of Structures”,1 8 3-1 9 7.E.R.Caianie llo and M.A.Aizerman(eds),(1 9 87)D.Reide l Pub 9
02.Guo Aike:Elektrophysiologi sche untersuchungen zur spektra l-und polari sati ons-empfindlichkeit an den sehze llen von Calliphora Erythrocepha llaⅡ,Scientia Sinica,23(1980),1461-1468. 16
03.Guo Aike:Elektrophysio logi sche untersuchungen zur spektra l-und polari sati ons-empfindlichkeit an den sehzellen von Calliphora Erythrocephalla Ⅲ.Scientia Sinica,24(1981),272-286. 24
04.Guo Aike:Elektrophysiologi sche untersuchungen zur spektral-und polari sati ons-empfindlichkeit an den sehzellen von Calliphora Erythrocephalla Ⅳ,Scientia Sinica,24(1981),542-553. 39
05.Horridge,C.A.,Osorio,D.,Jahnke,R.and Wu Weiguo :A reconsideration of three vi sual responses of locust and butterfly,Proc.IEEE.Conference,Tucson Arizona,(1985), 854-8 5 6. 51
06.Li Junfeng(李俊凤),Wu Qij iu(吴奇久)and Xiao Yuemei(肖悦梅):Retina of river dolphin Li potes vexillifer, Scientia Sinica,(Series B),25(1983)145-150. 54
07.李俊凤,吴奇久:江豚眼折光系统的初步研究,生物物理学报,4(1988),50-55. 60
08.So,K-f.,Xiao,Y-?.,Diao,Y-c.: Effects on the growth of damaged ganglion cellaxons after peripheral nerve transplantat-ion in adult hamsters.Brain Res.377(1986),16.8-172. 67
09.吴奇久,李俊凤,肖悦梅: 青蛙视网膜神经节细胞计数及分布特点的研究,动物学报,26(1980),10-17. 72
10.Wu Qij iu(吴奇久),Li Junfeng(李俊凤)and Xiao Yuemei(肖悦梅):Studies on optic nerve of Lipotes vexi llifer--structure,fiber count and diameter spectrum, Sci enti a Sinica(Series B),25(1982),935-940. 81
11.Wu Qij iu(吴奇久)and Li Junfeng(李俊凤):Some quantitative observations of the retina in Pipi strellus abramus,Bat Research News,28(1987),3-4. 87
12.Wu Weiguo(吴卫国),Guo Aike(郭爱克),Feng Chunhua(冯春华),Shi Shuzhen(石淑珍), Wang Guyan(王谷岩), Wu Shengli(吴盛立):Sampling of the visual information by the neural superposi ti on compound eyes in different adaptes states.Kex 89
13.吴卫国等:蝗虫复眼小网膜细胞角敏感度的变化规律,生物物理学报,3(1987).178-18 3. 93
14.吴卫国,徐智敏,石淑珍,吴盛立: 家蝇复眼性特化光感受器的进一步研究,科学通报,4(1988).297-299. 99
15.肖悦梅,苏国辉:成体金黄地鼠神经节细胞轴突在外周神经移植到视网膜后的再生,解剖学报,18(1987),141-146. 102
16.徐智敏,石淑珍,吴盛立,吴卫国: 与蝇追逐行为有关的复眼性特异光感受器的研究,解剖学报,18(1987).251-254. 108
17.徐智敏,石淑珍,吴盛立,吴卫国:华虻(tahauns mandarinus)复眼膜网和薄板的结构研究,科学通报,32(1987).1259-1263. 115
18.Zhang Shaowu et al:An intermediate state of the transiti on from rhodopsin to metarhodopsin in the ompound eye of fly,Kexue Tongbao,32(1987),699-703. 120
19.周国生,田丽娟,吴梅英,彭连惠:昆虫重叠型复眼的光学综合成象特性,生物物理学报,1(1985),135-141. 125
20.Zhong Yanj iong,Guo Aike,Wang Guyan and Feng Chunhua:Identi f-ication of dynamic behavi our of light-potential transduction system in photoreceptor of Ca lliphora Erythrocephala using IRS-stimuli.Sci entia Sini ca(Series B),26(1983),41-50 132
21.Felix,D.,Wang,S.R.,Yan,K.and Wang,Y.T.:The effect of acetylcholine on neurons of the amphibian nuc leus i sthmi,Brain Research,326(1985),313-316. 142
二.低等动物的视觉中枢 142
22.Fite,K.V.and Wang,S.R.:Mi croiontophoresis and single-unit analysis of cho linergi c drugs in the optic tectum of frog,Brain Behav.Evol.,28(1986),198-206. 146
23.李俊凤,吴奇久,肖悦梅:青蛙视顶盖传出纤维的研究.生理学报, 33(1981),78-82. 155
24.Wang,S.R.,Yan, K.and Wang,Y.T.:Visual field topography and binocular resposes in the frog's nuc leus i sthmi,Scient ia Sinica,24(1981),1292-1301. 160
25.Wang,S.R.,Yan, K.and Wang,Y.T.:Nuc leus isthmus of toad is secondary visual center, Scientia Sini ca(ser.B),25(1982).1172-1178. 170
26.Wang,S.R.,Yan, K.,Wang,Y.T.,J i ang,S.Y.and Wang,X.S.:Neuroanatomy and electrophysiology of the lacerti lian nucleus isthmi,Brain Research,275(1983),35 5-360. 177
27.Wang,S.R.,Wang,Y.T.and Wang,X.S.:The distribution of acetylcholinesterase in the nucleus isthmi of amphibians and reptiles,Sci.Bull.(Kexue Tongbiao),31(1986),700-702. 183
28.Wang,S.R.,Li,Z.and Xu,H.Y.:Muscarinic action of acetyl-choline in the pigeon opti c tectum,Exp.Neurol.,94(1986),436-440. 186
29.Wang,S.R.:The nucleus isthmus is a visual center:neuroanatomy and e lec trophysi ology,In:Vi si on:S truc ture and Function,Eds,Yew,D.T.,So,K.F.and Tsang,D.S.C.,301-364,World Scientific Publi shing Co.Pte.Ltd.,(1988 191
30.Yan,K.,Wang,Y.T.and Wang,S.R.:A Go lgi-Cox study of the lacerti lian mesencephalon, Sci.Bull.(Kexue Tongbao),29(1984),1392-1395. 256
31.Yan,K.and Wang,S.R.: Visual responses of neurons in the avian nucleus isthmi,Neurosci.Lett.,64(1986)340-344. 260
三.哺乳动物的视皮层 265
32.Blakemore,C.,Diao Yuncheng,Wang Yongkai,Xiao Yuemei and Pu Mingliang:Possible functions of the interhemispheric connections between vissua l cortica l areas in the cat.J.Physiol.(London),337(1983),331-349. 265
33.Deng,S.Y., Goldberg,M.E.,Segraves,M.A.and Ungerleider,L.G.:The effect of unilatweral ab lat ion ofthe frontal eye fi elds on saccadic performance in the monkey,in:Adaptive Processes in Vi sual and Oculomotor Sys tems. Eds.E 284
34.Diao,Y-c.,Wang,Y-k.and Pu,M-I.:Binocula responses and the callosal projection in the albino rat.Rxp.Brain Res.,49(1983),410-418. 292
35.Diao,Y-c.,Wang,Y-k.and Xiao,Y-m.:Representatinon of the binocular visual field in the superior colliculus of the albino rat.Exp.Brain Res.,52(1983),67-72. 301
36.Diao,Y-c.,So,K-f.,Jen,L-s.,Wang,Y-k.and Pu,M-I.Xiao,Y-m.and Shi,J.:An electro-topographical study of both orthodromically and antidromically activatyed neurones athrough callosal stimulation in the visual cortex of the golden hamste 307
37.Diao Yuncheng,Wang Yongkai,Xiao Yuemei and Pu Mingliang:Binocular resposes in the superior colliculus of the albino rat.Scientia Sinica(B),27(1984),1245-1254. 317
38.Diao,Y-c.,Xiao,Y-m.,and Pu,M-I.:Callosal projections in the visual cortex and the vertical meridian of the visual field in the albino rat.Scientia Siinica(B),30(1987),141-148. 327
39.Diao,Y-c.,Xiao Y-m.:Morphological features and functional organizntion of the border region between cortical areas 17 and 18a in rodents.In:Vision:Structure and Function,Eds.Yew,D.T.,So,K.F.and Tsang,D.S.C.,367-399,World Scien 335
40.Jen,L.S.,So,K-f.,Xiao,Y-m.,Diao,Y-c.,Wang,Y-k.,and Pu,M-l.:Correlation between the visual callosal connections and the retinotopic organization in the striate-peristriate border region in the hamster;An anatomical and physiologi 368
41.Mark A.Segraves,Michael E.Goldberg,Shu-yi Deng,Charles J.Bruce,Leslie G.Ungerleider,and Mortimer Mishkin:The role of striate cortex in the guidance of eye movements in the monkey,The Journal of Neuroscience,7(1987),3040-3058. 375
42.So,K-f.,Diao,Y-c.,Xiao,Y-m.,Tay,D.and Jen,L.S.:Effects on binocularity in area 17 in hamsters following transection of the posterior corpus callosum in adulthood or removal of the posterior cortex in neonatal stage.The Chinese Physi 394
43.Xiao,Y-m.,Li,J-f.,Wu,Q-j.,and Diao,Y-c.:Study on the callosal neurons in the visual cortex of the albino rat by means of retrograde transport of HRP.Acta Anatomica Sinica.14(1983),379-383.(in Chinese). 406
44.Xiao,Y-m.,Ying,Y-s.,and Diao,Y-c.:Electro-microscopic studies on the corpus callosum of the golden hamster.Zoologica Sinica.32(1986),380-382.(in Chinese). 412
四.视觉心理物理学研究 416
45.程立海,姚国正,刘磊:人的体视抗干扰能力,心理学报,17卷(1985),304-311. 416
46.邓述移,徐智敏,杜连芳,杨俭华:人眼调制传递函数,兵工学报,2(1982),24-33. 424
47.金贵昌,郑竺英:视觉诱发电位(VEP)对不同频率条纹的反差敏感性.心理学报,19卷(1987),100-103. 434
48.吴新年,陈宜君,杜连芳:不同色光和不同年龄下人眼的调制传递函数,兵工学报,2(1987),33-37. 439
49.Yao Guozheng,Jin Gui chang,Cheng Lihai,Li u L ei and Zheng Zhuying:A new stereoscopi c phenomenon.Kexue Tongbao,28(1983).1676-1680. 444
50.姚国正,程立海,刘磊,金贵昌:两种互相独立的深度信息.科学通报.14(1984),876-879. 449
51.郑竺英,赵冠美,齐翔林,张成秀: 双眼立体视觉的信息加工Ⅰ:视差和空间频谱的关系,心理学报,12卷(1980),195-204. 453
52.郑竺英,姚国正,金贵昌,程立海:双眼立体视觉的信息加工Ⅱ :空间滤波对双眼立体感的影响,心理学报,15卷(1983),192-197. 463
54.Guo Aike and W.Reichardt: An est imat ion of t ime const ant of movement detectors, Naturwi ssenschaften,74(19 87).91. 484
55.Guo Aike:Figure-ground discrimination and pattern di scriminat-ion in the vi sual system of the F ly(From understanding computation to understanding neura l circuitry),In:Vi sion :Structure and Func ti on,Eds.Yew,D.T.,So,K.F.and Tsan 486
56.Lehrer,M.,Srinivasan,M.V.,Zhang S.W.and Horridg e,G.A.:Motion cues provide the bee's visual wor ld wi th a third dimension, Nature,332(1988),356-357. 547
57.潘卓华,齐翔林,汪云九:视觉系统初级信息加工的一种数学模型(Ⅱ )模型的时间特性.生物物理学报,1卷(1985),189-198. 549
58.Reichardt. W., Guo Aike:E lementary pattern di scrimination(Behavioural experiments wi th the F ly Musca Domesti ca),Biol.Cybern.,53(1986).285-306. 559
59.Srinivasan,M.V.,Lehrer,M., Kirchner,W., Zhang,S.W.and Horridge,G.A.:How honeybees use motion cues to estimate range and di scriminate obj ects,Proc.IEEE SMC(1988),553-557. 581
60.汪云九,齐翔林,潘卓华:视觉系统初级信息加工的一种数学模型(Ⅰ)模型的空间性质.生物物理学报,1卷(1985),123-133. 585
61.汪云九,齐翔林,于德山:时空分离Gabor函数模型和感受野的时间特性.生物物理学报.4(1 988),39-43. 596
62.汪云九,齐翔林,于德山: 用数量场方法研究方向检测感受野,生物物理学报.4(1988).93-97. 601
63.Wang Yunj iu:Mathemati cal modeis of receptive fi elds in vertebrate visual systems,In:Vi sion:Structure and Function,Eds,Yew,D.T.,So,K.F. and Tsang,D.S.C.,581-614,World Scientific Publi shing Co.Pte.Ltd.,(1988),Singapo 606
64.于德山,汪云九:感受野和图对识别,心理学报.20卷(1988),20-22. 640
65.Zhang Shao-wu:Archi tecture and a lgori thm forvi sual information processing,Proc.IEEE SMC(19 88),579-582. 643
66.Zhang Shao-wu et a l:Ana lysi s of ac ce lerati on of chasing fli of the male house ly w th the aid of HSP Proc SPIE 10? 19 647
六.视觉研究技术 651
67.刘守忠,王秀春,史美德,陆惠民,王今著: 录相机在生物组织连续切片的计算机三维重建系统中的应用,生物物理学报,3(1987)358-362. 651
68.陆惠民,颜坤,史美德,王秀春:青蛙峡核的计算机三维重建,生物物理学报,3(1987),161-166. 656
69.王今著,王秀春: 生物组织显微结构三维重建的灰度阴影立体图对显示技术,生物物理学报,3(1987),315-318. 662
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