目次 1
前言 1
一、名词部分 1
1.activity 1
2.advice 1
3.afternoon 2
4.age 3
5.a.m.,P.m 4
6.amount,number 5
7.attention 5
9.authority 6
8.audience 6
10.baggage 7
11.barber,the barber's 7
12.bath,bathe 8
13.beginning 8
14.body,health 9
15.bravery 9
16.bread 10
17. breath,breathe 10
18.camp,camping 11
19.carp 11
21.carton,cartoon 12
22.cattle 12
20.carrier,career 12
23.caution,precaution 13
24.character 13
25.choice,choose 13
26.cigarette 14
27.class 15
28.cloth,clothe,clothes,clothing 15
29.coffee 16
30.cold 17
31.college 17
32.colour 17
33.company,office 18
35.conclusion 19
34.complaint 19
36.condition 20
37.conduct 20
38.confidence 21
39.contrary 21
40.cook,cooker 22
41.corporation,cooperation 22
42.cost,price 23
43.country 23
44.couple 24
45.coward,cowardly 24
47.custom,habit 25
46.cup,glass 25
48.damage 26
49.dance 27
50.data 27
51.date 27
52.deed 29
53.deer 29
54.desk 30
55.diamond 30
56.difficulty 31
57.dinner 31
58.direction 32
60.discussion 33
59.discount 33
61.doubt 34
62.dream 34
63.dress 34
64.drug,medicine 35
65.ear 36
66.effort 36
67.England 37
68.English 37
69.equipment 39
70.error 39
72.everyone 40
71.everyday,every day 40
73.examination 41
74.exception 42
75.exercise 42
76.experience 43
77.expcrt 43
78.explanation 44
79.faith 44
80.family 44
81.fault 45
82.feeling 46
83.fish 47
85.foot 48
84.food 48
86.force 49
87.friend 49
88.fright,flight,freight 51
89.fruit 51
90.cupful 52
91.fun 53
92.furniture 53
93.garbage 54
94.glass 55
96.goods 56
97.grass 56
95.gold 56
98.gratitude 57
99.guest 58
100.hair 58
101.half 59
102.hand 60
103.harm 61
104.heart,mind 61
105.home,house 62
106.homework 63
108.hospital 64
107.horse 64
109.house 65
110.hundred 65
111.impression 66
112.improvement 67
113.increase 67
114.information 68
115.intention 69
116.interest 69
117.joy 70
118.key 70
119.kind 71
120.knowledge 71
122.lesson 73
121.lecture,speech 73
123.letter 74
124.lie 75
125.life 75
126.lighter 76
127.luggage 76
128.lunch 77
129.machinery 78
130.mail 78
131.majority,most 79
132.manners 80
133.means 80
136.medicine,chemicals 81
134.measles 81
135.meat 81
137.mistake 82
138.money 82
139.mountain 83
140.movie 84
141.myself 84
142.nerve 85
143.news 85
144.newspaper 86
145.night 86
146.last night 87
148.now is the time 88
147.nothing but 88
149.number 89
150.objection 90
151.o'clock 90
152.one 91
153.one of 92
154.opinion 93
155.outskirt 94
156.page 94
157.paper 95
158.pen 95
159.people 96
161.physics 97
160.percentage 97
162.picnic 98
163.pity 98
164.place,room 99
165.place(from place to place) 99
166.place(take place) 100
167.place(take the place of) 100
168.pleasure 101
169.plenty 102
170.poetry,poem 103
171.police 103
172.position 103
173.possessive 104
174.pot 105
175.precaution 105
176.prejudice 106
177.profession,occupation 106
178.programme 106
179.progress 107
180.prophecy 107
181.purpose 108
182.purse 109
183.quantity 109
185.radio 110
184.out of question,out of the question 110
186.rain 111
187.reason 111
188.reason,cause 112
189.record 113
190.regard 113
191.respect 114
192.responsibility 115
193.result 115
194.revenge,avenge 116
195.rice 117
196.riches 117
199.sake 118
197.river 118
198.room 118
200.salmon 119
201.savings 119
202.scene,scenery 120
203.sea 120
204.sheep 121
205.ship 121
206.shortage 122
207.slipper 122
208.snow 122
210.someone,somebody 123
209.someday,some day 123
211.some place,someplace 124
212.sometime,some time 124
213.sort 125
214.soup 126
215.specialist 126
216.speech 126
217.speed 127
218.sport 127
219.spring 128
220.staff 128
222.stationary,stationery 129
221.standpoint 129
223.step 130
224.stock 130
225.success 131
226.suspicion 131
227.tan 132
228.tear 132
229.telephone 133
230.television 133
231.temperature 134
232.thousand 134
234.time 135
233.time 135
235.today 136
236.tour 137
237.trouble 137
238.trousers 138
239.truth 138
240.twin 139
241.typewriter 139
242.use 139
243.victory 140
244.visit 141
245.vocabulary 141
247.walk 142
246.wage 142
248.washing 143
249.watch 143
250.way 144
251.way 144
252.weather,climate 145
253.weight,weigh 145
254.what 146
255.who,whom 147
256.wood 148
257.work 148
258.year old,-year-old 149
259.year 150
260.your,yours 150
二、前置词部分 151
1.in accordance with 151
2.according to 151
3.on account of 152
4.after 152
5.against 153
6.among,between 153
7.around 154
8.beside,besides 154
9.between 154
10.by 155
11.in case of,in the case of 156
12.despite 156
13.due to 157
14.during 158
15.except 158
16.for 159
17.from 159
18.in 160
19.in,into 161
20.inside 161
22.instead 162
21.in spite of 162
23.opposite 163
24.out of 163
25.owing to 164
26.since 164
27.through 166
28.throughout 166
29.to 167
30.under 168
31.until 168
32.via 170
33.without 170
1.although 171
2.and 171
三、连接词部分 171
3.as well as 172
4.as...as 172
5.as 173
6.because 173
7.before 174
8.either...or 174
9.even if 176
10.for 176
11.how 177
12.if 177
13.if 178
15.as if 179
14.if 179
16.neither...nor 180
17.no sooner...than 182
18.nor 182
19.not only...but also 183
20.only when 184
21.or 184
22.in order to,in order that 185
23.providing,provided 185
24.rather than 186
25.regardless 186
27.so as,so that 187
26.scarcely...when 187
28.so that,so...that 188
29.so...that,such...that 189
30.as soon as 189
31.that 190
32.then 191
33.until 192
34.when 192
35.is when,was when 193
36.where 194
37.whether,if 194
38.which,of which 195
39.whoever 196
四、副词部分 197
1.abroad 197
2.after 197
3.ago,before 198
4.already,all ready 198
5.all right 199
6.all together,altogether 199
7.almost 200
8.also,too 200
9.always 201
10.back 201
13.enough 202
11.barely 202
12.before 202
14.especially,specially 203
15.ever 204
16.everyday,every day 204
17.fast 205
18.finally,at last 205
19.firstly,first 206
20.further,farther 206
21.hard,hardly 207
22.here 207
24.how 208
23.home 208
25.How are you?How do you do? 209
26.instead 209
27.just 210
28.late,lately 211
29.later 211
30.like that 212
31.little,a little 212
32.lonely,alone 213
33.most 213
34.much,very 214
35.neither,either,so,too 215
36.never 215
37.not,no 216
39.one another,each other 217
38.nowadays 217
40.only 218
41.outdoor,outdoors 219
42.over night,overnight 219
43.pass,past 220
44.perhaps 220
45.rare,rarely 220
46.rather,fairly 221
47.recently,lately 222
48.seldom 222
50.sometime,sometimes 223
49.so,such 223
51.still 224
52.than ever 225
53.in time,on time 225
54.today 226
55.too...to 226
56.too,very 227
57.upstairs 228
58.where 228
59.why 229
60.yesterday 229
61.yet 230
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