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主流英语国际通用教程学习指导书  1
主流英语国际通用教程学习指导书  1

主流英语国际通用教程学习指导书 1PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787301129616
  • 页数:443 页
《主流英语国际通用教程学习指导书 1》目录

Unit 1 ?and shopping 1

Lesson 1 Shopping at the Supermarket 1

Lesson 2 What Should I Order 9

Lesson 3 Finding a Place to Live 21

Lesson 4 At the Table 29

Lesson 5 A Conversation between a Customer and a Shop Assistant 39

Lesson 6 Choosing a Car at a Car Dealer 47

Unit 2 Furry,F? and Green:Animate,Plants and the Living Environment 57

Lesson 7 Today's Weather Forecast 57

Lesson 8 Tour to a Farm in Australia 67

Lesson 9 An Australian Garden 75

Lesson 10 The Living Environment in Australia 85

Unit 3 Making Plans to Have Fun!Weekend Activities and Going on Holiday 93

Lesson 11 Likes and Dislikes 93

Lesson 12 Making an Appointment 103

Lesson 13 Places of Interest in Australia 111

Lesson 14 Weekend Activities 121

Lesson 15 Tour Plans from a Travel Agent 129

Lesson 16 A Letter to an Overseas Friend 137

Unit 4 Let's Party!Celebrations,Festivals and Parties 145

Lesson 17 At a Wedding 145

Lesson 18 At a Party 153

Lesson 19 After Guests Arrived 161

Lesson 20 Invitations 171

Lesson 21 Christmas in the West 181

Unit 5 Are You Talking to Me?Introducing,Chatting and Apologising to Others 191

Lesson 22 Meeting New People 191

Lesson 23 Apologising 199

Lesson 24 Maintaining a Conversation 207

Lesson 25 Conversation with a Stranger 215

Lesson 26 Small Talk 225

Lesson 27 Making a Self Introduction 235

Unit 6 Where is the...?Locations and Directions 243

Lesson 28 At the Airport 243

Lesson 29 Asking the Way 253

Lesson 30 At the Info Desk 263

Lesson 31 Reading a Timetable 271

Unit 7 Going to Work:Jobs and the Business World 281

Lesson 32 Talking about One's Job 281

Lesson 33 Asking for Leave 291

Lesson 34 A Job Vacancy Advertisement 301

Lesson 35 Business Diary 311

Lesson 36 Talking about Job Prospects 321

Unit 8 Going to School:Educations Systems and School Life 331

Lesson 37 A University Student's Day 331

Lesson 38 A Brief Introduction to the Australian Education System 341

Lesson 39 Enquiring about School Enrolment 351

Lesson 40 A Diary Entry 359

Unit 9 Tell Me a Story:Literature and Description 367

Lesson 41 A Fable: The Hare and the Tortoise 367

Lesson 42 What Do the Police Do 375

Lesson 43 A Fairy Tale 385

Unit 10 Serious Stuff:Money,Technology,Maths and Science 395

Lesson 44 Opening a Bank Account 395

Lesson 45 A Maths Puzzle 403

Lesson 46 Computer and Internet Joke 411

Lesson 47 A Science Experiment 419

Lesson 48 At a Post Office 427

Lesson 49 Seeing the Doctor 435
