- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:潘杰夫主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:湖北美术出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787539421551
- 页数:120 页
襄樊市博物馆馆藏文物精品图录青铜器 Bronze Wares“?父戊”铜爵 "?FuWu"Bronze Jue 13
商代晚期 Late Period of the Shang Dynasty直内铜戈 Inner-square Bronze Ge 14
商代晚期 Late Period of the Shang Dynasty噩侯弟?季铜尊 Brother of Leud E Li Ji's Bronze Zun 15
西周早期 Early Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty弦纹牛首钮铜罍 Circle-Ornamentation Oxen-Head-Knob Bronze Lei 16
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty阳飤生铜匜 Yang Shi Sheng Bronze Yi 17
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty夔龙纹铜盘 One-legged Dragon Ornamentation Bronze Tray 18
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty波曲纹铜壶 Curved Ornamentation Bronze Pot 19
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty侯氏孟姬铜簋 Marquis's Firstborn Daughter,Ji's Bronze Gui 20
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty孟姬冶铜簋 The Firstborn Daughter,Ji Ye's Bronze Gui 21
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty曾伯文铜簋 Zeng Bowen Bronze Gui 21
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty曾中大夫?铜簋 Zengzhong Dafu You Bronze Gui 22
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty窃曲纹铜甗 Beast-face Ornamentation Bronze Yan 23
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty曾白陭铜戚钺 Zeng Baiqi Bronze Qi Yue 24
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty邓公牧铜簋 Deng Gongmu Bronze Gui 24
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty兽首三足匜 Tripodal Yi with Beast-head 25
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period?季白歸铜鼎 Bangji Baigui Bronze Ding 26
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period曾子仲?铜鼎 Zengzi Zhongqi Bronze Ding 27
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period曾仲子敔铜鼎 Zeng Zhong Zi Wu Bronze Ding 28
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period伯?铜鬲 BoShu Bronze Li 29
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹铜鼎 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Ding 29
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period窃曲纹铜鼎 Beast-face Ornamentation Bronze Ding 30
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period蛇纹铜盘 Snake Ornamentation Bronze Tray 30
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period卷体龙纹铜壶 Rolling Dragon Ornamentation Bronze Pot 31
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period黄季嬴铜鼎 Huang Jiying Bronze Ding 31
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period龙纹铜器座 Dragon Ornamentation Bronze Ware Base 32
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period曾亘嫚非录铜鼎 Zeng Gen Man Fei Lu Bronze Ding 32
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period波状曲折纹铜壶 Corrugated Ornamentation Bronze Pot 33
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period蟠螭兽纹铜车马器 Twisting Hornless Dragon Ornamentation Bronze Cart Ornamental Articles 34
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period兽体卷曲纹铜车饰 Animal-body Curling Ornamentation Bronze Cart Ornamental Articles 35
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period曾孟?谏铜盆 Zeng Mengmi Jian Bronze Basin 36
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period蔡大膳夫?铜簠 Cai Da Shanfu Gui Bronze Fu 36
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period兽耳铜卮 Animal-Eared Bronze Zhi 37
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period双兽耳三足铜舟 Double-Animal-eared and Tripodal Bronze Zhou 37
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period云纹九棱铜斗 Cloud Ornamentation 9-edged Bronze Dou 38
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹铜缶 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Fou 38
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹铜鼎 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Ding 39
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹立耳铜鼎 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Prick Ear Bronze Ding 40
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period垂鳞纹铜盆 Hanging Scaly Ornamentation Bronze Basin 41
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹铜盏 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Zhan 41
春秋中期 The Middle Spring and Autumn Period兽钮环耳铜敦 Animal-buttoned and Ring-eared Bronze Dui 42
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period上鄀府铜簠 Shang Ruo Fu Bronze Fu 42
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period叔皇之孙?铜敦 Shuhuang's Grandson Yu's Bronze Dui 43
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹铜缶 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Fou 44
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period蟠蛇纹铜鼎 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Ding 45
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period素面环耳铜豆 Plain Surfaced and Ring-eared Bronze Dou 46
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period郑臧公之孙铜鼎 Zheng Zanggong's Grandson's Bronze Ding 47
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period邓尹疾铜鼎 Deng Yinji Bronze Ding 47
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period蟠虺纹铜鼎 Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Ding 48
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period变形蟠蛇纹铜敦 Transformed Twisting Snake Ornamentation Bronze Dui 49
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period蟠螭纹铜鼎 Twisting Hornless Dragon Ornamentation Bronze Ding 49
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period徐王义楚之元子羽剑 Sword of Yu,the Firstborn Son of King Xu Yi Chu 50
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period曾仲之孙来?铜戈 Bronze Ge of Laizu,Zeng Zhong's Grandson 51
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period弦纹带流铜鼎 Circle-Ornamentation Bronze Ding with a Nozzle 52
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period新弨铜戟 Xin Shao Bronze Ji 53
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period柳叶形铜剑 Willowleaf-shaped Bronze Sword 53
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period鏐铝铜戈 Liao Lv Bronze Ge 54
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period兽钮云纹铜壶 Beast Buttoned Cloud-Ornamentation Bronze Pot 54
战国中期 The Middle Warring States Period四足方铜鼎 4-legged Square Bronze Ding 55
战国晚期 The Late Warring States Period错金嵌玉鳖形铜带钩 Gold and Jade Embedded Turtle-shaped Bronze Belt Hook 56
战国晚期 The Late Warring States Period富贵昌宜侯王铜洗 Fu Gui Chang Yi Hou Wang Bronze Xi 58
东汉 The Eastern Han Dynasty弘治年云龙纹鎏金铜鍾 Cloud and Dragon Ornamentation Gold-plating Bronze Bell of Hongzhi Period 59
明 The Ming Dynasty万历四十一年款铜真武坐像 Bronze Statue of Zhen Wu of the 41 st year of Wanli Period 60
明 The Ming Dynasty崇祯元年款铜圣母坐像 Bronze Sitting Statue of Holy Mother of the 1st year of Chongzhen Period 61
明 The Ming Dynasty铜镜 Bronze Mirror蟠龙纹铜镜 Twisting Dragon Ornamentation Bronze Mirror 63
战国 The Warring States Period五山纹铜镜 Bronze Mirror with 5-“山”-shaped Ornamentation 64
战国 The Warring States Period透雕蟠螭纹铜方镜 Engraved Twisting Hornless Dragon Ornamentation Square Bronze Mirror 65
战国 The Warring States Period日光铭文铜镜 Sunshine Inscription Bronze Mirror 65
西汉 The Western Han Dynasty五铢禽兽纹铜镜 Wuzhu Bird and Beast Ornamentation Bronze Mirror 66
东汉 The Eastern Han Dynasty“君宜高官”四叶纹铜镜 "Junyi Gaoguan"4-Leaf Ornamentation Bronze Mirror 66
东汉 The Eastern Han Dynasty盘龙六瑞兽铭带纹铜镜 Twisting Dragon 6-lucky-Beast Ornamentation Bronze Mirror with Inscription 67
隋 The Sui Dynasty云龙纹葵花铜镜 Cloud and Dragon Ornamentation Sunflower-shaped Bronze Mirror 68
唐 The Tang Dynasty宝相花纹铜镜 Bao Xiang flower Ornamentation Bronze Mirror 69
唐 The Tang Dynasty双鸾双兽铜镜 Double Phoenixes and Beasts Bronze Mirror 69
唐 The Tang Dynasty双鹤海马纹铜镜 Double Cranes and Sea Horses Ornamentation Bronze Mirror 70
唐 The Tang Dynasty六弧簇四花鸟纹铜镜 6-arc Encircling 4 Flowers and Birds Ornamentation Bronze Mirror 70
唐 The Tang Dynasty柳毅传书故事铜镜 Bronze Mirror of the Liu Yi's Errand 71
金 The Jin Dynasty吴牛望月故事铜镜 Bronze Mirror of the Buffalo of Wu stares at the Moon 71
金 The Jin Dynasty陶瓷器 Pottery and porcelain弦纹球形陶响器 Circle-Ornamentation Spherical Shaped Pottery Percussion Instrument 73
新石器时代 The Neolithic Age曲腹红陶杯 Curved-Bodied Red Pottery Cup 74
新石器时代 The Neolithic Age彩绘鸟云纹陶壶 Colored Bird and Cloud Ornamentation Pottery Pot 75
西汉 The Western Han Dynasty弦纹黄釉陶壶 Circle Ornamentation Yellow Glazed Pottery Pot 76
东汉 The Eastern Han Dynasty绿釉舞乐人物水榭 Green Glazed Waterside Pavilion with Dancing Characters Inside 77
东汉 The Eastern Han Dynasty黄釉虎子 Yellow Glazed Huzi 78
三国 The Three Kingdoms陶俑 Pottery Figurine 79
三国 The Three Kingdoms陶俑 Pottery Figurine 80
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties备出行图画像砖 Ready-to-go Drawing Brick 82
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties双狮画像砖 Double-lion Drawing Brick 82
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties侍饮画像砖 Drawing Brick of Drinking Service 83
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties人首鸟身画像砖 Drawing Brick of The Human-headed and Bird-bodied God 83
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties双凤戏莲画像像砖 Drawing Brick of Double Phoenixes Playing around Lotus 84
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties飞仙画像砖 Drawing Brick of the Flying Fairy 84
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties西番莲画像砖 Drawing Brick of Passiflora 84
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties郭巨埋儿画像砖 Drawing Brick of Guo Ju Burying His Son 85
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties青龙画像砖 Blue Dragon Drawing Brick 85
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties凤鸟纹画像砖 Phoenix and Ornamentation Drawing Brick 85
南北朝 The Northern and Southern Dynasties陶俑 Pottery Figurine 86
唐 The Tang Dynasty镇墓兽 Grave Guarding Beast 88
唐 The Tang Dynasty武士俑 Pottery Figurines of Cavaliers 89
唐 The Tang Dynasty男骑俑 Male Pottery Figurine on Horseback 89
唐 The Tang Dynasty长沙窑釉下褐绿彩胡人瓷碗 Brown and Green Colored Porcelain Bowl with Changsha Ware Glaze 90
唐 The Tang Dynasty长沙窑釉下绿彩执壶 Green Handling Pot with Changsha Ware Glaze 91
唐 The Tang Dynasty三彩狮形烛台 Tricolour Lion-shaped Candlestick 92
唐 The Tang Dynasty钧窑天蓝釉瓷碗 Light Blue Glazed Bowl from Jun Kiln 93
元 The Yuan Dynasty磁州窑白釉黑花瓷罐 White Glazed Black Painted Porcelain Jar from Cizhou Kiln 93
明 The Ming Dynasty玉石器 Jade Wares双勾变形夔龙纹玉玦 Double Lined Disformed One-legged Dragon Ornamentation Peninsular Jade Jue 95
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period双勾龙纹玉玦 Double Lined Dragon Ornamentation Peninsular Jade Jue 96
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period虎形玉佩 Tiger-shaped Jade Pendant 96
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period束绢形玉佩 Jade Pendant in a shape of Bunched Silk 97
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period龙形玉佩 Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant 98
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period兽形玉佩 Beast-shaped Jade Pendant 99
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period鱼形玉佩 Fish-shaped Jade Pendant 99
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period蝉形玉佩 Cicada-shaped Jade Pendant 100
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period龙形玉佩 Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant 100
春秋早期 The Early Spring and Autumn Period龙纹玉佩饰 Dragon Ornamentation Jade Pendant 101
春秋晚期 The Late Spring and Autumn Period龙形玉佩 Dragon-shaped Jade Pendant 102
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period卷云纹玉璜 Rolling Cloud Ornamentation Jade Huang Pendant 104
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period蟠螭纹玉环 Twisting Hornless Dragon Ornamentation Jade Ring 105
战国早期 The Early Warring States Period竹节形玛瑙管 Bamboo-shaped Agate Tube 106
战国 The Warring States Period水晶珠 Crystal Pearl 107
战国 The Warring States Period水晶珠 Crystal Pearl 107
战国 The Warring States Period水晶挂饰 Crystal Hanging Ornamental Article 107
战国 The Warring States Period玉璜 Jade Huang Pendant 108
战国 The Warring States Period玉璜 Jade Huang Pendant 109
战国 The Warring States Period骨管串饰 Bone String 109
战国 The Warring States Period青玉环 Gray Jade Ring 110
战国 The Warring States Period玛瑙环 Agate Ring 111
战国 The Warring States Period玛瑙环 Agate Ring 112
战国 The Warring States Period玛瑙环 Agate Ring 112
战国 The Warring States Period谷纹玉璧 Grain Ornamentation Jade Bi Disk 113
西汉 The Western Han Dynasty其它 Others“弓矢”卜骨 "Bow and Arrow"Divination Bone 115
西周晚期 Late Period of the Western Zhou Dynasty“邠”金 "Bin"Gold 116
战国 The Warring States Period楚蚁鼻钱 Yibi Money used in Chu State 117
战国 The Warring States Period湖州银铤 Huzhou Silver Ingot 118
南宋 The Southern Song dynasties象牙笔筒 Ivory Brush Pot 119
清 The Qing Dynasty牙雕老人 Ivory Carving of the Elder 120
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