1-Ⅰ.1.Students of the Honan University visit the Bureau of Public Welfare 1
Ⅱ.2.Volunteers and Manchukuo Troops clashed near Harbin 2
Ⅲ.Opium Prohibition in Chiang-Pei 3
2-Ⅰ.4.Military force is used to root out the poppy plant in Honan 4
Ⅱ.5.Revision of the draft of the Constitution 5
Ⅲ.6.Manchukuo established a custom-house at Hsinglung 6
3-Ⅰ.7.Peiping-Canton direct air-line 7
Ⅱ.8.Municipal Chamber of Commerce promotes the “New Life”movement 8
Ⅲ.9.Announcement of the Peiping Waterworks Company of an ordinary meeting of shareholders 10
4-Ⅰ.10.All telegraph offices to accept mail-matter 12
Ⅱ.11.Prisoners in custody will be subjected to military training 13
Ⅲ.12.Land required for purchase(Advertisement) 14
5-Ⅰ.13.Fundamental questions of education 15
Ⅱ.14.Decay of trade in Chinwangtao 16
Ⅲ.15.Land for sale(Advertisement) 18
6-Ⅰ.16.A Chinese aeroplane which flew to Canton in missing 19
Ⅱ.17.Intention of the Ministry of Justice to amend regulations 20
Ⅲ.18.Position open(Advertisement) 21
7-Ⅰ.19.Urgency for the completion of he Canton-Hankow Railway 22
Ⅱ.20.Tibetan Delegates arrive in Hongkong 23
Ⅲ.21.Position wanted(Advertisement) 25
8-Ⅰ.22.The gunboat“Chiang-Yuan”is aground 26
Ⅱ.23.Sino-Turkish Treaty 27
Ⅲ.24.Notice of the newspaper“Ta-kung Pao” 28
9-Ⅰ.25.One more new organ!(Bureau for investigating Ad-ministrative Effeciency) 29
Ⅱ.26.Letter to the Editor for a rectification 30
Ⅲ.27.Notice of the“Lung-Chi”Store 31
10-Ⅰ.28.Yen Hui-ch ing left yesterday Peiping for Shanghai 32
Ⅱ.29.Decision to take a census 34
Ⅲ.30.Notice about the withdrawal of guaranty 35
11-Ⅰ.31.Report of the inspectors of educational affairs in Peiping 36
Ⅱ.32.Plans for enlarging the Central Bank 37
Ⅲ.33.Selling agents wanted(Advertisement) 39
12-Ⅰ.34.The People s Conference will be convened next year 40
Ⅱ.35.Improvement of the appearance of the City 41
Ⅲ.36.Notification of death 42
13-Ⅰ.37.A great quantity of forged bank-notes appeared in Peiping and Tientsin 44
Ⅱ.38.To colonize new lands by convicts it is necessary to give them an elementary knowledge of agriculture 45
Ⅲ.39.Investigation of mining matters and of steel and iron 46
14-Ⅰ.40.Honan and Shansi dispatch troops for a combined attack upon the village of Hsin-chuang,center of poison products 48
Ⅱ.41.Yu Hsüeh-chung has accepted the nomination as leader of the“New Life”movement 49
Ⅲ.42.Announcements of marriage 50
15-Ⅰ.43.Amendment to the regulations of the Pei ping University 52
Ⅱ.*44.Children s Weekly Page:“Arms and Legs”(Pai-hua Poetry) 54
Ⅲ.45.Announcement of the Kung-Chin foreign-style Band 55
16-Ⅰ.46.The Japanese are organizing in Ch ang-ch un a Manchu-kuo Mohammedan Association 57
Ⅱ.47.The Shou-hsien Antiques have been brought to Peiping 58
Ⅲ.48.A financial conference will be held 59
17-Ⅰ.49.“New Life”movement in Peiping 61
Ⅱ.50.Tax on bobbed hair 62
Ⅲ.51.Execution of kidnappers 63
18-Ⅰ.52.Sino-Persian Commercial Treaty and the Market for Tea 65
Ⅱ.53.Short Critical Article.Mr.T.V.Soong s trip to Hsian 66
Ⅲ.54.A Correction 68
19-Ⅰ.55.Journalists maltreated by the District Magistrate of P ing-yuen-hsien 70
Ⅱ.56.Establishment of a naval academy in the Ma-chiang Naval School 71
Ⅲ.57.Resolutions of the Financial Conference will be carried out one by one 73
20-Ⅰ.58.Readjustment of the Japanese loan of the Peiping-Sui-yuan Railway 75
Ⅱ.59.Chinese overseas in Singapore are raising money to establish a bank 76
Ⅲ.60.A letter asking for a correction 78
21-Ⅰ.61.Big strike of ricksha coolies in Luanhsien. 80
Ⅱ.*62.Short Critical Article.Bureau of investigating ad-ministrative effeciency 82
Ⅲ.*63.Amusing Stories(From the“Shih Pao”,Peiping) 83
22-Ⅰ.64.Mr.Pai Yün-ti called on General Ho Ying-ch in 85
Ⅱ.65.Advertisement of the Shanghai Government Academy of Commerce for new students 86
Ⅲ.*66.Amusing Stories(From the“Shih Pao”) 88
23-Ⅰ.67.Bibliographical section.Special issue of the Shen Pao 89
Ⅱ.68.Monsignor Zanin is expected to come to Peiping 91
Ⅲ.*69.Amusing stories(From the“Shih Pao”) 92
24-Ⅰ.70.Good news for the poor people in Peiping.Yesterday a bank for making small loans was inaugurated 94
Ⅱ.*71.Short Critical Article.Mongolian Political Council 95
Ⅲ.*72.Amusing Stories(From the“Shih-Pao”) 97
25-Ⅰ.73.North-Eastern Athletic Assn.is organizing a Summer training team for track and field competition. 99
Ⅱ.*74.Short Critical Article.Bill for the abolition of exhorbitant taxation 100
Ⅲ.75.Yesterday there was a first meeting of the Committee for examining the draft of the Constitution 102
26-Ⅰ.76.Interview with Mr.Pai Yün-ti about Mongolia 104
Ⅱ.77.The time for passing the new criminal code is near 105
Ⅲ.78.Interview with Dr.W.W.Yen 107
27-Ⅰ.79.Labour agitation in the British-American Tobacco Co. 109
Ⅱ.80.An interview with Wang Cheng-t ing (Dr.C.T.Wang) 110
Ⅲ.81.Private middle and primary schools ask for subsidies 112
28-Ⅰ.82.The Iron and Blood Society in Shanghai destroys the premises of the Newspaper“Ta-Ching Pao” 114
Ⅱ.83.Chinese delegation to the Far Eastern Olympics re-turns home 116
Ⅲ.84.Tibetan people are longing for the Panchan Lama s return to Tibet 117
29-Ⅰ.85.Control Yüan fights for its prerogatives 120
Ⅱ.86.Matter of through postal relations with Manchuria 122
Ⅲ.87.Statement of Dr.Kung on the Financial Conference 124
30-Ⅰ.88.Japanese soldiers at Ch ang-li demanded the opium fines collected by the District Magistrate 126
Ⅱ.89.The delegate of the Mongolian Political Council,Mr. T o K o-T i-ming,has arrived in Peiping 127
Ⅲ.90.The Rendition of Kuang-chou-wan 128
31-Ⅰ.91.Summer Military Training of the Peiping schools 131
Ⅱ.92.Report about a successful campaign against the Reds 132
32-Ⅰ.93.Mei Lan-fang is going to Russia 135
Ⅱ.94.The Province of Kuang-tung reforms her Army 136
33-Ⅰ.95.The New Tariff 138
Ⅱ.96.News about the campaign against the Red Rebels 140
34-Ⅰ.97.Interview with General Ho-Chien 142
Ⅱ.98.Malaya is short of Chinese labour 144
35-Ⅰ.99.Interview of General Chiang Kai-shek 146
Ⅱ.100.Mr.Yuan-Liang called on the American Minister 148
36-Ⅰ.101.Miss Ho Ai-ying wins the London Queen s Club Tennis Championship 150
Ⅱ.102.Butterfield and Swire Steamer “Shun-t ien”pirated 152
37-Ⅰ.103.A new way of swindling 156
Ⅱ.*104.Women s Page.Women s small vocabulary.Feminism 158
38-Ⅰ.105.Sporting news 160
Ⅱ.106.All the foreigners captured in the piracy of the“Shen-t ien”are out of danger 162
39-Ⅰ.107.A case of robbery in Peiping 164
Ⅱ.108.False statements in Japanese and Manchukuo papers 166
40-Ⅰ.109.The Pirates who raided the Shunt ien are surrounded 168
Ⅱ.110.Peiping Fraud Case 168
41-Ⅰ.111.Floods in the North-East 172
Ⅱ.112.No clash between the British and Japanese soldiers in Shanhaikuan 174
42-Ⅰ.113.Conference of Japanese consuls of Southern China 176
Ⅱ.114.The Association for pushing native goods asks for control of foreign stationery 178
43-Ⅰ.115.Assassination case.Huang Shao-wen shot dead 180
Ⅱ.116.Bibliographical section.The 14th issue of the“Ch ang-Ch eng” 182
44-Ⅰ.117.Panch an Lama speaks on Mongolian and Tibetan affairs 184
Ⅱ.118.Advertisement of the Wu-han Government University for new students 188
45-Ⅰ.*119.Children s Page:“Courage to correct one s faults” 190
Ⅱ.*120.Children s Weekly Page:“Saving Money” 192
46-Ⅰ.*121.Children s Weekly Page:“Read with interest” 194
Ⅱ.*122.How words should be spoken to have due effect. 196
47-Ⅰ.*123.Importance of Home Education(Part Ⅰ) 200
Ⅱ.*124.Importance of Home Education(Part Ⅱ) 204
48-Ⅰ.125.Progress of the negociations for the sale of the Chi-nese Eastern Railway(Ⅰ) 208
Ⅱ.126.Progress of the negociations(Ⅱ) 210
49-Ⅰ.127.Government and Diplomacy(Ⅰ) 214
Ⅱ.128.Government and Diplomacy(Ⅱ) 218
50-Ⅰ.129.Government and Diplomacy(Ⅲ) 222
Ⅱ.130.The League of Nations Technical Cooperation and Japan(Ⅰ) 226
51-Ⅰ.131.The League of Nations Technical Cooperation (Ⅱ) 230
Ⅱ.132.The League of Nations Technical Cooperation(Ⅲ) 234
52-Ⅰ.133.A word to the British Industrial Group and the party of American Journalists(Ⅰ) 238
Ⅱ.134.A word to the British Industrial Group and the party of American Journalists(Ⅱ) 242
53-Ⅰ.135.A word to the British Industrial Group and the party of American Journalists(Ⅲ) 246
Ⅱ.*136.Three Whole Years!By DR.HU SHIH(Part Ⅰ) 248
54-Ⅰ.*137.Three Whole Years!(Part Ⅱ) 252
Ⅱ.*138.Three Whole Years!(Part Ⅲ) 256
55-Ⅰ.139.A word to the British(Part Ⅰ) 258
Ⅱ.140.A word to the British(Part Ⅱ) 262
56-Ⅰ.*141.The meaning of Political Unification.By DR.HU SHIH(Part Ⅰ) 266
Ⅱ.*142.The meaning of Political Unification(Part Ⅱ) 268
57-Ⅰ.*143.The meaning of Political Unification(Part Ⅲ) 272
Ⅱ.*144.The meaning of Political Unification(Part Ⅳ) 274
58-Ⅰ.*145.The meaning of Political Unification(Part Ⅴ) 276
Ⅱ.146.Unemployment among university graduates 278
59-Ⅰ.147.Excavated antiques must become national property 282
Ⅱ.*148.“Much happiness,long life and many sons!”(Part Ⅰ) 286
60-Ⅰ.*149.“Much happiness,long life and many sons!”(Part Ⅱ) 290
Ⅱ.*150.“Much happiness,long life and many sons!”(Part Ⅲ) 294
GENERAL INDEX TO THE VOCABULARIES,with reference to the Lessons and parts thereof 304
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