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新英语教程译注本第2卷  实践与提高  上
新英语教程译注本第2卷  实践与提高  上

新英语教程译注本第2卷 实践与提高 上PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:L.G.亚历山大著;西安外语学院英语系《新英语教程》译注组译注
  • 出 版 社:西安:陕西人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:392 页
《新英语教程译注本第2卷 实践与提高 上》目录

上册 1

教师须知 1

有关中级以下水平的语言学习 1

总则 1

学什么? 3

学习说话 3

学习写作 4

语法的讲授 5

多种用途的课文 6

速度和分量 7

程度的划分 8

关于本教程的说明 9

从理论到实践:基本目的 9

本教程的对象 10

使用本教程应具备的知识范围 10

应该具备的知识 11

本教程的组成部分 12

关于本教程的简介 12

本教程使用方法 18

时间分配 18

第一节课:教师指导下的会话 18

第二节课:作文与语言学习 24

课外作业 26

单元前测验 26

补充阅读材料 26

补充口头练习 26

补充笔头练习 27

以后的工作 27

Pre-Unit Test(单元前测验) 29

UNIT ONE(第一单元) 45

Instructions to the Student(学生须知) 47

1 A Private Conversation—Word Order in Simple Statements(私人谈话) 51

2 Breakfast or Lunch?—The Present,Continuous and Simple(早饭呢还是午饭?) 57

3 Please Send Me a Card—The Simple Past(请给我寄张明信片) 64

4 An Exciting Trip—The Present Ferfect Simple(一次十分有趣的旅行) 70

5 No Wrong Numbers—The Simple Past and the Present Perfect Simple(不会拨错号码) 78

6 Percy Buttons—The Indefinite and Definite Articles(珀西·巴腾斯) 85

7 Too Late—The Past Continuous(太晚了) 91

8 The Best and the Worst—The Comparison of Adjeetives(最好的和最糟的) 98

9 A Cold Welcome—Prepositions oTime(冷淡的欢迎) 104

10 Not For Jazz—The Passive(不是弹爵士音乐用的) 110

11 One Good Turn Deserves Another—Review of Tenses(以德报德) 116

12 Goodbye and Good Luck—The Sinple Future(再见,祝你顺利) 123

13 The Greenwood Boys—The Future Continuous(森林少年) 129

14 Do You speak English?—The Past Perfect Simple(你会讲英语吗?) 136

15 Good News—Indirect Statements(好消息) 143

16 A Polite Request—Type 1 Conditional Statements(彬彬有礼的请求) 150

17 Always Young—Must and Have to(永远年轻) 156

18 He Often Does This!—Have(Possession/Ordinary Verb)(他经常干这种事) 163

19 Sold Out—Can and May(卖光了) 169

20 One Man in a Boat—The Gerund after Prepositions(一个人在小船上) 176

21 Mad or Not?—The Passive(Auxiliary Verbs)(疯了还是没疯?) 183

22 A Glass Envelope—Verbs followed by Prepositions:of,From,In and On(玻璃信封) 189

23 A New House—Review of Tenses and Auxiliary Verbs(一幢新房子) 194

24 It Could be Worse—Special Difficulties:Review(可能会更糟) 199

Pre—Unit Test(单元前测验) 206

UNIT TWO:(第二单元) 219

Instructions to the Student(学生须知) 221

25 Do the English Speak English?—Word Order in Compound Statements(英国人讲的是英语吗?) 226

26 The Best Art Critics—The Present:Continuous and Simple:Non—conclusive Verbs (最好的艺术评论家) 233

27 A Wet Night—The Simple Past(潮湿的夜晚) 240

28 No Parking !—The Present Perfect Simple(Since and For)(禁止停放车辆!) 247

29 Taxi!—The Simple Past and the Present Perfect Simple(出租汽车!) 253

30 Football or Polo?—The Indefinite and Definite Articles(足球还是水球?) 260

31 Success Story—The Past Continuous and Used to(成功的故事) 267

32 Shopping Made Easy—The Comparison of Adjectives(买东西不花钱) 274

33 Out of the Darkness—Prepositions indicating Direction(摆脱黑暗) 281

34 Quick Work—The Passive(高效率的工作) 288

35 Stop Thief!—Review of Tenses(捉贼!) 295

36 Across the Channel—The Simple Future and Going to(横渡英吉利海峡) 302

37 The Olympic Games—The Future Perfect Simple(奥林匹克运动会) 309

38 Everything Except the Weather—The Past Perfect Simple(万事俱想到,天气未考虑) 316

39 Am I All Right?—Indirect Questions(我好了吗?) 324

40 Food and Talk—Type 2 Conditional Statements(吃饭与谈话) 330

41 Do You Call That a Hat?—Must,Have To and Need(你把那个叫做帽子吗)? 337

42 Not Very Musical—Have(Ordinary Verb)(不大懂音乐) 344

43 Over the South Pole—Can and AbleTo(飞越南极) 351

44 Through the Forest—The Gerund and The Infinitive(穿过森林) 358

45 A Clear Conscience—The Passive(问心无愧) 365

46 Expensive and Uncomfortable—Verbs Followed by Prepositions:To,At,For and With(既昂贵又不舒服) 372

47 A Thirsty Ghost—Review of Tenses and Auxiliary Verbs(贪杯鬼) 379

48 Did You Want to Tell Me Something?—Special Difficulties:Review(你刚才是不是想告诉我点什么?) 386
