Contents. 1
Papers and Reports. 1
1.T.ODAKA,Asymptotic Behavior of Spheroidal Eigenfrequencies of a Multi-Layered Spherical Earth.—Modes of Very High Phase Velocity—(in English) 1
2.Y.HAGIWARA,Pseudomagnetic Anomaly Derived from Gravity Observations in Central Japan.,(in English) 27
3.T.WATANABE,S.UYEDA,J.A.GUZMAN ROA,R.CABR? and H.KURONUMA,Report of Heat Flow Measurements in Bolivia.(in English) 43
4.S.UYEDA,T.WATANABE,Y.OZASAYAMA and K.IBARAGI,Report of Heat Flow Measurementsin Peru andEcuador.(inEnglish) 55
5.T.YOKOTA,H.KINOSHITA and S.UYEDA,New DSDP(Deep Sea Drilling Project)Downhole Temperature Probe Utilizing IC RAM(Memory)Elements.(in English) 75
6.K.NAKAMURA,G.PLAFKER,K.H.JACOB and J.N.DAVIES,A Tectonic Stress Trajectory Map of Alaska Using Information from Volcanoes and Faults.(in English) 89
7.Y.OKADA,Theoretical Strain Seismogram and Its Applications.(in Japanese) 101
8.J.KASAHARA,S.NAGUMO,S.KORESAWA,T.DAIKUHARA and H.MIYATA,Experimental Results of Vortex Generation around Ocean-Bottom Seismograph dueto Bottom Current.(in Japanese) 169
9.M.YANAGISAWA,Continuous Observation of Crustal Tilt at Usami,the Northern Part of Izu Peninsula.(in Japanese) 183
10.M.MIZOUE,K.NAKAMURA and S.IZUTUYA,Mode of Vertical Crustal Movements as Deduced from the Precise Relevelings in the Ojiya Active Folding Area,NiigataPrefecture,Northeast Japan.(in Japanese) 199
11.Y.OKADA,Y.HIRATAand T.TAKAHASHI,Development of an Ultra-Low peed Recorder for Secular Variations.(in Japanese) 225
12.H.TAJIMA and S.ARAMAKI,Bouguer Gravity Anomaly around Kirishima Volcanoes,Kyushu.(in Japanese) 241
13.K.HAMURO,S.ARAMAKI,H.KAGAMI and K.FUJIOKA,The Higashi-Izu-oki Submarine Volcanoes,Part 1.(in Japanese) 259
14.J.SATO,H.TAKAHASHI and K.SATO,Application of Portable Liquid Scintillation Counter: Radon Content of Underground Water and Environmental Radioactivity.(in Japanese) 299
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