Prologue 1
History:571 and all that 3
Illustrations 7
Exchange Rates 8
London 9
Cbronology 9
Acknowledgements 11
London for saleGreat sheikhsArab feverThe name of the gameA taste for itThe black sheikhs of the familyThey also serveThe Arabs are comingSaudi Arabia 43
A town called Alice in WonderlandThe gilt complexThe factoryAll the king's menA pride of princesA real geezerClimbing on the Bandar waggonPity the poor princessesThe rise of the meritocratsFalling in with the set'You know what Imean?'Banking on a war-h 145
Playing happy familiesEmerald isle browned offThe blonde in the desert'We're not rich,you know'But can you bank on it?Jaded pieces ⅠJaded pieces ⅡKuwait 179
The men who came in from the coldSinging the bluesThe Sellers marketThe odd couplesWays and meansNo exitCrows and peacocksThe thoroughly modern SabahA day in CairoThe thoroughly exceptional SabahNights and knights Gatherings at the country clubThe loner 239
Nutty present,dotty pastBoredom by the sea Down toward the pirate coastHome with the wives Royal flushThe day disaster struckFrom bad to worseSomething old,something newSomething borrowed,something blueEpilogue 275
Index 281