Preface 3
Introduction 9
Abbreviations 29
Sample Entries 30
A.General Reference 35
1.Bibliographies 35
2.Encyclopedias,Yearbooks,and Almanacs 44
3.Dictionaries 49
a.Humanities 49
b.Sciences 67
4.Indexes,Handbooks,and Research Guides 73
B.Theory,Methodology,and Problems 83
1.Systematic Treatises 83
2.General Treatments 88
3.Types of Translation 108
a.Literary 108
b.Scientific/Technical 127
c.Machine Translation 130
d.Journalistic 133
e.Interpreting 135
4.Other Factors 136
a.Cultural 136
b.Linguistic 140
c.Terminology,Transcription,and Idioms 149
d.Vetting 155
e.Problems of the Profession 157
C.History and Policy 161
1.Chinese 161
2.Others 171
1.Principles of Criticism 175
D.Evaluations and Critiques 175
2.Criticisms of Chinese-Other Languages Translations 179
3.Criticisms of Other Languages-Chinese Translations 182
E.Translation Training 187
A.Scholarship 211
1.Exhortation to Graduate Level Scholarship 211
2.The Ideal Dictionary 214
3.The Ideal Encyclopedia 218
4.How to Read a Book 225
5.How to Improve Your Reading Rate 230
6.Dewey Decimal Classification System for Libraries 231
7.Library of Congress Classification System for Libraries 232
8.Chinese Classification Systems for Libraries(A and B) 234
1.Essential Qualities of the Translator 240
B.Challenges 240
2.Institutes for the Training of Translators and Interpreters 241
3.Translators'Examinations 243
4.Testing Scientific and Technical Translators 252
5.Conference Interpreters 256
6.Sample Letters of Appointment for Interpreters 257
7.Co-ordination of Terminolcgical Activities 263
8.Need for a Professional Translators'Guild 264
9.Machine Translation:Success or Failure? 266
C.Recommendations 270
1.Recommendations of Asian and Middle-East Translators 270
2.Guide for Translators 271
3.Translators Charter 276
4.Code of Ethical Practices and Professional Rights 280
5.Principles for a Bill of Rights 282
6.Bill of Rights 283
7.Manifesto on Translation 284
8.Legal Protection of Translators and Translations 286
9.Code of Professional Ethics 292
D.Publishing 294
1.British Publishers on Translation 294
2.Questionnaire for University Presses 296
3.New Series of Chinese Literature Translations 299
4.Quality from the Scientific Publisher's Point of View 299
5.United Bible Societies Translations among Chinese 302
6.Of Fees and Freelances 303
7.Breaking into Print 304
8.Format Sheet for Publishing in Chinese 306
9.Format Sheet for Publishing in English 308
10.Correcting Proofs 311
A.North America 318
1.The American Association of Language Specialists(TAALS) 318
2.American Literary Translators Association(ALTA) 318
4.American Translators Association(ATA) 319
3.American Society of Interpreters(ASI) 319
5.Associated Technical Services,Inc.(ATS) 320
6.Canadian Translators and Interpreters Council(CTIC) 320
7.Chinese-English Translation Assistance Group(CETA) 321
8.Council on National Literatures(CNL) 322
9.Intercultural Data Bank(ICDB) 323
10.Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies(MIFS) 323
11.National Endowment for the Humanities(NEH) 324
12.National Translations Center(NTC) 326
13.Society of Federal Linguists(SFL) 326
14.Translation Center(Columbia University[TC-CU]) 327
15.Translation Center(University of Texas at Dalias[TC-UTD]) 327
16.U.S.Joint Publications Research Service Translations(USJPRST) 328
B.Asia 328
1.China Consultants International Hong Kong Ltd.(CCIHK) 328
3.Foreign Languages Press(FLP) 329
2.Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP) 329
4.Himpunan Penterjemah Indonesia(HPI) 330
5.[Hong Kong Government Translation Organizations(HKGTO)] 330
6.Hong Kong Translation Society Limited(HKTS) 331
7.Indian Scientitic Translators Association(ISTA) 331
8.Japan Society of Translators(JST) 332
9.National Institute for Compilation and Translation(NICT) 332
10.National Translation Institute of Science and Technology(NTIST) 333
11.[People's Republic of China Translation Activitics(PRCTA)] 334
12.Translation and Publication Centre(TPC) 334
13.Translators Association of India(TAI) 335
C.Europe 335
1.Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau(ASLIB) 335
2.Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau Services:Translation(ASLIBST) 336
3.European Translations Centre(Centre Europeandes Traductions[ETC]) 338
4.Fédération Intemationale des P.E.N.Clubs(PEN) 338
5.International Association of Conference Interpreters(AIIC) 339
6.International Association of Conference Translators(AITC) 340
7.International Federation of Translators(FIT) 340
8.International Translations Centre(ITC) 341
9.National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLL) 341
10.Sheffield Interchange Organization(SINTO) 342
11.Translators Association(TA) 342
12.Translators Guild of the Institute of Linguists(TG) 343
13.United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization:Bureau of Documentation and Publication(UNESCOBDP) 344
Indexes Explanation 345
A.English Alphabetical Index 347
1.Authors 347
2.Titles 357
B.Chinese Stroke Order Index 367
1.Authors 367
2.Titles 375
- 《Maya 2018完全实战技术手册》来阳编著 2019
- 《计算机组成原理解题参考 第7版》张基温 2017
- 《高等教育双机械基础课程系列教材 高等学校教材 机械设计课程设计手册 第5版》吴宗泽,罗圣国,高志,李威 2018
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- 《战略情报 情报人员、管理者和用户手册》(澳)唐·麦克道尔(Don McDowell)著 2019
- 《2014年全新版浙江省人事考试参考用书 申论》曹文彪 2013
- 《实用内科手册》黄清,阮浩航主编 2016
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- 《同仁眼科手册系列 同仁儿童眼病手册》付晶编 2018
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