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东京大学地震研究所汇报  第54卷  第一至四册
东京大学地震研究所汇报  第54卷  第一至四册

东京大学地震研究所汇报 第54卷 第一至四册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1979
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:686 页
《东京大学地震研究所汇报 第54卷 第一至四册》目录

Contents. 1

Papers and Reports. 1

1.Y.SASAI,Piezomagnetic Field Associated with the Mogi Model.(in English) 1

2.O.MATSUBAYASHI and S.UYEDA,Estimation of Heat Flow in Certain Exploration Wells in Offshore AreaofMalaysia.(in English) 31

3.S.HONDA,Y.MATSUBARA,T.WATANABE,S.UYEDA,K.SHIMAZAKI,K.NOMURA and N.FUJII,Compilation of Eleven New Heat Flow Measurements on the Japanese Islands.(in English) 45

4.T.YOSHII,Compilation of Geophysical Data around the Japanese Islands(Ⅰ).(in Japanese) 75

5.S.ASANO,Y.ICHINOSE,S.KORESAWA,I.HASEGAWA,S.IIZUKA and H.SUZUKI,Study of Change in the Velocity of Seismic Waves in the Southern Kanto Area by Tateyama Explosions.(in Japanese) 119

6.PROJECT TEAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BOREHOLE SMALL-SIZE LONG-PERIOD SEISMOMETER,Development of the Borehole Easy-operation Long-period Seismometer(BELS Type 79)which has a Stable Period.(in Japanese) 135

7.T.HATORI,Behaviors of the Kanto Tsunamis of 1677 and 1703 along Kujukuri-hama:From the ■eld Investigation of Old Monuments.(in Japanese) 147

8.H.IMAI,N.GYODA and E.KOYAMA,Explosion Earthquakes Associated with the 1973 Eruptions of Asama Volcano.(Part Ⅰ)Spectral Studies.(inJapanese) 161

9.T.KAGIYAMA,K.UHIRA,T.WATANABE,F.MASUTANI and M.YAMAGUCHI,Geothermal Survey of the Volcanoes Kirishima.(inJapanese) 187

10.M.HAKUNO,A Report on the Damage by the Shimane-ken chūbu Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 211

11.K.NAGASAWA,Theoretical Study on Earth Tides by Assuming the Earth as a Visco-elastic Body.(in English) 223

12.T.UTSU,SeismicityofJapan from 1885 through 1925—A New Catalog of Earthquakes of M≥6 Felt in Japan and Smaller Earthquakes Which Caused Damage in Japan—.(in Japanese) 253

13.M.TSUJIURA,The Difference between Foreshocks and Earthquake Swarms,as Inferred from the Similarity of Seismic Waveform(Preliminary Report).(in Japanese) 309

14.S.WATANABE and Y.OKADA,Microearthquake Activity in the Southermost Part of Yamanashi Prefecture,Central Japan(1).(in Japanese) 317

15.I.AIDA,A Source Model of the Tsunami accompanying the Tonankai Earthquake of 1944.(in Japanese) 329

16.T.HATORI,Religious Monuments of the Oshima Tsunami in 1741,West Hokkaido.(in Japanese) 343

17.M.HAKUNO,Y.FUJINO,T.KATADA and K.MATSUBARA,A Report on the Damage to Civil Engineering Structures Caused by the Miyagi-Ken Oki Earthquake of 1978.(in Japanese) 351

18.T.USAMI,Study of Historical Earthquakes in Japan.(in English) 399

19.M.TSUJIURA,Mechanism of th?Earthquake Swarm Activity in the Kawanazakioki,Izu Peninsula,as Inferred from the Analysis of Seismic Waveforms.(in English) 441

20.K.KODAMA and O.MATSUBAYASHI,Some Magnetic Anomalies Accompanied with Topographic Irregularities of Subducting Plate and Their Tectonic Implications.(in English) 463

21.Y.HONKURA,Observations of Short-Period Geomagnetic Variations at Nakaizu(2):Changes in Transfer Functions Associated with the Izu-Oshima-Kinkai Earthquake of 1978.(in English) 477

22.Y.HONKURA and S.KOYAMA,Electrical Conductivity Structure beneath the Central Part of Japan as Inferred from Magnetotelluric Fields at the Yatsu-gatake Magnetic Observatory.(in English) 491

23.J.SATO,K.SATO and O.YOKOZAWA,Variation of Concentrations of Radon and Some Other Constituents of Underground Waters in a Landslide Zone:Narao District,Nagano Prefecture.(in English) 503


25.T.HATORI,Relation between Tsunami Magnitude and Wave Energy.(in Japanese) 531

26.T.HATORI,Tsunami Activity in Hokkaido to Kurile Regions(1893~1978).(in Japanese) 543

27.T.KATO and K.TSUMURA,Vertical Land Movement in Japan as Deduced from Tidal Record,(1951-1978).(in Japanese) 559

28.T.TANAKA,S.YOSHIZAWA and Y.OSAWA,Characteristics of Strong Earthquake Ground Motion in the Period Range from 1 to 15 Seconds.—Analysis of the Low-Magnification Seismograph Records—(in Japanese) 629

Abstracts of Papers. 657

(Published in Journals other than the Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute)(in English) 657
