Part 1. 1
Papers and Reports. 1
1.M.TSUJIURA,Spectral Analysis of the Coda Waves from Local Earthquakes.(in English) 1
2.I.MURATA,A Transportable Apparatus for Absolute Measurement of Gravity.(in English) 49
3.S.UYEDA,T.WATANABE,E.KAUSEL,M.KUBO and Y.YASHIRO,Report of Heat Flow Measurements in Chile.(in English) 131
4.S.UYEDA,T.WATANABE and F.VOLPONI,Report of Heat Flow Measurements in San Juan and Mendoza,Argentine.(in English) 165
5.Y.TSUNEISHI,Geological and Experimental Studies on Mechanism of Block Faulting.(in English) 173
6.M.HAKUNO and M.SHIKAMORI,Seismic Force of Incompletely Liquefied Sand on Underground Structures.(in English) 243
7.T.ODAKA,Radial Oscillations of a Multi-Layered Elastic Sphere and Theoretical Seismograms.—Effects of Surface Layers on Waveform of P Waves—(in Japanese) 255
8.K.NAGASAWA,An Analysis of Sonic Boom from a Great Fireball on May 10,1977,Recorded on Seismographs of Volcano Observatories.(in Japanese) 271
9.J.SATO,K.SATO and S.ARAMAKI,An Application of in-situ Gamma-Ray Radiometry to the Asama Volcano.(in Japanese) 281
10.K.SATO,S.ARAMAKI and J.SATO,Distribution of Gamma Radioactivity in the Asama Volcano.(in Japanese) 295
11.E.SHIMA,M.YANAGISAWA,K.KUDO,T.YOSHII,K.SEO and K.KUROHA,On the Base Rock of Tokyo III.Observations of Seismic Waves Generated from the 4th and 5th Yumenoshima Explosions.(in Japanese) 305
Part 2. 319
12.M.YOSHIDA,Group Velocity Distributions of Rayleigh Waves and Two Upper Mantle Models in the Pacific Ocean.(in English) 319
13.J.KASAHARA,Crustal Deformation Associated with a Fault Formation Estimated by the Finite Element Method.(in English) 339
14.Y.FUJINO and M.HAKUNO,Characteristics of Elasto-Plastic Ground Motion During an Earthquake.(in English) 359
15.T.USAMI and HISTORIOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE,Study of Earthquakes in the Sanriku District during the Edo Period.—Seismic activity and some gigantic earthquakes—(in Japanese) 379
16.T.MARUYAMA,Frequency Distribution of the Sizes of Fractures Generated in the Branching Process—Elementary Analysis.(in Japanese) 407
17.T.HATORI,Monuments of the Nankaido Tsunamis of 1605,1707 and 1854 in the Shikoku District:Behavior of Historical Tsunamis and their Comparison with the 1946 Nankaido Tsunami.(in Japanese) 423
18.Y.SASAKI,Y.FUJINO and M.HAKUNO,Effects of Topographical Features on Earth-quake-Induced Damage.—A Numerical Study—(in Japanese) 447
19.Y.FUJINO,Y.SASAKI and M.HAKUNO,Slip of a Friction-Controlled Mass excited by Earthquake Motions.(in Japanese) 461
Joint Geophysical and Geochemical Observations of the Asama Volcano in 1977. 481
20.D.SHIMOZURU,Joint Geophysical and Geochemical Observation of the Asama Volcano in 1977.(in Japanese) 481
21.T.MIYAZAKI,N.GYODA,E.KOYAMA and N.OSADA,Levelling Surveys at the Asama Volcano.(in Japanese) 487
22.T.TAKEDA,N.GYODA,E.KOYAMA,N.OSADA,T.ETO and T.SONODA,The Geodimeter Survey of the North-eastern Foot of the Asama Volcano in 1977(Part 1).(in Japanese) 497
23.H.TAJIMA,D.SHIMOZURU,H.OSHIMA and I.YOKOYAMA,Bouguer Anomaly and Changes in Gravity over theAsama and Kusatsu-shirane Volcanos.(in Japanese) 509
24.Y.HONKURA and S.KOYAMA,Magnetic and Electric Investigations of the Asama Volcano.(in Japanese) 523
25.K.?TA,T.KAGIYAMA and N.MATSUO,Remote Sensing Measurements of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from the Volcano Asama.(in Japanese) 533
26.K.SATO,J.SATO,H.TAKAHASHI and Y.HOSOYA,Distribution of Underground-Water and Soil-Air Radon Concentrations around the Asama Volcano.—Observations in 1977—(in Japanese) 543
27.H.TAKAHASHI and Y.HOSOYA,Variations in Chemical Species in the Groundwater around the Asama Volcano.—Relation of the explosive activity in 1973—(in Japanese) 551
Joint Geophysical Observations of the Kusatsu-shirane Volcano in 1976-1977. 569
28.D.SHIMOZURU,N.GYODA,E.KOYAMA,T.MIYAZAKI,M.SAWADA,N.OSADA,M.HAGIWARA and T.TAKEDA,The 1976 Steam Explosion of the Kusatsu-shirane Volcano and the Outline of the Joint Geophysical Observation.(in Japanese) 569
29.T.KAGIYAMA,E.KOYAMA,N.GYODA and D.SHIMOZURU,Geothermal Survey of the Volcano Kusatsu-shirane.(in Japanese) 581
30.M.KAWAMURA,K.OCHI,T.MORI,T.YUKUTAKE,Y.HONKURA and S.KOYAMA,Measurements of the Geomagnetic Total Force Intensity in the Kusatsu-shirane Volcano Area.(in Japanese) 607
Part 3. 613
The Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978. 613
31.K.SHIMAZAKI and P.SOMERVILLE,Summary of the Static and Dynamic Parameters of the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake of January 14,1978.(in English) 613
32.P.SOMERVILLE,The Accommodation of Plate Collision by Deformation in the Izu Block,Japan.(in English) 629
33.Y.TSUNEISHI,T.ITO and K.KANO,Surface Faulting Associated with the 1978 Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake.(in English) 649
34. K.TSUMURA,I.KARAKAMA,OGINO and M.TAKAHASHI,Seismic Activities Before and After the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 675
35.K.KANJO,I.NAKAMURA and K.TSUMURA,Distribution of Foreshocks and Aftershocks of the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978 by Semi-Automatic Processing.(in Japanese) 707
36.J.KASAHARA,S.KORESAWA,S.NAGUMO and D.SHIMOZURU,Aftershock Activities of the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978 and Anomalous Structure beneath Oshima-Island,Japan.(in Japanese) 721
37.M.TSUJIURA,Spectral Analysis of Seismic Waves for a Sequence of Foreshocks,Main Shock and Aftershocks:the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 741
38.T.TANAKA,M.SAKAUE,Y.OSAWA and S.YOSHIZAWA,Aftershock Observation of the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978 with a Strong-Motion Accelerograph and the Maximum Accelerations during the Main Shock.(in Japanese) 761
39.K.KUDO,S.ZAMA,M.YANAGISAWA and E.SHIMA,On the Shear Wave Underground 779
Structure of Izu Peninsula.(in Japanese) 779
40.I.KAYANO,SeismicIntensityandDamageDistribution oftheEarthquake of January 14,1978 on the East Coast of Izu Peninsula,Central Honshu,Japan,Investigated by Questionnaire Survey.(in Japanese) 793
41.S.SHIMADA,Semidiurnal and Diurnal Variations in Earthquake Swarm Activity in the Izu Peninsula during the Period from 1975 to 1978.(in Japanese) 815
42.Y.OKADA,Fault Mechanism of the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978,As Inferred from the Crustal Movement Data.(in Japanese) 823
43.R.YAMAGUCHI and T.ODAKA,Precursory Changes in Water Level at Funaabara and Kakigi before the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 841
44.T.HATORI,Tsunami Source of the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 855
45.I.AIDA,A Numerical Experiment for the Tsunami Accompanying the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 863
46.Y.HAGIWARA,H.TAJIMA,S.IZUTUYA,K.NAGASAWA,I.MURATA and S.SHIMADA,Gravity Change during the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 875
47.T.YUKUTAKE,T.YOSHINO,K.OTANI,E.KIMOTO,T.SHIMOMURA and Y.ISHIKAWA,Anomalous Secular Variation in the Geomagnetic Total Intensity on Oshima Volcano.(in Japanese) 881
48.Y.SASAI and Y.ISHIKAWA,Changes in the Geomagnetic Total Force Intensity Associated with the Anomalous Crustal Activity in the Eastern Partt of the Izu Peninsula(2).—The Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 893
49. Y.HONKURA and S.KOYAMA,Observations of Short-Period Geomagnetic Variations at Nakaizu(1).(in Japanese) 925
50.Y.HONKURA,On aRelation between Anomalies in the Geomagnetic and Telluric Fields Observed at Nakaizu and the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 931
51.S.KOYAMA and Y.HONKURA,Observations of Electric Self-Potential at Nakaizu(1).(in Japanese) 939
52.T.YUKUTAKE,T.YOSHINO,H.UTADA and Y.ISHIKAWA,The Earth Resistivity Measurements along the Inatori-Omineyama Fault in the Eastern Part of the Izu Peninsula.(in Japanese) 943
53.H.UTADA,T.YOSHINO,Y.ISHIKAWA,Y.HONKURA,S.KOYAMA,M.KAWAMURA,K.OCHI and M.KUWASHIMA,Geoelectric Survey around a Fault in Izu Peninsula.(in Japanese) 951
54.T.YUKUTAKE,T.YOSHINO,H.UTADA and T.SHIMOMURA,Time Variations Observed in the Earth Resistivity on the Oshima Volcano before the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake on January 14,1978.(in Japanese) 961
55.Y.YAMAZAKI,Resistivity Change at Aburatsubo Associated with the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.—A record of the 73 Hz resistivity variometer—(in Japanese) 973
56.H.TAKAHASHI and Y.TSUNEISHI,Variations in Chemical Composition of Thermal Water before and after the 1978 Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake,at Tokunaga-minami and Tsukigase in the Izu Peninsula.(in Japanese) 987
57.I.MURAI,T.MATSUDA and K.NAKAMURA,Surface Ruptures Associated with the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 995
58.I.MURAI,N.TSUNODA and Y.TSUJIMURA,Damage,Seismic Intensities,and Earthquake Faults by the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 1025
59.Y.TSUNEISHI,T.ITO and K.KANO,Slope Collapses along the Main Roads of the Izu Peninsula Caused by the 1978 Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake.(in Japanese) 1069
60.D.SHIMOZURU,T.TAKEDA,M.SAWADA,N.OSADA,E.KOYAMA and T.KAGIYAMA,Investigation of the Activity of the Oshima Volcano Associated with the Izu-Oshima-kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 1085
61.M.HAKUNO,Y.FUJINO and T.KATADA,A Report on the DamagetoCivilEngineering Structures Caused by the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 1101
62.M.YOSHIDA,Velocity and Response of Higher Mode Rayleigh Waves for the Pacific Ocean.(in English) 1135
63.I.AIDA,Modification of the Response Characteristics of Bay Water due to an Incoming Tsunami of Very Large Amplitude.(in Japanese) 1151
64.I.AIDA,Numerical Experiments for the Tsunami Accompanying the Miyagiken-oki Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 1167
65.T.HATORI,The Tsunami Generated off Miyagi Prefecture in 1978 and Tsunami Activity in the Region.(in Japanese) 1177
66.T.HATORI,Field Investigation of the Tokai Tsunamis in 1707 and 1854 along the Mie Coast,East Kii Peninsula.(in Japanese) 1191
67.M.KOBAYASHI,H.CHIBA,T.HANEDA,S.HASHIMOTO and M.OHTAKE,Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformation at Nagano City,Central Japan(Ⅱ)—Ground Tilt at Ohmine Observation Site,1969~1977—(in Japanese) 1227
68.T.YUKUTAKE,T.YOSHINO,H.UTADA,Y.HONKURA,S.KOYAMA,Y.ISHIKAWA,M.Resistivity in Nakaizu,the Eastern Part of the Izu Peninsula.(in Japanese) 1237
69.E.SHIMA,M.YANAGISAWA,K.KUDO,T.YOSHII,K.SEO,N.OHBO,T.HOSHINO and Generated from the 6th and 7th Yumenoshima Explosions.(in Japanese) 1245
Absracts of Papers(published in Journals other than the Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute)(in English) 1257
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